Zebra (medical)

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Zebra is a slang medical term for an obscure and unlikely diagnosis from ordinary symptoms.

It derives from the aphorism "When you hear hoofbeats, think horses, not zebras",[1] which was probably coined by Dr. Theodore Woodward, a former professor at the University of Maryland, Baltimore, School of Medicine.[citation needed]

A similar term for an obscure and rare diagnosis in medicine is fascinoma.

[edit] Other medical aphorisms

  • Sutton's Law - perform first the diagnostic test expected to be most useful
  • Occam's Razor - multiple causes should not be posited without reason
  • Leonard's Law of Physical Findings - it's obvious or it's not there[2]
  • KISS Principle - Keep It Simple, Stupid

[edit] Uses

[edit] References

  1. ^ Dr. Cox, Scrubs, episode My Balancing Act
  2. ^ Sotos, John. Zebra Cards. Philadelphia: American College of Physicians, 1989.