Zagazig University

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Zagazig University

Established: 1974
Type: Public
President: Profssor. Dr. Maher El-Domiaty
Location: Zagazig, Egypt
Campus: Zagazig, Ash Sharqiyah
Website: [1]

Zagazig University (Arabic:جامعة الزقازيق) is an Egyptian university in the city of Zagazig, the capital of Ash Sharqiyah governorate. The university has been established to actively participate in comprehensive national and regional development through quality education and its relevance to keep abreast of changes within an atmosphere of democracy, freedom, creativity, opportunity, and lifelong interactive learning. The University attempts to be responsive to international educational standards and engages in research activities, which are inline with national and regional development plans. It attracts students from local, regional, and international areas seeking higher education. The University provides interaction amongst students with the local community and at the international level. It also concentrates on the preparation of well-trained manpower capable of contributing to solving society's problems through projects and academic research. To accomplish this mission, the University strengthens its academic programmes and academic relations with similar organizations.

The current president of the university is Professor Dr Maher El-Domiaty.


[edit] Address

  • Zagazig University - Arab Republic of Egypt ,
  • Ash Sharqiyah Governorate , Zagazig,
  • Postal Code: 44519
  • Email:

[[Image:]]== Faculties ==

  • Faculty of Pharmacy’’’ كلية الصيدلة’’’.
  • Faculty of Medicine كلية الطب
  • Faculty of Commerce ’’’ كلية التجارة’’’
  • Faculty of Arts’’’ كلية الآداب’’’
  • Faculty of Education ’ كلية التربية’’’
  • Faculty of Law ’’’ كلية الحقوق’’’
  • Faculty of Engineering ’’’ كلية الهندسة’’’
  • Faculty of Veterinary Medicine ’’’ كلية الطب البيطري’’’
  • Faculty of Nursing’’’ كلية النمريض’’’
  • Faculty of Agriculture ’’’ كلية الزراعة’’’
  • Faculty of Science ’’’ كلية العلوم’’’
  • Faculty of Specific Education’’’ كلية التربية النوعية’’’ .
  • Faculty of Physical Education Males’’’ كلية التربية الرياضية بنين’’’
  • Faculty of Physical Education Females’’’ كلية التربية الرياضية’’بنات
  • Faculty of Computers and Informatics’’’ كلية الحاسبات و المعلومات’’’.

[edit] Institutes

[edit] University Leadership

[edit] University President

  • Prof. Dr. Maher El Domiaty

[edit] Vice Presidents

  • Graduate Studies and Research: Prof. Dr. Mohamed Bahgat Awad
  • Education & Student Affairs: Prof. Dr. Ahmed El Refaay Bahgat El Azizi
  • Environment Affairs and Community Development: Prof. Dr. Tarek Yousef Gaafer

[edit] Number of Students and Faculty Staff

[edit] Number of Undergraduate Students

  • Admitted Students (2004-2005) = 32959
  • Current Students = 154689
  • Graduated Students (2003) = 30506

[edit] Number of Current Postgraduate Students(2004-2005)

  • Diploma = 5858
  • Master(Msc.) = 7255
  • Doctor (PHD &MD) = 2860
  • Total = 15968

[edit] Number of Postgraduated Students (2003)

  • Diploma = 3248
  • Master ( Msc ) = 685
  • Doctor ( PHD & MD) = 406
  • Total = 4339

[edit] Number of Faculty Staff

  • Professors = 1450
  • Ass.Professor = 1273
  • Lecturer = 1738
  • Ass. Lecturer = 1218
  • Demonstrator = 1365
  • Total = 7044

[edit] Zagazig University Hospitals

Zagazig University Hospitals- Faculty of Medicine
Zagazig University Hospitals- Faculty of Medicine
  • Emergency – Istekbal- Hospital
  • Pediatrics Hospital
  • General Medicine Hospital
  • Specialized Medicine Hospital
  • Mubarak Hospital
  • New Surgery Hospital
  • Specialized Surgery-Assalam-Hospital
  • Tumor & Oncology Hospital
  • Accidents & Trauma Hospital
  • Economic Treatment –Iktessady-Hospital

[2] [3].

[edit] Zagazig University Budget

  • 592.000.000 Egyptian Pounds (2004-2005).

[edit] Current Educational and Research Projects

  • Community Oriented Primary Care
  • Information and Communication Technology Project
  • Quality Assurance Center
  • Development of a Certified Quality Assurance Management System for Medical education project
  • Developing the Skills Of Zagazig University Staff Members And Their Assistants In Evaluating Students in The Light Of recent Global Trends
  • Establishment of Internal Quality Assurance System of Faculty of Education
  • Enhancement of Teaching Anatomy by Plastination
  • Development of an industry-linked Mechatronics Program with Training of Trainers

[edit] Special Units in Zagazig University

[edit] Special Units of ZU General Administration

  • Society service center
  • Zagazig University Press
  • Social Clubs
  • Scientific Equipment Maintenance Center
  • Zagazig University Stadium
  • Entertainment House
  • Conference Hall
  • ESP Center
  • Kinder Garden

[edit] Special Units at Faculty of Agriculture

  • The unit of Khatara project
  • Agriculture research and experiments center

[edit] Special Units at Faculty of Engineering

  • The Technical Consultation and Research Center
  • The Workshop


[edit] Special Units at Faculty of commerce

  • University products and services marketing center
  • Commercial research and studies center

[edit] Special Units at Faculty of Law

  • International Economic studies center

[edit] Special Units at Institute of Productivity Efficiency

  • The Center Of Alimentary Harvest,
  • Soil And Water Researches.

[edit] Special Units at Faculty Of Medicine

  • Microscopic Surgery Center
  • The Diagnostic Of Hereditary Disease Center
  • Laser Unit Of Dermatosis Department
  • The Developed Center Of Liver Disease Unit
  • Allergy And Immunity Disease Unit
  • The Premature Diagnostic Of Tumors Unit
  • Occupational and Environmental Health Services Center

[edit] Special Units at Faculty Of Veterinary Medicine

  • Veterinary Hospital
  • The Farm Of Veterinary Medicine
  • Fancy
  • Veterinary Services Center
  • Internal Deposition Unit
  • Fish Researches Unit

[edit] Special Units at Faculty Of Science

  • The Electronic Microscope Center
  • Researches And Scientific Studies Center
  • Physical Efficiency And Researches Unit

[edit] Special Units at Faculty Of Physical Education

  • Physical Efficiency and Research

[edit] Special Units at Faculty Of Arts

  • International Center Of French
  • Language And Culture
  • The Development Of Society Center

[edit] Degrees Offered

  • Bachelor of Agriculture,Commerce, Computers and Information, Education, Physicl Education,Nursing, Science, Specific Education.(4 Years) .
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Pharmacy, Vet.Med (5 Years).
  • Bachelor of Medicine & Surgery (6 Years).
  • Diploma .
  • M.A., M. Sc.
  • Ph.D. & MD.

[edit] Language of Instruction

  • Arabic & English.

[edit] Academic Year

  • October-May/June.

[edit] Student's Enrollment

The university high council determines -according to the suggestions of the faculties councils after taking into consideration the opinion of different faculties at the end of each year the number of the Egyptian students accepted in each faculty or college among those who have passed the general secondary school or any equal certificate. The high council of each faculty following its qualifying condition can decide the number of students accepted among the foreigners. Afterwards a decision from the Minister of Higher Education is issued, their conversion to the different faculties is by his decision.

[edit] The requirements for having the Bachelor degree

  1. A student should have the General secondary school certificate or what is equal. The acceptance of students should be suitable to their scores taking into consideration their home location according to decisions of the universities High council and faculties councils. In faculties of Commerce, students having the certificate of commercial secondary schools are accepted. In faculties of agriculture, they accept students who passed the exams of agriculture secondary schools with high scores. In faculties of engineering, students of technical schools are also accepted. In high institution of Nursing, they accept those who have passed General nursing certificate. In the faculties of education and faculties of girls, they accept those who have educational diploma; they may also accept those who have passed the technical institution and the like in some faculties. Graduates of commercial secondary school, Technical secondary school, and Agriculture secondary school are enrolled in the branches of technical instructor in the faculty of education, and in some branches of Higher Institute For Productivity Efficient in Zagazig University according to the discipline and conditions of the University Higher Council.
  2. . The medical test should prove the good health of the students and his inoccupation of diseases for resuming the studies, which he advances for according to the principles, put by the University Higher Council and Faculties Universities.
  3. . If a student is a worker, he should give a work License proving his allowance to follow his studies by his directors, whether he works in governmental or non- governmental post.
  4. An applicant should have good reputation.
  5. . The applicants may be among those who have the Becheloria or Licensee degree or its equivalents in the different branches of Bechelaria or licensee of other colleges or faculties according to the conditions of internal calendars of each faculty or institute. A decision from the University President or his vice- presidents is needed in this situation.
  6. Each students desiring for joining the university should be enrolled, just in one faculty. A student who joins more than one faculty at the same time will be rejected.

[edit] Conditions Of Enrollment In Post-Graduate Studies

The university councils, according to the suggestion of the specialized faculties may grant diploma in post-graduate studies, master degree or PHD degree according to the following

  • Diploma: is syllabus having an academic and applied

natur, for at least one year. The internal calendar of each faculties and college permits founding diplomas of one or two year, for those who have the degree of Bachelor or Licensee form other faculties or colleges, or those who have the degree in a department other than their special department diplomas. At any rate, studies for postgraduate diploma should be related to their licensee or Bachelor. The internal calendar points manifestly out the disciplined laws for this diploma and the requirement to be followed in order to enroll in the diploma master degree or PHD degrees.

  • Mastering:Students in mastering include high studies syllabus and a training programs in research media and comprehending result, all resulting in preparing research accepted by examination committee.

The period of gaining the degree must be not less than two years, especially in education master and law master, one of the two years can be regarded as a period of study to gain the special diploma in education or one of the diploma of the post graduates in law.

  • Doctor: It is based on creative research for a period not less than two years and end by introducing primary studies according to the internal calendars of the different faculties and institutions

The internal calendars of faculties and Institutions determine the specific branches and department of diploma studies and high scientific degree, which were given the specific conditions to obtain every one The internal calendar of faculties shaved the qualified appointment for highly granted according to the conditions of faculty's study. A post graduate students is not allowed to be enrolled in more than one diploma or post graduate degrees Simultaneously without previous agreement from the higher education and research council upon the suggestion of the faculty council and other various department post graduate student is not allowed to obtain a university degree in different specialties other than their original specificities unless the president of the university has agreed on this, after a suggestion of the faculty council taking into consideration the decision of different branches.

[edit] Journals

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

[edit] References
