Young Writers Society

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Young Writers Society
Young Writers Society Logo
Commercial? No
Type of site Literature Archive
Registration Optional
Owner Nate Caldwell
Created by Nate Caldwell
Launched November 14, 2004
Current status Live

The Young Writers Society (YWS) is an online writing community devoted to young writers ages 13 to 25. The site was one of Writer's Digest Best 101 Web Sites for Writers of 2006[1], 2007[2], and 2008[3]. The site began on November 14, 2004 and is managed by Nate Caldwell along with several trusted users. It is extensively moderated, although the site has a policy against any literary censorship.


[edit] Mission Statement

The mission of the Young Writers Society is to promote and encourage creative writing as a pastime for teenagers and college-age students. To achieve this, the site provides a friendly, community atmosphere with a phpbb forum-based design.

[edit] Writing Community

The online writing community consists mainly of young writers ages 13 to 21. Members have access to a wide range of Literary forums, as well as General Discussion forums and user-created groups. The site also contains a knowledge base with articles on writing tips written by young writers, and a list of online resources for writing help.

[edit] Squills

Squills is the site-published e-zine released on a semi-monthly basis. YWS accepts submissions of flash fiction, poetry, writing tips, general interest, satire, and comic strips for the e-zine.

[edit] Young Writers Literary Journal

In March 2008, the site published the Young Writers Literary Journal, a collection of poetry, stories and artwork from the members of YWS. There are plans for the Journal to be an annual publication.

[edit] Policies

Due to the young age of many of its members, the Young Writers Society has an extensive moderating staff. Vulgar language, as well as netspeak, is not allowed outside of literary works. Members are also encouraged to write in-depth critiques through a points and star ranking system.

[edit] References

  1. ^ "The 101 Best WebSites for Writers: Best Websites for 2006", Writer's Digest, 2006. Accessed May 24, 2007.
  2. ^ "The 101 Best WebSites for Writers: Best Websites for 2007", Writer's Digest, 2007. Accessed May 24, 2007
  3. ^ "The 101 Best WebSites for Writers: Best Websites for 2008", Writer's Digest, 2008. Accessed May 21, 2008.

[edit] External links