YL Male Voice Choir

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YL Male Voice Choir (Also: Helsinki University Chorus, YL) (Finnish: Ylioppilaskunnan Laulajat) was founded by P.J. Hannikainen in 1883 to become the Helsinki University choir and therefore it is the oldest Finnish language choir.[1] Nowadays the choir is not completely tied to the university, but all applicants are expected to have passed the matriculation exam or study at any university level.[2] YL is conducted by Doctor of Music Matti Hyƶkki, also the professor of choir conducting in Sibelius Academy.[3]

[edit] Concerts

YL gives concerts regurarly in Finland and abroad. The choir makes two short concert tours in Finland each year, and one or two tours yearly in the Asian, European or American continent. Around 12 000 listeners attend YL's Christmas concerts in the churches of Helsinki each year.[1]

[edit] Notes

  1. ^ a b The Choir - YL Male Voice Choir
  2. ^ Join - YL Male Voice Choir
  3. ^ http://www.siba.fi/fi/ajankohtaista/uutisia/?id=20666 in Finnish

[edit] External links
