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YPD medium bottle and YPD agar plate
YPD medium bottle and YPD agar plate

YEPD or Yeast Extract Peptone Dextrose is a complete media for yeast growth. It contains yeast extract, peptone, bidest. water, and glucose or dextrose. It can be used as solid media by including agar. The yeast extract will typically contain all the amino acids necessary for growth. By being a complete media, YEPD cannot be used as a selection media to test for auxotrophs. Instead, YEPD is used as a growth media to grow yeast cultures.

The agar version of YEPD typically consists of 1% (mass/volume) yeast extract, 2% peptone, 2% glucose/dextrose, 2% agar, with the rest being bidest water.

The broth version of YEPD typically contains 1% yeast extract, 2% peptone, 1% glucose/dextrose, and the rest is distilled water.

It is normal practice to autoclave the YEPD before adding the glucose/dextrose, as carbohydrates and amino acids (or peptides), when heated, decompose via the Maillard reaction. Amino acids can be separately added after autoclaving.

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