Talk:Yang Huimin

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Girl Guiding and Girl Scouting task force
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[edit] Later in life

What happened to this girl later in life? Rlevse 17:00, 12 June 2006 (UTC)

Went to Germany, heiled Hitler, met some Hitler's Youth, went to UK, met some girl guides. Scholarship opportunity in USA destroyed by japanese DoW. Arrested for FUBARing a covertop, then released. Went to Taiwan. Forgotten until movie, then forgotten again. -- Миборовский 22:44, 12 June 2006 (UTC)
Very interesting. See answer on your page too. Dates of birth/death? Just how was her scholarship destroyed? Rlevse 12:27, 14 July 2006 (UTC)
Read Chinese? If not put it through Babelfish... Sorry, too lazy to translate all of that. :p
-- Миборовский 18:44, 14 July 2006 (UTC)
Babelfish came up with this, thanks, what's the source?:

□Hui Min knows after □the flag bitter experience rarely □person. □the □flag hero after □the flag □□□, the foreign settlement municipal council □had feared therefore □lives □therefore, therefore orphaned □draws back into the foreign settlement after four lines □not to send the ship to 1 □month □□to favor sensitively delivers □□□the rear Ningbo. After □Hui Minte □Ningbo namely □arrives Yushan while the fire, and walks Nanchang in □the people group, joins □the child □"□the light □" □clothing □work. □falls after Nanjing, □Hui Min is □the entire □well-known hero, is summoned toward □□the capital □mouth. □favors in □the mouth sensitively receives the hero -like □to welcome, and □□madame meets □. □however year □□favored □was sensitively fainted □, its □person short Yu?shih rash □natural □beginning □yeast. In □mouth time □proclaims □lives □like □develops, the parade and so on proclaims □an arrangement by □the people Central Party Committee party committee. Some date proclaims □vice- □Dong?kuang to send a letter □favors sensitively, wants him some □some □to cross every other day to □the mouth, □however is the solemn central party committee proclaims □a vice- □□□letter, but □Hui Mini lu?? □too early □□is not willing to go to □, even □has writes in reply, direct is crisp □. Why not next day did Dong?kuang □□□Hui Min? the □yesterday morning □arrive □, only then disclosed □the day was □committee □□myself in □crosses waits for □favors sensitively. □however after Dong?kuang only □appearance reminder □Hui Min "must defend □", but □matter nature big □□Hui Min image. Soon □Hui Min? sends □center □to □□the attendance "the world youth morals big □" the youth representative, after big □□ties □Hui Min in is beautiful □□also obtains the hero -like □to welcome. In beautiful □□light half □month, □the politics department □□□□favors sensitive 500 US dollars for its □□travel, proclaims □□the prestige. □favors sensitively thereupon to □the continent, □receives in England □meets general, moreover all □from □. But □□receives the Hitler youth in Germany □□is fierce □welcomes, and □Hitler meets □. □Hui Min in returned to □□center still after 30 years □□the description □Germany □state heads meets by extremely □□the sentiment □, and directed □□the third contact □. After □Hui Minfan □, is wanted by the multi- positions □to meet □, including society □a vice- □□uncle, □□bureau vice- bureau □Dai Li and Ministry of Education □□sets up the husband. □politics department □Kong Xiangxi and arrangement □Hui Min hangs in the direct □bureau □, each month of seat □干薪 500 Yuan. After soon □Madame Hui Minyu □□summons □, □madame to make an effort □□慧敏 must well □□, and □□sets up the husband department □direct arrangement. Thereupon □favors is sensitively arranged to □□□the big rear area first □government office central committee big □audit. Because □□the civil administration 府尊 significant □education is independent, therefore even if is Ministry of Education □myself arranges, also only can arrange □the audit to live. □Hui Min admits because "too is good □", cannots bear □□the first □government office, therefore □to central □□□school □. But the overseas □□□□have forget □□the flag hero, an American □□□direct □□Hui Min? good elder brother □compared to □big □enters □the hand □and □□the gold, □Hui Min obtains goes to America remains □machine □, the nature is joyful, but painstakingly to deficiently goes to America □□. □□, □has favored sensitively unexpectedly directly looks for □politics department □hole commonplace gentleman! Kong Xiangxi its □with four lines of orphaned □□departments really deep, orphaned □□has a time of □line "a Yuan □□", in the entire □officers and soldiers □□four □months □monthly salaries contributes 1 Yuan, altogether □becomes 2,000 Yuan □to return to □the politics department to do □contributes □, after commonplace gentleman obtains the news, the direct □own □□□10,000 Yuan □have been orphaned □. □is □□□under the political non- institution special sentiment □. □considers in □Hui Minteng □□, hole commonplace gentleman directly approved □3,000 US dollars checks □□to favor sensitively, but was restricted in □□□□. □on Hui Min? □the regulation goes to Hong Kong, leaves □□□Madame Hui Minyu □□□□the line, □madame □person too many, □□Hui Min disposition flaw extremely clear, therefore is graceful □wants him "everything □to think things over carefully before acting". □Hui Minte the Hong Kong just happens to meet the Pacific Ocean □□to explode afterwards □, in Du Yuehsheng under a □fresh arrangement, □Hui Min? the advantage runs away Qujiang. In Qujiang, a □□committee □□minute □director □the will high bank with □sensitively discussed that, □he returns to Hong Kong "to meet □" one batch to want □眷 □. □is □□different sending, □seed grafting □work, how □a 毫 □□□girl □□? □□Hui Min does not do gets up very much □, in returns to □□center □Professor Hui Mintzu □his □□□□□□bear entire family with □government office president 林森 □□40 person of □Hong Kong "meets □" to □, but □has □is bright his like □proper □share to send. □however □behind is fishy. □Hui Min □in the regulation passes □□□□the day □partner in "the rescue" with a □□bureau Hong Kong station, □the position passes □□therefore with □Hui Min? the partner, is because □he "runs □□", □however □Hui Min in returns □center proclaims □"him to run he □□", but also assumes □□□□the day "to hold □□west the batch □to □". □says it, □□the day uses its □□person □□□, does the smuggling business in Hong Kong to the Qujiang □□□gold □road on. □□the west □smuggling, is the prize investment. □held smuggles the circuit, □□the day essential makes a connection □□on the path the high mountains to be good □, □supervises the government office nine □local police stations including the Japanese Hong Kong, the Chinese Communist Party Qi Jiang □□, seventh □□□□and along the way each group landlord military □. □□is □itself namely □has privately □in the anti- □intermediate stage □□, but □□□□□after □□private □no matter what by □speed putrefication. □causes Dai Lichi □to be regretful □□□possibly "□hits". □□the day is a use □□smuggling □example. □Hui Min with □□smuggling □really □□was □□inspected, but was allowed to imagine □□thinks □□□but □the natural rash □thin girl, naturally suffers the person use. □favors sensitive last "no matter what □" is □rescues the butterfly. The butterfly possibly □□□girl does not have any ability, therefore □□□Hui Min good intention, own □□family □runs away with another batch toward □the place people □□partner. But □group of people □in become a fugitive on the road □to be good □□plunder, □□□loses. But □the batch good □□has passed □Hui Min given name! After the butterfly □□arrives □is heavy □, the nature to its sentiment husband Dai Li? □cries □, thereupon □Hui Min □on is arrested into with □□the day □, entire document □line of thorough check. □, Dai Fuchu the □□□□small case really does not feel thornily, because □he □cannot □□the family □hero execute, but the private line □□□□causes the sweetheart not □. Therefore Dai?? the simply □□□case tows □, continuously arrives the anti- □victory. After anti- □victory, □□the bureau □□□case □□local court □sentences. After □detains four years, □Hui Min? sentences □the crime, □□the day □conviction punishment has balanced but with □□, □Hui Min? courtyard referee full text publication Yu Ch'ihui □□center. □looked feels □□is one kind □□, because □the court □straight □□□two people look for the reason. □□□□□□also stems from Dai Fuchu □to incite, □also □because □tests □after the anti- □victory with □□□the principle which □□□does. Therefore the court definite orders sentences □□□the day □therefore to leave by □the person status □, also proclaims □□□the day □business (□□smuggling) to become a fugitive □Duan?hsing, therefore does not constitute the use □□□advantage... ... . But □Hui Min also □has in the smuggling status is included referee Fan □, the court only proclaims □□favors sensitively □is detained is because □has disliking of the revelation □matter secret, but the matter □on □has divulges a secret, therefore □crime □. As for □walked reveals a butterfly line to become a fugitive Lu? news, did not contain in court referee Fan?zhong. □Hui Min in January 4, 1946 judged □the crime leaves □, after □□the month, Dai Chu? □machine dies for in Nanjing □. Returns to □□center □the butterfly in □Hui Min to be sufficient □□hates, but □□madame respects has Canada, □Dai?? also □any complaint. □also □□the document □sentences provides □the rope. □, according to □□does not observe, □Hui Min? the heart □□, only is because of □storm □, but by □□the intelligence and rash □□pay the duplicate □□boundary which the most light is strange □leaves, thus does not encounter □□. □is extremely is a pity □. □Hui Min? □later □□will receive Gao?chao □, □is arranged after □to be appointed the sports to teach □, and will have the American □marriage, moreover Madame Zeng?tsai □□summoned □. □Hui Min □only does in few male □makes an appearance, no longer is the heroic □star. In 1967 □Hui Min published □□"800 □Gentlemen And I". After eight years, the central □shade company □racket "800 □gentlemen", massively use □Hui Min to return □. □piece □□pats in the 70's □入流 □□the piece, □pats □, center the shade □to original third □□commander which □□still is in good health □the official □wishes same □cuts the ribbon. Rlevse 18:59, 14 July 2006 (UTC)

A text file with lots of articles. Somehow I didn't copy down the URL where I found this article online. Sorry. -- Миборовский 19:26, 14 July 2006 (UTC)