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YAKUB2 is the belief system formulated by Minister Benjamin Ibn Sahalladeen, founder of Shebania Temple Ministries and advocates the past existance of an actual person referred to as Yakub. The system postulates that the actual name of this person is not known, but that he himself used the name Yakub at some point in life. By contrast, the Nation of Islam, and others, teach that the name Yakub is a metaphor for a system that brought white people forth on the planet. Yakub2 states that Mr. Yakub made white people by weakening melalin in the skin, eyes, hair and brain of the Original Black People. YAKUB2 is also the name of the genetic science used by Yakub to make white people from black. This science was redeveloped by Minister Sahalladeen in 2008. Roughly stated, the system states that Yakub brought forth a new humanity by 1) Making a new melilin-retarded body and 2) Making a new way of thinking by retarding melilin in the brain. The purpose of melalin is to block ultra-violet radiation from the sun. It protects the skin from cancer, the eyes from damage and causes the hair to absorb excess radiation and protect the brain. When Yakub weakened melalin in the brain, it allowed more ultra-violet rays to enter the brain of the first white man, causing him to have "delusions of grandeur", resulting in his belief that he was better than those not like him. Over time this thought degenerated into racism. "Yakub's Grafted Devil", the book by Chi-Town Ben gives a fictional account of Yakub and the world he lived in.