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This is a family tree which is not only based on Historia Norwegiae and Ynglinga saga. It also includes some members who are mentioned in other Old Norse sources (and in Beowulf). The names of Swedish kings are shown in bold.

      Njord  (Nerthus(1))         Fornjot
        |        |                   |                            
        ----------        ----------------------     
            |             |          |         |
        ----------      Gymir(2)    Logi     Kari
        |        |        |                    |
     Freyja    Freyr     Gerd                Frosti             
                 |        |                    |                    
 Loki   Sigyn    ----------               -----------    
  |        |           |                  |         |             
  ----------        Fjölnir             Snær     Skjalf   
   |                   |                  |         |      
 Narfi              Sveigder     Vana     |         |
   |                   |          |       |         |
 Night      Naglfar    ------------       |         |
   |           |            |             |         |
   ------------         Vanlande        Drífa       |
        |                   |             |         | 
   Auð the Rich             --------------          |
        |                      |                    |
     daughter                Visbur    Unknown      |
        |                     | |         |         |       
        ----------------------  ----------          |
                |                 |                 |
         ----------------         |                 |
         |              |         |                 |
       Gisl           Öndur       |                 |
                               Domalde              |
               Ríg                |                 |
                |                 |                 |            
               Danp               |                 |
                |                 |                 |
        ----------------          |                 |                                  
        |              |          |                 |
       Dan           Drott      Domar               | 
                       |          |                 |
                       ------------                 |
                             |                      |
                           Dyggve                   |
                             |                      |
                        Dag the Wise                |
                             |                      |
                           Agne                     |
                             |                      |
                              |                  |
                            Alrek              Erik           
                              |                  |
                      ------------------     Þornbjörg (3)
                      |                |
    Bera             Alf             Yngvi 
     |                |                |
     ------------------       -------------------        
             |                |        |        |
          Hugleik          Jorund    Erik   Ingeborg (4)          
                     |                   |
                 nine sons             Egil                 
                               |                   |
            Helgi             Áli(5)             Ottar
              |                                    |
      --------------------                ---------------------
      |                  |                |                   |
      |                Yrsa             Adils              Eanmund(6)  
      |                 | |               |
      ------------------   -----------------
                |                  |  
           Hrólf Kraki           Östen                           Gauti
                                   |                               | 
                                 Ingvar         Olof of Närke   Gautrek
                                   |                  |            |
                        ----------------------     Unknown      Algaut
                        |          |         |        |            |
                       Olof     Sigvard    Anund      --------------  
                                             |              |
                                           Ingjald      Gauthild
                                             |              |
                     Halfdan Guldtand        -----------------
                            |                |               |
                         Solveig       Olof Trätälja        Åsa
                            |                |
        Eystein             -----------------
           |                |               |
          Åsa      Halfdan Hvitbeinn  Ingjald Olofsson
           |                |
           -----------------            Erik Agnarsson
           |                |                |
         Gudröd   Eystein Halfdansson      Hild
                            |                |
                            -----------------        Dag
                                    |                 |     
                  Harald      Halfdan the Mild       Liv
                     |               |                |
             -----------------       -----------------      Alfarin 
             |               |               |                 |
           Gyrd             Åsa      Gudrød the Hunter      Alfhild
                             |               | |               |
                             ----------------  -----------------
                                     |                 |
                            Halfdan the Black  Olaf Geirstad-Alf
                                     |                 |
                              Harald Fairhair  Ragnvald the Mountain-High

(1) Germanic goddess often suggested to be the same as Njord's unknown sister with whom he had Frey and Freyja.

(2) Gymir is identified with Ægir in accordance with Skáldskaparmál.

(3) Erik's only child, the warrior princess Þornbjörg, appears in Gautreks saga and in Hrólfs saga Gautrekssonar

(4) Ingeborg appears in the Tyrfing Cycle, e.g. Orvar-Odd's saga and Hervarar saga.

(5) Here Áli's inclusion is based on Beowulf, the oldest source.

(6) Adils' brother who is only mentioned in Beowulf.