Yara Tupinambá

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Yara Tupinambá (Montes Claros, Brazil, April 2, 1932) is a Brazilian visual artist.

Yara began as Guignard's and Goeldi's pupil and then continued her studies at Pratt Institute, in New York. Her works are well known in Brazil, entitling her to a Sala Especial (Special Room) at São Paulo Art Biennial

She was also an fine arts professor at UFMG, one of Brazil's main universities, where she helped creating the Fine Arts Institute. She has also been a professor at Escola Guignard, a well known fine arts College in Belo Horizonte.

One of her most well known works is the panel depicting Adam and Eve naked, situated at the main church in Ferros, Minas Gerais. This panel was described in the novel Hilda Furacão by Roberto Drummond, which later became a TV series [1]. The State of Minas Gerais Legislative Assembly also displays her panel Minas, do século XVII ao século XX[2].

Yara exposes her works in all the main Arts Salons in Brazil: Rio de Janeiro, Belo Horizonte, São Paulo, Brasília, Paraná, Porto Alegre, Campinas, Ouro Preto and Pernambuco. In 1974 she organized the Atelier Vivo (Live Atelier) at São Paulo's famous Art Biennial.[3].

[edit] References

  1. ^ WIKIPÉDIA. Desenvolvido pela Wikimedia Foundation. Apresenta conteúdo enciclopédico. Disponível em: <http://pt.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Ferros&oldid=5341282>. Acesso em: 26 Mar 2007
  2. ^ Artistas presentes no quinto Gabinete de Arte, Agência Câmara, 11/2/2005 15h57
  3. ^ Artistas presentes no quinto Gabinete de Arte, Agência Câmara, 11/2/2005 15h57

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