Zap (G.I. Joe)

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G.I. Joe character
Affiliation G.I. Joe
Specialty Bazooka Soldier
File name Melendez, Rafael J.
Birthplace New York, NY
SN RA633980744
Rank E-4
Primary MOS Engineer
Secondary MOS Infantry, Artillery
Year introduced 1982

Zap is a character from the G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero toyline, comic books and cartoon series of the 1980s. He is the G.I. Joe team's original bazooka soldier and debuted in 1982. His real name is Rafael J. Melendez, and his rank is that of corporal E-4. Zap was born in New York City. Zap is the team specialist in armor-piercing and anti-tank weapons but also functions as demolitions man. Zap is considered the fun loving type, but he's cool under fire.

Zap is also a somewhat capable helicopter pilot. A running joke is that he is always being reminded it is like riding a bicycle.

[edit] Marvel Comics

In the Marvel comics G.I. Joe series, he first appeared in issue #1, along with the rest of the original team. One of his first missions was helping to rescue peace activist and committed pacifist Dr. Adele Burkhart from the forces of Cobra.

Zap is featured in issue #4. Crazed milita commander Vance Wingfield, whose organization is partly funded by Cobra, has armed a nuclear bomb in the wake of his defeat. Assisted by Grunt, Zap successfully disables the bomb.

Zap is also part of the defense force when Cobra forces attack Cape Canaveral, Florida and the space shuttle equipment stored there.

Scarlett, Snake-Eyes and Zap are captured by Cobra during an investigation of the town of Springfield. It would turn out Springfield was basically Cobra down to the core, every citizen, even the children, a loyal member. They were freed by a young boy named Billy. The Joes did not gain the exact location of Springfield but brought back important intelligence nonetheless. It would later be learned Billy was the son of Cobra Commander.

Later, the original Joe team would be taken off active duty and giving administrative positions. This is quickly reversed when the location of Sprinfeild is discovered. Most able Joes, Zap included, go on the offensive. Zap discovers a network of tunnels underneath the city, all primed to explode. He was not able to disarm the bombs but due to his warnings no one was killed in the explosion.

As with many other Joes, Zap helps dig out the new Joe HQ based in Utah. He takes on a training role for new recruits.

[edit] Devil's Due

Zap and many other Joes would reuinite a combined attack on the forces of a revived Serpentor.

Zap also appearsin the Devil's Due series 'G.I.Joe Declassified', which takes place early in the Joe continuity. He, Stalker, Grunt and Rock'N'Roll are the focus of much Joe attention as they become lost far behind enemy lines, with no backup and ultimately, a badly wounded prisoner.

[edit] Cartoons

He first appeared in the animated series in the A Real American Hero mini-series.

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