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[edit] Ben Tennyson

right|Ben Tennyson

Benjamin "Ben" Tennyson is the main protagonist and title character of Cartoon Network's animated series, Ben 10. Within the context of the series, he is a superhero with the ability to change his form into one out of a set of alien alter egos, granted power by an extraterrestrial watch-like device known as the Omnitrix. Ben is regularly voiced by Tara Strong, though each of his alter egos and older selves are voiced by different voice actors

[edit] Background

Prior to the start of the series, Ben was just an average American child. This drastically changed at the start of his summer vacation, during which the series takes place. Ben was to travel around the country with his grandfather; however, at their first stop, Ben finds an extraterrestrial device, which promptly clamps irremovably onto his wrist. He quickly finds that it can alter him, transforming him into one of ten alien species at the time. Using his newfound powers, he becomes a superhero.[1]

[edit] Family

Ben is the grandson of Max Tennyson. Max is a former agent in a secret organization known as the Plumbers, which specialized in dealing with extraterrestrial threats and visitors.

Ben's cousin, Gwen Tennyson, is portrayed as Ben's

[edit] Personality

Benjamin Tennyson is a typical ten-year-old boy — he plays video games (his particular favorite is a franchise called "Sumo Slammer"),[2] rides his bike, and often gets into mischief. Despite this tendancy, Ben strives to be a hero. Even before attaining the Omnitrix, he attempts heroic actions, such as warding away bullies from their victims.[1] However, several characters have questioned whether he desires to be a hero for the sake of helping those in need or instead for the thrill of the action.[3]

No matter what bizarre form Ben takes, inside he is still the same mischievous 10-year-old boy. He is something of a glory hog, sometimes taking credit that he does not deserve.[4] He also tends to be a sore loser, especially when it is Gwen who outdoes him.[2] Ben is not above using the Omnitrix to pull pranks, even during urgent situations.[5] In spite of all this, Ben is good-hearted and will stop at nothing to protect his family or anyone in danger. Even when not in alien form, Ben's resourcefulness has saved himself and others from many a dire situation, especially when the Omnitrix cannot activate or does not provide him with the form he originally wants.[6]

[edit] Abilities and Altar Egos

See also: Ben 10#Omnitrix

right|thumb|Heatblast, Ben's first transformation

Within the Omnitrix is an array of alien DNA samples from a wide variety of species. Using the Omnitrix, Ben can potentially shapeshift into any of these forms, though he can only access a small number of these due to his limited knowledge of the device. From the start of the series, Ben has access to ten different forms and gradually assimilates more as the series progresses. Each of these forms have their own personalities which intermingle with Ben's upon transformation.

Typically, Ben can only transform into an alien for a limited time before reverting back. Afterwards, the Omnitrix must take time to recharge before Ben can access it again. Neither of these times are consistent, sometimes differing within a single episode, often to Ben's dismay. On several occasions, Ben has bypassed these limits either on accident or with assistance; these moments are often short lived, however, and have never extended beyond a single episode.

[edit] Season 1

In the first season, Ben was limited to the ten aliens that were originally selectable Omnitrix.

[edit] Diamondhead

Diamondhead (voiced by Jim Ward) is a Petrosapien ("Petro-" referring to rocks, "sapien" referring to an intelligent being; Petrosapien would mean "intelligent rock") from the planet Petropia (a combination of the Greek "Petro-" and "topos", forming a word similar to "rock place"). Petropia was a crystal-covered world, and its inhabitants are silicon-based lifeforms. The majority of its inhabitants lived in underground kingdoms.[7] However, the planet was destroyed by Vilgax with assistance from Tetrax, who unknowingly helped him create the weapon that destroyed his home.

Made from an extremely durable crystal, Diamondhead is nearly invulnerable, and a massive amount of force is needed to cause him noticeable harm.[8] Additionally, his sharp crystal body discourages physical contact, as crystal spikes can be grown from any point of contact and retracted just as quickly.[7][8] Diamondhead can also alter his own physiology, allowing him to regrow lost limbs if necessary.[9] Light-based weapons are also useless against Diamondhead, as Diamondhead can use his body as a prism, refracting light and beam-based weaponry and sending it back at its source.[8]

Offensively, Diamondhead can fashion crude weapons from his body, and can even fire crystal shards as projectiles.[8] He can grow crystal on other objects as well.[10] Diamondhead is also far stronger than a normal human, which when combined with his self-fashioned weapons allows him to slice through objects with ease.[8]

The one drawback to Diamondhead's crystal form is the crystal itself, which will shatter if exposed to sufficiently strong sonic vibrations or if smashed against a tough object. While Petrosapiens can regenerate limbs, there is a limit to how much damage they can recover from.[7]

Ben first transforms into Diamondhead in "And Then There Were 10" when he needed to fight Vilgax's giant robot.

[edit] Fourarms

Ben's preferred offensive form is Fourarms (voiced by Richard McGonagle), a Tetramand (tetra meaning "four" in Greek, mand being "arms" in Latin) from the planet Khoros. Once a civilized world, dominated by a confederation of city states, Khoros is now an undeveloped desert planet where survival of the fittest is the only law.[11]

Tetramands are giants compared to most species, standing ten feet on average. The harsh wasteland of their home planet has turned the Tetramand race into masters of unarmed combat,[11] a trait carried over to Fourarms. Possessing four arms, four eyes, armor-plated skin, and extremely dense musculature, few creatures can match a Tetramand like Fourarms in single combat.[11] Fourarms' greatest asset is his immense physical strength, followed quickly by his heightened endurance and stamina.[12] His power is such that he can create shockwaves simply by smashing the ground[13] or clapping all four hands together.[14] Fourarms' muscular legs also allow him to leap great distances.[15]

In spite of his strengths, Fourarms' dense muscles are also his weakness. Built for power instead of speed, Fourarms is at a disadvantage against faster or smaller opponents. This also forces a dependence on his armored body, as he is incapable of dodging quickly.[11] His size also makes it difficult for him to use things designed by smaller species. Buildings, especially, are a problem for Fourarms, since he usually cannot fit through doors or in rooms.[15] Controlling his own strength is also a problem, and much of the damage he causes is often unintentional.[16]

Fourarms is the most used alien in the series, since it is the form that most suits Ben's fighting style: blindly rushing at the enemy with little forethought. Ben first transformed into Fourarms in "Washington B.C." when he needed to fight the giant mammoth that Dr. Animo had reanimated.

[edit] Ghostfreak

right|thumb|Ghostfreak's sun-shielded form left|thumb|Ghostfreak's natural form Ghostfreak (voiced by Steven Blum) is an Ectonurite (ecto playing on ectoplasm and nurite possibly playing on nocturnal) from the planet Anur Phaetos (anur may also play on nocturnal, and phaetos playing on phantom). Anur Phaetos is a mysterious world, if a world at all. None have seen it and lived to tell about the sight. Some urban legends claim it to be the source of galactic chaos, while others identify it as a dimensional realm instead of a planet. The only thing that can be said for certain is that it's dark, as befits its ghostly inhabitants. Ectonurites seem to be part of a hive mind, which is as dark as the world they live on. As the species possesses a vast genetic memory, this mind is embedded into every strand of DNA and can be used to replicate that mind in its entirety.[17]

As an Ectonurite, Ghostfreak is one of the most terrifying species in the galaxy. He has an exposed and upside-down skull for a head, a single eye, dark blue-gray skin, exposed bones on certain parts of his body, and blue claws. His power increases in total darkness; the features become even more pronounced, and Ghostfreak can fire energy blasts from his chest.[18] Beneath his skin is a mass of black and gray tentacles, used primarily to terrify the opponent,[19] though they can also be used to grab objects. Ectonurites can levitate freely[20] and are capable of surviving in the vacuum of space.[18]

Like all Ectonurites, Ghostfreak is composed of a protoplasm which he can alter to enable him to phase through solid objects and become invisible, much like ghosts.[20] He can also make others intangible through physical contact.[18] Ghostfreak's ability to pass through solid objects also enables him to possess people for limited periods of time.[21] Ectonurites also have powerful psychic abilities such as telepathy and telekinesis, but the extent of these abilities remains unclear.[17]

Due to their perpetually nocturnal lifestyles, Ectonurites have developed into extremely photosensitive creatures. Intense light, especially sunlight, renders Ectonurites powerless and will cause them to combust with prolonged exposure.[17] The density-altering properties of their protoplasm can also be nullified by certain chemicals.[10] The original Omnitrix version has a second skin, allowing Ghostfreak to operate in sunlight. It also gives him a mobile eye that can move along a track traced on his skin. The second skin tones down his normally frightening look, giving him the appearance of a more classic ghost.[20]

Ben first transformed into Ghostfreak in "Permanent Retirement" when he wanted to get away from his Aunt Vera. Starting at some point beyond that, Ben has had nightmares involving Ghostfreak, making Ghostfreak one of the lesser-used forms. This version of Ghostfreak retained Ghostfreak's original personality in the strand of DNA taken as a sample. Ghostfreak eventually forces his way free,[21] removing Ben's ability to use the form in the process. Ben regains the form in "Be Afraid of the Dark", but as a natural Ectonurite, not the sunlight-shielded version.[18] Whether this version retains the personality of its source is unclear.

[edit] Grey Matter

Grey Matter (voiced by Richard Steven Horvitz) is a Galvan (the former a play on actual grey matter and Greys, the latter a play on galvanization) from the planet Galvan Prime. Despite being tiny compared to other planets, Galvan Prime is one of the most scientifically advanced worlds in the galaxy and home to one of the most powerful empires in existence. The Galvans originally had no empire to speak of, instead being kept as pets by other races. They were then employed by other species as industrial technicians, spies, and saboteurs once their intelligence became known. The Galvans were smart enough to keep the best technology for themselves, eventually founding a powerful empire based on secrets they had hoarded.[22]

Being from a tiny world, Grey Matter is equally tiny, being only around five inches tall. His body consists of soft and flexible bones, allowing him to squeeze into tight spaces or quickly escape from danger.[23] His teeth are sharp and his tongue is long and sticky.[23] With his slimy skin, Grey Matter can stick to almost any surface.[10] The slime also makes him equally difficult to grab.[23] Regardless, Grey Matter is easily stomped on because of his small size.[22] Not built for combat, Grey Matter evades and outsmarts his enemies, rather than fighting them head on.[23]

Galvans are raised to be extremely intelligent, and bred to enter complex machines and operate them from the inside. This allows them to understand and operate virtually any machine, even if they've never seen it before.[10] These traits are inherent, as Ben benefits from the enhanced intelligence when using Grey Matter. Like any Galvan, Grey Matter can discern the purpose of most devices after a simple glance, and can operate any device he can get ahold of. Ben is often surprised by what he knows when using this form, and does not always fully comprehend it.[23]

Ben first transformed into Grey Matter in "Washington B.C." when he saw that a gold Sumo Slammer card could be found in a box of cereal. Gwen found him looking for the card in the cereal boxes at the supermarket. Since then, Grey Matter has been his form of choice when needing to be stealthy or intelligent, but has also been a popular target for accidental transformations.[23]

[edit] Heatblast

Heatblast (voiced by Steven Blum) is a Pyronite (pyro meaning fire) from the star Pyros. Pyros is unique in the galaxy, being the only homeworld that doubles as a fully-functioning sun. The surface of Pyros is like any star, but also semi-solid in some places. Solar flares and magma flows are common, and its magma-based inhabitants are all composed of a flame-like energy. Pyronites even draw strength and nourishment from the heat of the star itself.[24]

Constantly bombarded by extreme heat, Pyronites have learned to control heat through willpower alone. As a Pyronite, Heatblast can produce heat from his body, creating flame. He can mold the flame into many forms, and even project it at his enemies.[8] Through flame manipulation, Heatblast can also create transportational vortexes[12] and achieve flight.[13] Pyronites can also absorb heat, so they can put out fires just as easily as starting them.[25] When angry, Heatblast can emit intense heat in all directions. A Pyronite's unique physiology also causes strange reactions when dealing with terrestrial viruses. When affected by a common cold, Heatblast's normally heat-based physiology is reversed, causing him to emit freezing vapor rather than flames.[16]

A being made of living flame, Heatblast is highly resistant to injury, even when thrown through objects such as buildings or concrete.[9] On the other hand, Pyronites do not respond well to those things that extinguish fire. While small amounts of such materials simply evaporate, large amounts over an extended period can kill a Pyronite.[12] The amount necessary is considerable, though, as Heatblast's own internal heat is great enough that he can swim for short periods to no ill effect.[25] As another downside of being composed of flame, Heatblast cannot lower this body temperature, causing him to burn whatever he touches after a short period and even ignite nearby objects unintentionally.[8]

Heatblast is Ben's first transformation, which was activated in "And Then There Were 10" when Ben tried to take off the Omnitrix.

[edit] Ripjaws

The aquatic alien Ripjaws (voiced by Fred Tatasciore) is a Pisccis Volann (possibly a play on "vorare", meaning "to prey upon") of the water planet Pisccis (a play on "Pisces", Latin for fish). Pisccis is one giant ocean, home to thousands of exotic species. Volanns are not the biggest fish in the Pisccian sea, but are definitely one of the most dangerous. Part alligator, part eel, part anglerfish, and part leech, few can match the Volanns underwater.[26]

Ripjaws' most notable asset is his ability to breathe underwater.[27] As the sole form able to survive underwater for extended periods of time, Ripjaws is usually Ben's only way to deal with aquatic opponents. With his powerful tail and slimy scales, Ripjaws is capable of incredible speed and agility in the water.[27] Ripjaws can also withstand a remarkable amount of pressure,[28] and his luminescent dangler allows him to see in the darkest of depths (or otherwise dark areas),[29] making him optimal for any sort of underwater mission. His huge mouth is filled with rows of razor-sharp teeth that can chomp through almost anything, and his lower jaw can unhinge to allow him to swallow objects in a single bite.[27] Alternatively, Ripjaws can use his claw-tipped fins to rip his enemies to shreds.[28]

Being creatures of the sea, Volanns must keep their gills wet or they will dehydrate rapidly, causing them to suffocate on dry land.[26] Ripjaws has a pair of legs hidden within his tail, allowing him to move on land, but is still subject to the necessity for water.[29]

Ben first transformed into Ripjaws in "The Krakken" in order to take the Krakken's eggs back from Jonah Melville. Due to the extremely specific conditions required to maintain Ripjaws, he has become more of an auxiliary alien. As such, he is one of the least-used forms on the Omnitrix (being absent for the entirety of the third season).

[edit] Stinkfly

Another of Ben's more commonly used forms, Stinkfly (voiced by Dee Bradley Baker) is a Lepidopterran from the planet Lepidopterra (a play on lepidoptera, the scientific name for butterflies and moths). Lepidopterra is a swamp planet whose numerous species live among a wide variety of giant plants. Meant to be a combination of various Earth insects (dragonflies, crickets, and praying mantis' specifically),[30] Lepidopterrans are an intelligent insectoid race that reside in a complex of giant hives, each ruled by its own queen.[31]

Stinkfly's most valuable assets are his wings. These thin, rapidly flapping wings grant Stinkfly amazing speed and agility in the air.[12] They are strong enough to allow Stinkfly to fly while carrying people and objects heavier than himself;[9] unfortunately, Stinkfly's natural stench tends to nauseate his passengers.[12] Stinkfly's four eye stalks give him a wider range of vision from the sky.[12] In addition, Stinkfly can excrete a wide array of goos and gasses from the pollen ducts in his eye stalks and mouth, ranging from an immobilizing jelly to a highly combustible toxin.[12][32] Ben's child Stinkfly (Stinkyfly) could also do the same through flatulation, creating a potent herbicide. Stinkfly has a razor-sharp tail and four pincers for legs.[33] While designed mainly for grappling, the hard spikes on their forearms can also be used as weapons in battle.[31]

Like most insects, Lepidopterrans are extremely vulnerable to any kind of chemical poison or gas. Although their exoskeleton bodies are fairly strong, their wings are extremely fragile and easy to damage.[31] Water especially is a problem for Stinkfly; it can render him incapable of flying if too much gets on his wings.[12] Furthermore, he is unable to swim due to the small surface area of his limbs.[28] A more minor inconvenience is Stinkfly's intense body odor (hence the name).

Ben first transformed into Stinkfly in "Washington B.C." when he had to save Gwen after she fell from the Washington Monument. Stinkfly is Ben's form of choice when it comes to stopping free falls or for transporting people or objects.

[edit] Upgrade

Upgrade (voiced by Tara Strong) is a Galvanic Mechomorph (mecho- meaning machine and -morph meaning transform) of the planet Galvan B, a formerly uninhabited moon orbiting Galvan Prime. Though originally uninhabited, Galvan B was accidentally brought to life when Galvan scientists introduced self-replicating nanotechnology to the moon, which bonded with the moon's minerals and created sentient life. Galvanic Mechomorphs are built from the nanotechnology that covers their planet.[34]

Upgrade is a biomechanical being with liquid metallic skin and complex systems of self-forming organic circuits.[34] Made of liquid metal, Upgrade can reshape his body into various forms, though he never takes any non-humanoid form. It also allows him to stretch his body to an extent, allowing him to glide or float like a hang-glider or parachute or to mold his arms into physical weapons (for example, morning stars).[9][14] His ability to reshape himself allows for Upgrade's primary ability: made of nanotechnology, Upgrade can merge with and upgrade any technology within reach by spreading over it like liquid, enhancing it far beyond its original design. The size of the device is inconsequential. While merged with a device, Upgrade possesses it, controlling it as he would his own body.[20] Through the same principle, Upgrade can also phase through metallic surfaces and travel through wires.[35] Upgrade cannot possess biological creatures, however,[34] and sentient robots are more difficult for him to control.[32] Even without a machine at hand, Upgrade can reconfigure his form around his eye in order to fire a plasma beam from it.[33] Upgrade is also capable of forming simple constructs from plasma, such as spikes.[16]

As Upgrade can "melt" to avoid harm, most standard projectile weapons are ineffective against him, and Upgrade will quickly regenerate from any damage taken.[35] He can also liquify to slip his way out of from bindings.[36] Entirely robotic, Upgrade can even survive in a vacuum.[18] Upgrade's liquid-metal composition can work against him, though; electrical attacks are far more effective and electromagnetic pulses can render him useless.[33] Furthermore, any sort of metal corrosive can upset Upgrade's delicate internal workings and wreak havoc on his systems.[34] Finally, Upgrade can be stretched beyond his natural limits, which causes pain, but the aforementioned melting ability allows him to slip free in most cases.

Ben first transformed into Upgrade in "Permanent Retirement" to stop some criminals who were robbing an ATM.

[edit] Wildmutt

A less humanoid Omnitrix alien, Wildmutt (voiced by Dee Bradley Baker) is a Vulpimancer from the planet Vulpin (a play on vulpine, which means fox). Vulpin is a pitch black planet at the edge of the galaxy, used as an intergalactic dumping ground. The ecosystem of the planet has been poisoned beyond repair because of this, and the few creatures that survive here do so under subzero temperatures. Vulpimancers are one of the few creatures to survive on Vulpin, and are no less mutated than the planet itself.[37]

Ranging from human size to several times that, Vulpimancers share few common characteristics. Their only common feature is the general shape of their bodies, being a cross between a lion and a gorilla.[30] Ben 10,000's Wildmutt has much more pronounced feline traits, including stripes and a tail.[38]

Wildmutt can move at high speeds in almost any terrain using his powerful, apelike arms. Wildmutt has incredible agility and athletic ability despite having no sense of sight. Despite his blindness, Wildmutt "sees" with his heightened senses of smell and hearing, which is depicted as functioning somewhat like a thermograph sensor.[8] This is supplemented with the porcupine-like quills on his back, which serve both as weapons and finely tuned sense receptors that can sense things most other creatures cannot. From sound to heat, few things escape Wildmutt's radar-like sight. Though Wildmutt has not used this ability yet, Vulpimancers can fire the quills on their backs like projectiles. While rolling, Vulpimancers become spiked balls that nothing can touch.[37]

Because they have no eyes, Vulpimancers do have some trouble with finer movement, and a select few enemies have ways of getting close to them undetected.[37] Vulpimancers also lack complicated verbal communication, instead relying on snarls and growls, so they cannot talk down a powerful enemy.[20] Because he relies on his sense of smell and hearing to see, Wildmutt is almost incapacitated by loud noise[29] and is rendered useless if his nose or ears are clogged.[16]

Ben first transformed into Wildmutt in "And Then There Were 10" after his second experiment with the Omnitrix. This was Ben's first intentional transformation.

[edit] XLR8

XLR8 (voiced by Jim Ward) is a Kineceleran (a portmanteau of the words 'kinetic' and 'accelerate') from the planet Kinet (the first part of kinetic, which is movement energy). Kinet is an electrically charged world, where electrical storms rapidly orbit the sun and everything is accelerated. Like their homeworld, Kinecelerans are accelerated, and live their lives just as quickly as their planet changes.[39]

XLR8 appears to be the alien that the Omnitrix had altered the most from his species; Kinecelerans are vaguely elfin in appearance, with long hair, blue skin, pointed ears, large tails, and oversized feet. Overall, they are meant to resemble velociraptors.[40] On the other hand, XLR8 has wheels for feet and wears a helmet with a windshield.[8] Ben 10,000's XLR8 also has a scanner built into the helmet, though whether or not Ben has a similar ability is unclear.[38]

Like all Kinecelerans, XLR8 is naturally suited to speed, being able to reach speeds of more than 500 miles per hour almost instantly. This extreme speed comes from manipulating friction, which allows a Kineceleran to run up walls,[36] create tornadoes through centrifugal force,[15] and create huge stores of static electricity to unleash upon unsuspecting opponents,[39] though XLR8 has not performed the last of those three. With his enhanced speed, XLR8 can deliver multiple attacks in rapid succession[9] and can cut through objects with rapid jabs of his scissor-like claws.[41] Amazing reflexes accompany this speed, allowing XLR8 to quickly dodge incoming barrages of projectiles with relative ease.[13]

Despite their speed, Kinecelerans aren't warriors. They aren't built to fight, nor do they stop to think about their next move. A Kineceleran's natural speed is useless on non-solid ground like mud, ice, and especially water, which causes them to lose control of their momentum. Water is especially problematic, as it does not go well with the static electricity they build up from their constant movement.[39] XLR8's wheeled feet seem to negate this; while using the form, Ben quickly adapts to any surface, including water.[27] The most adept Kinecelerans are able to enter the mythical "speed zone", an entirely different temporal dimension where the rest of the world stops and reality takes on different rules. The biggest threats to Kinecelerans are magnets and charged pulses, which causes them to lose their footing and spin out of control.[39]

Ben first transformed into XLR8 in "And Then There Were 10" when he decided to play around a bit with his newfound power. He used the form to get revenge on some bullies that he fought with earlier in the episode. By the possible future seen in "Ben 10,000", XLR8 becomes Ben's most-used form; having unlocked the Omnitrix's master code, Ben reverts into XLR8 rather than his human form whenever he is not fighting.

[edit] Season Two

In the second season, Ben begins discovering new alien forms as a result of random transformations. The first of these forms is Canonbolt, a hulking, broad-shouldered alien covered in natural armor plating on the back, shoulders, and the backs of his arms. Cannonbolt's primary advantage is this armor, which is extremely resistant to concussive attacks, safe from corrosives, and will reflect some forms of energy.[42] The shell is durable enough to survive a free fall from the upper limits of the Earth's atmosphere, including the heat of atmospheric reentry, and still leave Cannonbolt and anything inside his shell completely uninjured.[18] Cannonbolt can roll into a ball like an armadillo or pillbug to encase himself in this plating. There is enough space within the shell while rolled up to protect and transport people or objects.[41]

When in ball form, Cannonbolt can increase his rotational momentum and roll into enemies as an attack, as well as ricochet off surfaces.[42] However, he is subject to physical laws making stopping or controlling his direction difficult if he picks up speed.[14] When not in ball form, Cannonbolt's bulk, high center of gravity, and stubby legs restrict his movement and make balancing difficult.[42] However, recent episodes show Cannonbolt running, and even jumping, suggesting that Ben is now more adept at balancing as Cannonbolt.[43]

Later in the season, Ben gains access to Wildvine, a plant-based alien with five vine-like legs, four-fingered claws, and venus flytrap-shaped flaps covering his head. Wildvine can grow any part of his body at will, allowing him to stretch his limbs to great extent and even allowing him to grow thorns.[41] Being plant-based, Wildvine has the ability to merge with earth plants.[44] He can also dig with realitive ease and spread his tendrils underground to attack.[43] Wildvine also has regrowable seeds on his back which can be used as explosives,[41] knock-out grenades,[35] or smoke grenades.[25]

[edit] Season Three

In the third season, Ben accidentally discovers the Omnitrix's DNA-scanning function, which allows him to assimilate the DNA and consequently use the form of any alien to come into direct contact with the device. As a result, the majority of his aliens in this season were attained in that manner.

Ben first integrates the DNA of an alien werewolf, producing a form which he dubs Benwolf. In keeping with his werewolf appearance, Benwolf has both enhanced strength, speed, and agility. He also has canine-like senses more acute than that of humans;[43] like canines, however, Benwolf is colorblind.[45] Benwolf's primary weapons are his claws and fangs. Benwolf also has a quadri-hinged mandibled mouth. By opening his mouth completely, Benwolf can emit a long-range, ultrasonic howl, which is capable of doing concussive damage.[43] This howl is capable of shattering rocks[45] and can propel Benwolf through the air using recoil if need be.[43] Unlike his other aliens, Ben gradually transitions into Benwolf in his first transformation. During this transformation, Ben displays several animalistic tendencies, such as scratching with his leg. Whether this carries over to Benwolf is unclear due to his limited appearances.

Ben scans another alien's form later in the season; Ben has not yet named it on-screen, but the credits give the name "Benmummy." [45] Benmummy is a mummy-like alien composed almost entirely of a bandage-like material, akin to the linen used on real mummies. Aliens of this species can stretch their bandages to great lengths and control them even when separated from its main body. This setup also allows them to reshape their bodies at will in order to dodge attacks. However, the material that makes up a mummy's body is relatively weak, allowing it to be torn fairly easily by strong enough beings or other equivalent forces. To compensate for its relatively weak form, these aliens can regenerate even after being torn to shreds almost instantly and with no visible repercussions.[36] When Ben first uses the form, he has trouble figuring out how to control it; Ben quickly discovers how to stretch his bandages, but has not displayed knowledge of advanced reshaping techniques.[45]

Benmummy's bandages make him extremely light, allowing him to be thrown by beings with human strength[45] or blown away by strong enough winds.[18] Despite his build, however, Benmummy is incredibly strong, and can throw beings as heavy as Diamondhead with little effort.[36] His composition also allows him to survive in a vacuum.[18]

Ben's third copied form, Benvicktor is an alien whose appears to be based on Frankenstein's monster from Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. Rather than sharing the same gruesome composition, though, Benvicktor appears to be robotic. This allows him to survive in vacuums[18] and enhance himself with mechanical devices.[45] Benvicktor has the ability to generate and project a lightning-like stream of energy, which is capable of travelling through a vacuum without a conductor. This also gives him the ability to magnetically charge his metal body in order to stand firmly on metal surfaces.[18] The metal body makes Benvicktor strong and durable.[45]

In addition to the scanned aliens, Ben gets access to a fourth new alien with the help of Xylene, an alien with some knowledge of the Omnitrix. The form, Upchuck, is a small, green, anthromorphich woodchuck that has four strong, adhesive tongues. The tongues can stretch to great lengths, allowing him to latch onto large objects and reel them in with relative ease. Upchuck's mouth and stomach also stretch, allowing him to swallow and digest objects larger than himself.[44] Upchuck possesses several acid-filled stomachs that dissolve all forms of matter. The items ingested become one of a wide array of liquids and gases that can be expelled at will with great accuracy.[46] Some of these byproducts will even explode when spat.[44]

[edit] Season Four

As a result of an accidental transformation, Ben gains access to a small, humanoid alien, which he dubs Ditto. This alien's ability is to clone himself without limit. Every clone operates independently, regardless of whether or not Ben wants them to. Though the clones are autonomous, pain felt by one clone is transmitted to the rest, and the death of one will result in the death of the rest, as demonstrated by Dr. Animo's Ditto-enhanced Stinkfly mutants. The cloned Dittos can also merge back into an individual entity if they desire. Though Ditto's cloning ability is limitless, each Ditto is no stronger or faster than their size suggests, necessitating distractions and trickery as opposed to outright fighting.

When the Omnitrix times out, the Ditto clones are forcibly recombined into one before the transformation reverts. If one or more clones are isolated from each other when the Omnitrix times out, however, the timer will reset and Ben won't revert back into human form until they are reunited. This only seems to apply when a clone is physically unable to reunite with the others; in open air, the clones will float to each other over great distances in order to facilitate the transformation. It is implied that the reset "glitch" forces the Omnitrix into a state where the next transformation is timed out much faster than usual, due to the strain of being active through multiple timeouts.

[edit] Ben 10 movies

Along with aliens obtained in the series' episodes, Ben has used forms in other media, namely movies based on the series.

In the first Ben 10 movie, Ben 10: Secret of the Omnitrix, the Omnitrix's creator grants Ben access to an enormous alien that stands at the height of a small skyscraper. Way Big, as Ben calls him, is somewhat reminiscent of tokusatsu super heroes, particularly those of the Ultra Series. Way Big's size grants him extraordinary strength and invulnerability to some attacks; however, in proportion to his size, Way Big does not seem to be any stronger or more durable than normal, as Vilgax is able to cause him pain by digging in with his sharp claws.

In an alternate version of Secret of the Omnitrix, Ben is shown using an entirely new alien, which he calls Eye Guy. Eye Guy is a human-shaped alien with reptilian and bat-like features, notably his bat ears. While his face is devoid of features, Eye Guy's arms and torso are covered in eyes, each of which is capable of firing lasers. Curiously, Ben has never been seen acquiring this alien at any point in the series.

[edit] Ben 10,000

thumb|Ben 10,000, Ben's older self

Twenty years into a possible future, Ben has become a full-time superhero. He no longer bothers to conceal his identity, either, as he is recognized everywhere as Ben 10,000. Having been fighting crime for such a long time, Ben 10,000 has grown into a more strict and serious character, though his interaction with his past self in the episode Ben 10,000 seem to have changed this.[47]

By this time, Ben has access to 10,000 alien forms, and has once again unlocked the Omnitrix function that allowing him to switch forms at will. Of these aliens, Ben 10,000 demonstrates three not yet accessible by the present Ben. The first is Spitter, a large, blowfish-like alien with the power to spit slime at high pressures (although he was never actually named in the series) . The second is a green Megawhatt. The last alien is a blue, lizard-like alien named Articguana that can breathe freezing vapor. Ben's present alien forms have aged with him, which is evident in their appearances and abilities. For example, Ben 10,000's XLR8 is noticeably taller with grey outlines in place of the ordinary blue and is also considerably faster.[47]