Yellow onion

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Yellow Onion is a variety of dry onion with a strong onion flavor. White inside, its layers of papery skin have a yellow-brown color.

It has a rich onion taste and is fit for food dishes like French onion soup. Yellow onions are typically available throughout the year. This onion is higher in sulfur than the white onion, which gives it a stronger, more complex flavor.

A dozen varieties of Yellow Onion are grown, depending on the time of year, and they vary in nutritional content.

The tear-producing chemicals released by an onion when it is chopped or otherwise crushed are sulfur compounds. Ruptured onion cells release these along with enzymes which combine to form syn-propanethial-S-oxide, a gas which when released into the air can be an irritant and may provoke tearing. If an onion is chilled before cutting or processing this chemical reaction may be slowed. Moreover if a sharp knife is used the cells may be sliced through without being crushed which may also lower the likelihood of a tearing response.