
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This user is busy, but will still help keep the wolves from the door and the barbarians from the gates.

en This user is a native speaker of English.
zh-yue 這個用戶嘅母語粵語
zh-2 該用戶能以一般國語進行交流
la-2 Hic usor media latinitate contribuere potest.
zh-wuu-1 搿个用户能用基本上海言話来交流
Dragon 這個用戶是龍的傳人
This user is a Descendant of the Dragon.

This user is of Russian ancestry (honest!).
This user is a banana and not ashamed of it. But he thinks lots of FOBs are OK people too.
This user is old enough to remember back in the days when Pluto was still a planet.

[edit] How to deal with Chinese

In light of accusations of my political views, I've included a very quick and dirty guide on how to debate with evil, baby-eating, lying, Chinese nationalist scum such as myself. (With apologies to the original authors) Feel free to suggest additional rules I should include.

While working on Wikipedia sooner or later (too soon in any case) you will meet the unpleasant creatures called "Chinese". Normal persons should avoid discussion with such individuals at any cost, although sometimes it is impossible. However, you can change that terrible experience into something entertaining by following a few simple rules, collected by me during the last few years on Wikipedia.

  • Rule number one: CHINESE ARE WRONG. DO NOT ever assume that they have a different opinion; they are just wrong. Moreover, they know that they are wrong and they are discussing simply because they are a kind of little, irritating creature and because, besides quarelling in Wikipedia, there is nothing better to do in China.
  • Rule number two: Start a conversation by impressing Chinese with your knowledge of Chinese. Say "chao nee ma" (Which means "screw your mother") or "Fah kiu" (pronounce it out loud!). Don't worry that it does not make sense to you. To Chinese it will and they will be highly impressed. At the same time you will set up the tone for further dispute.
  • Rule number three: Use only simple sentences, since Chinese don't really understand English (do not forget to tell them about it), like "you are wrong", "I don't have time to educate you" etc. Remember that lobotomy and brainwashing is an integral part of Chinese culture.
  • Rule number four: As soon as you get their attention, accuse them of nationalism or communism. They will actually like it.
  • Rule number five: Never ever explain your reverts.
  • Rule number six: As soon as discussion is started, ask them for sources. Don't worry when they provide you sources, they will be most likely written by Chinese authors. Tell them that Chinese authors are known by their dishonesty and bias. Demand English sources. In most unlikely scenario when you are presented with English sources, you still have a chance. If the dispute is about history of, say, India, demand Indian sources as they will most likely know about history of their own country (and Indians are not Chinese, so they won't be biased). If this is dispute about history of China, demand a book written by some totally neutral author, say, Polish.
  • Rule number seven: If you start to lose the discussion, say that you lost interest and stop participating. Accuse them of inferiority complex.
  • Rule number eight: Remember that all Chinese editors are members of the Vast Chinese Conspiracy. It always should be pointed out, so other people are aware of their machiavellian schemes.
  • Rule number nine: If Chinese editors start producing unusually strong or coherent arguments, unlikely as that is, they're probably trying to brainwash you with their propaganda. Don't listen to them. Instead, accuse them of being a communist mouthpiece and ask them how long they've been on the government payroll.

Believe me, discussion with Chinese could be fun!

[edit] Political/cultural views

The factual accuracy of this article or section is disputed.
Please see the relevant discussion on the talk page
This user is a staunch supporter of Hong Kong independence. He's probably a member of the Hong Konger Front (It's not a joke, really!), the Cantonese Liberation Front, and a likely Hanjian, too.
According to User:Skookum1, Chinatowns are part of a racist and imperialist plot to colonize and dominate North America, with the eventual goal of world conquest (details). This user, for one, welcomes our new Asian overlords!
This user is a Han chauvinist, and vows not to rest till the Manchu barbarian pig-dogs are driven north of the Great Wall again!
This user supports the peaceful (and/or violent) reunification of China and former territories, as well as outright imperialist conquest of new ones. Vote for Yuje on election day!

[edit] Other stuff

Hooray, I'm newsworthy now! My edits have also gotten me reported into the newspaper, DNA India. (The reporter emailed me some questions, which I responded to, but apparently he didn't receive it, or it got lost in his spam filter, so the article says I didn't respond to him).

Major pages started by me (list not updated in a while):

Major contributions

To do list:

Wiki articles I like:

