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de-3 Dieser Benutzer hat sehr gute Deutschkenntnisse.
th-1 ผู้ใช้คนนี้สามารถใช้ภาษาไทย ได้ในระดับพื้นฐาน.
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I'm Zach. I'm a senior at a high school in Vancouver, Washington. My life is rather dull and boring. The only exciting thing to happen to me is my exchange to Thailand for 2003-2004, so that's all I talk about. Sadly, I can barely read Thai, though I can really understand if I listen to it. But that's virtually useless on wikipedia.

My interests include (in no particular order) languages, music, history, the arts, philosophy, religion, war, peace, politics, travel, industrial music, German culture, Scandinavian culture, love, hate, and food.

I got accepted to Central Washington University in Ellensburg, Washington. I hope to enter some sort of music or languages program, and I plan on studying abroad my junior year in college, most likely Germany.

Wikipedia is a very good site. I spend a lot of time just researching random things. It is indeed fun.