Yangon Division

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Coordinates: 17°0′N, 96°10′E

Yangon Division

(MLCTS: yankun tuing/rankun tuing)

Capital Yangon
Region Lower
Area 10,170 km²
Population 5,420,000 (1999)
Ethnicities Bamar, Kayin, Chinese, Indians, Anglo-Burmese, Rakhine, Chin,
Religions Buddhism, Islam, Christianity, Hinduism,Sikh,

Yangon Division is an administrative division of Myanmar. It is bordered by Bago Division in the north and east, the Gulf of Mottama in the south, and Ayeyarwady Division in the west. Yangon Division is situated between latitude 16° 20' north and 17° 50' north and longitudes 95° 45' east and 96° 46' east in the southernmost part of the central plains. The Coco Archipelago which is located in the Bay of Bengal is also part of Yangon Division. Yangon Division is the most developed area of the country and the main international gateway. Most of the country's industrial zones are located in this division. The division's area is 3,927.15 square miles.

[edit] Population

The estimated population of Yangon Division in 1999 was 5,420,000 people. Ethnically, the majority of the population are Bamar. There are also many persons of foreign descent, especially Chinese and Indians. The Majority of the inhabitants are Buddhists, followed by Muslims and Christians. Within the Christian community are found Kayin and also the largest but dwindling hold over Anglo-Burmese community in the country - most of who have intermarried with the Bamar. Burmese is the dominant language, although English is known by many. The main city is Yangon, the former national capital. Another important city is Thanlyin, formerly known as Syriam.

[edit] Administration

Yangon Division consists of four districts: Yangon East District, Yangon West District, Yangon North District and Yangon South District, and 45 townships.

[edit] History

Yangon Division was created out of portions of Bago Division, occupying greater Yangon (Rangoon) city and surrounding townships. For history, see Yangon (city).