You and Me Song

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"You and Me Song" was a hit by the Swedish band The Wannadies in 1994. It was featured in Baz Luhrmann's William Shakespeare's Romeo + Juliet. It peaked at number 18 in the UK singles chart in April 1996.

[edit] Other appearances in media

In the UK soap Coronation Street, the song played in a loop with the in-car CD player's "repeat" function enabled, when Richard Hillman attempted to kill his wife Gail Platt and her children by drowning them in his car with him also inside, which he said was a favorite of Sarah-Lou's from a previous summer holiday, and was the reason Hillman chose to play the song while they were supposed to have died, but ended up drowning himself with the rest of the family escaping. This song also featured as the theme tune to an old cbbc program called G-Force, a random program about kids in scotland working in a warehouse selling unusual products.[1] in a recent scene David who was in the car when Richard Hillman tried to kill the family put the song on whilst trying to commit suicide.

[edit] References

  1. ^ "Richard Hillman car chase on YouTube", Retrieved on 2007-05-24.