Yousefi Eshkevari

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Hojjatoleslam Hasan Yousefi Eshkevari (1950 - ) is an Iranian cleric, researcher, journalist and reformist. He has been described as "an active supporter of the revolution"[1] who became "an outspoken and influential critic of the current Iranian version of theocracy." He served four years in prison for a number of charges including "spreading lies, insulting Islamic sanctities."[2]

On 5 August 2000 he was arrested after returning from the 7 April-9 April 2000 'Iran After the Elections' Conference in Berlin. He was one of several prominent Iranian intellectuals who attended the Berlin conference were arrested and charged. At the conference he was quoted as saying

Even if Khatami ... should be defeated in his work ... this time not only has democracy beome the first priority, but there is an unprecedented consensus among the intellectual and the political elites ... the historical time of despotism is over in Iran. [3]

Eshkevari’s trial was held behind closed doors from 7 October-17 October 2000 in the Special Court for the Clergy. He is believed to have been convicted of "acting against national security" in connection with a speech he gave at the conference, "defaming government officials in articles", "starting a campaign against the system", and "denying and insulting the holy religion of Islam". He was also additionally charged with "declaring war on God", "being corrupt on earth", and apostasy, all of which carry the death penalty, but the latter three charges were overturned. New charges of ‘propaganda against the Islamic Republic’ and ‘insulting top-rank officials’ were filed against him at the Special Court for the Clergy, for which he received a sentence of seven years’ imprisonment on 17 October 2002. He was released from prison on 6 February 2005.[4]

Prior to his arrest he was the Director of the Ali Shariati Research Centre and contributing editor of the newspaper Iran-e Farda, banned in April 2000. Eshkevari is an insulin-dependent diabetic.[5]


[edit] Works

(in Farsi)

  • Remembering the Days (2000)
  • A Critique of Religious Discourse ( a translation of a book by Nasr Abu Zaid) (2004)
  • Solitary Reflections: A Prelude to Iranian Hermeneutics (2003)
  • Letters from Prison to my Daughters (2004)[6]

[edit] See also

[edit] References

[edit] Further reading