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Yaranga is a tent-like traditional mobile home of some nomadic Northern indigenous peoples of Russia, such as Chukchi and Siberian Yupik.

Yaranga is a cone-shaped or rounded reindeer-hide tent.[1] It is built of a light wooden frame covered with reindeer skins or canvas sewn together.

The word yaranga comes from the Chukchi language.[2] In Russian use, the terms chum, yurt and yaranga may be used indiscriminately.


[edit] Chukchi

It is built of a light wooden frame covered with reindeer skins sewn together. A medium-size yaranga requires about 50 skins.

A large yaranga is hard to heat completely up. There is a smaller cabin built inside in it, that can be kept warm and cosy.[3]

[edit] Siberian Yupik

The largest of Siberian Yupik peoples, the Chaplino Eskimos (Ungazigmit) had a round, dome-shaped building for winter. It is called "yaranga" in the literature, the same word referring also to the similar building of the Chukchi. In the language of Chaplino Eskimos (the largest of Siberian Yupik languages), its name was /mɨŋtˈtɨʁaq/.[4] Its framework was made of posts.[5] Canvas was be used for the covering the framework. The yaranga was surrounded by sod or planking at the lower part. There was a smaller cabin inside it at its back part, used for sleeping and living. It was separated from the outer, cooler parts of the yaranga with haired reindeer skins and grass, supported by a cage-like framework. In their own language, it was called /aːɣra/, a word borrowed from Chukchi language. But the household works were done in the room of the yaranga in front of this inner building, and also many household utensils were kept there. In winter storms, and at night also the dogs were there. This room for economical purposes was called /naˈtɨk/.[6]

There were also other types of buildings among Chaplino Eskimos: /aːwχtaq/ was a modernized type,[7] and /pəˈlʲ̥uk/ was used for summer.[8]

[edit] See also

[edit] Notes

  1. ^ Countries and Their Cultures - Chukchi: Living Conditions
  2. ^ Collis, Dirmid R. F. "Arctic Languages: An Awakening". Unesco, 1990. page 72
  3. ^ Chukchi art.
  4. ^ Рубцова 1954: 514
  5. ^ Рубцова 1954: 515
  6. ^ Рубцова 1954: 100–101
  7. ^ Рубцова 1954: 518–520
  8. ^ Рубцова 1954: 521

[edit] References

[edit] Latin

[edit] Cyrillic

  • Рубцова, Е. С. (1954). Материалы по языку и фольклору эскимосов (чаплинский диалект) (in Russian). Москва • Ленинград: Академия Наук СССР.  The transliteration of author's name, and the rendering of title in English: Rubcova, E. S. (1954). Materials on the Language and Folklore of the Eskimoes, Vol. I, Chaplino Dialect. Moscow • Leningrad: Academy of Sciences of the USSR. 

[edit] External links

[edit] Chukchi yaranga

[edit] Siberian Yupik dwelling

  • Поселок Унгазик (Чаплино) (Russian). Музея антропологии и этнографии им. Петра Великого (Кунсткамера) Российской академии наук. Rendering in English: Ungazik settlement, Kunstkamera, Russian Academy of Sciences. Old photos about former life of a Siberian Yupik settlement, including those of a various house types, both inside and outside.

[edit] Siberian Yupik yarangas

[edit] Outside

[edit] Inside

[edit] Modernization of dwelling among Siberian Yupik

[edit] Right-angled yaranga

[edit] Beyond yarangas: modern houses