Yvonne Lefébure

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Yvonne Lefébure (June 29, 1898 - January 23, 1986) was a French pianist.

Born in Ermont, she studied with Alfred Cortot at the Paris Conservatoire, taking a premier prix in piano and numerous other subjects. She soon appeared with the Orchestre des Concerts Lamoureux and the Orchestre des Concerts Colonne and in recital. She performed at the first Prades Festival in 1950. She taught at the École Normale de Musique, Paris Conservatoire and Conservatoire Européen, and gave masterclasses at her own festival in Saint-Germain-en-Laye. Among her pupils were Samson François, Dinu Lipatti and Imogen Cooper.

[edit] Bibliography

Carbou, Yvette, La leçon de musique d’Yvonne Lefébure, 1995 (with discography)