
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

sl Uporabnikov materni jezik je slovenščina.
en-3 This user is able to contribute with an advanced level of English.
de-1 Dieser Benutzer hat grundlegende Deutschkenntnisse.
hr-2 Ovaj suradnik osrednje govori hrvatski jezik.
sr-2 Овај корисник осредње говори српски језик

Slovenia This user lives in Slovenia.
Firefox This user contributes using Mozilla Firefox.
This user is against advertisements on Wikipedia.

This is Yerpo from WP in Slovene (where I'm a sysop). I'm a biologist, working at a National Institute for Biology, Ljubljana, Slovenia. My fields are bioacoustics and insect behaviour. An ardent science fiction and fantasy literature devourer in my spare time, I also play Warhammer 40,000 and RPGs, research my country's biodiversity, make (mostly crappy) photos, and design websites for people that ask. Oh, and edit Wikipedia. Due to knee injury I don't do much sports lately, but I like bicycling otherwise.

Apart from two articles (see below), I've been mostly making minor edits so far, and I probably won't be able to contribute significantly from now on either. I contribute also to Commons and Meta.

Major edits: Bioacoustics, Olm

Minor edits: Insect

Other (really minor edits): interwikis for articles I wrote on Slo wikipedia, internal links, typos, etc.

[edit] Useful stuff