User:Yes0song/English spelling reform

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This is my proposal of English spelling reform. It is not a complete version and can be changed later.

[edit] Exampl / Example

  • exampl (example), kaje (cage), uze (use, verb), uzing (using), use (use, noun), fraze (phrase), pees (peace, piece), noe (know), noen (known), noelij (knowledge), dhoze (those), dho (though), aldho (although), loe (low), loer (lower), bekawz (because), sed (said), whot (what), wont (want), wonna (wanna), mite (might), adres (address), iz (is), wuz (was), -(i)z (-(e)s, plural), -'z (-'s), sudhern (southern), nordhern (northern), ov (of), -er (-er, -or), Chineez (Chinese), chelo (cello), parashute (parachute), seperate (separate), kommunikashun (communication), invazhun (invasion), kaybl (cable), protektorit (protectorate), kood (could), wood (wood, would), folloe (follow), kollij (college), pole (pole, poll), edukate (educate), garaj (garage), Mz/Mz. (Ms/Ms.) pitza (pizza), duz (does), kall (call), kumfert (comfort), i (I), yoo (you), yoor(z) (your(s)), dor (door), dubl (double), (re)moov ((re)move), fase (face), fasial (facial), steik (steak), breik (break)
  • Celt(ic), riekh (reich), lokh (loch, Scottish), put, ful (full), -ful, most, post, dog, kost (cost), poll, push, pul (pull)
  • schedule, to, do, who