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Map of Azerbaijan showing Zardab rayon

Zardab (Zərdab) is a city and rayon in Azerbaijan.

Zardab is a Persian word (زردآب Zardab) meaning Yellow Water.

The region of Zardab is located 231 km far from Baku and is bordered on Ujar, Kurdamir, Imishli, Aghdash and Aghjabadi. Immense bridge was built over the river Kur to simplify the motion between Aghjabadi and other regions locating in the same area of the Republic.

     The region was founded in 1935. During 1962-1964 it was subordinated to the region of Ujar and in 1965 it regained its status of an independent region. The area is 860, the population is about 50 000. The centre of the region is the city of Zardab. About 38 000 people live in the settlement and villages and 12 000 live in the centre of the city. 
     ЗThe region is generally located on the bank of the river Kur. More than 80 km of this river crosses the territory of the region. There are 42 habitations in the region; one of them is a city and 40 are the villages. The national composition of the population is the Azerbaijanis. About 100 persons of the population are the Russians, the Tatars, the Ukrainians and the representatives are the other nations. 

There are 41 municipalities in the region of Zardab : one urban, one settlement and 39 village municipalities. The newspaper of ‘Ekinchi’ has been publishing in the region since 1935. The name of the newspaper changed several times: in named "Zardab stakhanovchusu" in 1938, "Zardab kolkhozchusu" ( collective farmer of Zardab) in 1945, "Kolhkozchu" (collective farmer) in 1954, "Pamigchi"(cotton grower) in 1969 and "Ekinchi" in 1983. The founder of the newspaper is the Executive Power of the region of Zardab and the staff of "Ekinchi" newspaper. The newspaper of "Ekinchi" ("Plougher) "follower" of the first Azerbaijan newspaper -"Ekinchi", published by Hasanbey Malikov Zardabi in the 22-nd of June, 1875. Hasanbey Malikov Zardabi-the prominent enlightener, scientist naturalist, the founder of the national press, social-political figure of his time, was born in June 1842 in the village of Zardab of Goychay gaza (territorial unit) attached to Baku governor. He got his first education at mullah school. In 1854 he entered Shamakhi school; in 1858 gymnasium of Tiflis gaza; in 1861 he entered the department "Tabiyyat"( nature science) of the physics and mathematics faculty at Moscow University and graduated successfully from it. According to the decision of the scientific board of the University from August 10, 1965, H. Zardabi got the degree of the candidate of tabiyyat (natural) sciences. In 1865 he worked at Tiflis Land House. Beginning with 1886 he worked at the Department of Baku Gaza, since the February 1866 till the October of the same year he worked a secretary at Guba Court. In 1869 he started to work as a teacher of "Tabiyyat history" at Baku Realny Gymnasium. He played particular role in the foundation of Azerbaijan national theatre in 1873. With the purpose of enlightenment H. Zardabi issued the newspaper "Ekinchi" in July 22, 1875. 56 numbers of the newspaper had been published till September 1877 when the tsarist censorship ceased the publication of it and from 1879 till 1896 H. Zardabi had been deported to Zardab with his family. In 1896 he returned Baku and the rest of his life he worked as the employer and temporary editor of the newspaper "Kaspi". He published articles in the magazines "Hayat"(Life) and "Dabistan". His activity of a social figure H. Zardabi carried out being the member of the city of Baku Duma for 10 years. H. Zardabi was one of the initiators of Azerbaijan and was a chairman of the Teachers’ Assembly held in August 15, 1906. H. Zardabi died in Baku in November 28, 1907. In the centre of the region there is a Hotel having got all requistic comfortableness. In order to phone the region you may use the 0135 code.The index of the post is AZ6300. In the region it is possible to use the internet services of two providers-“Aztelekom” and “Bakinternet”. Except it you may use the services of mobile communications of “Azercell”, “Bakcell”, “Nar”. You may watch the television channels of “AzTV, ITV, ANS, Lider, ATV, Space. But also the branches of 3 banks-“Kapital Bank”, ‘Bank of Azerbaijan”, “International Bank” are ready for to render you any kind of bank services. These services are fast money transfering, ( the variety is different-International paying off systems of WesternUnion, Migom, Private Money, Blizlko, Express Post, Caspian, and the paying off system of Xazri within the republic ), the operations with plastic cards, (6 -ATC (ATM) belonging to these banks may serve you all day long), the exchanging operations. At present the people of the region of Zardab may rest in the large area of the Resting Park named after Haydar Aliyev. The area has been surrounded by the cascades and fountains.You may also watch the river of Kur from the Resting zone.The Matryrs Avenue is the place calling us for taking lesson from the nearest past. from