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[edit] Akeesha Perera

THIIISSSS......IIIISSSSS......YOOOUUURRRRR.....LIIIIIFFFFFEEE!!!!!!.....Well not quite the way Micheal Aspel[1] would do it but what the heck he's had 30 odd years to practice and perfect it!

Let me be the first person here to welcome you to a portrait of your life as it is so far, I am your distinguished host Wannabe Dr. Alexander James Farnsworth and it will be my pleasure to give you a scintillating synopsis, joyful rendition and overall pulchritudinous (try and work out what that means xD ) voyage of your life to date.

First things first, The name Akeesha means literally one whom is always right it stems from the genus boyfrindous bewarious which has spawned a long list of many famous figures throughout history such as Cleopatra, Amelia Earhart, Alice Paul, Nelly Furtado and last but not least the one person that most optimises this Angelic women, The Cookie Monster

However the real meaning of "Aki" translates to the beginning of Autumn and also meaning bright, both very appropriate in that Aki was born on the threshold of the beginning of Autumn and Bright being very appropriate as she's brings brightness an joy to all around her in more ways than she realises.

[edit] In the beginning there was Light!

Twas the night before Christmas and not even a mouse stired, three wise men approached from the East baring gifts of Gold, Crimson and Murr towards and tiny stable lit underneath the moonlight...oh wait...wrong story (clears throat) ahem...On the 24th of August of the year 1989 a shinning light of the world was about to be born. A beautiful young baby girl was unveiled to two loving parents (Yvonne and Francais Perera) on a hot evening in the delivery room in Gampaha, Sri Lanka. 

Her star sign gives a good indication about the type of person she is, but also shows to people that know her that she isn't confined by it likewise. It would also be right to say that this animal that represents her is apt, in other words a women who is strong, noble, intelligent and beautiful, a Lioness.

[edit] 'Virgo'

Aug 23 -Sep 22 - is the mutable/earth sign. Virgos adapt to different people and situations by finding ways to make themselves useful. To hide their vulnerability, they focus attention on what they're doing rather than who they are. To deflect attention away from themselves, Virgos will also focus on other people by praising their talents and virtues, or by criticizing faulty behaviour or personal imperfection.

However, maybe your a sceptic of those funny Western people who know little about astrology, in that case why not ask the people whom have been practicing it for centuries, in other words the Chinese! So I find that you were born on the year of the 'snake' (Ominous....well at least for me your humble host, don't female snakes eat there husbands??)

Personality Traits: People born under the year of the Snake tend to exhibit the following characteristics: they are intellectual, superstitious, sceptical, astute, have elegance, innate wisdom, and possibly some levels of supernatural capability. Snake people rarely seek independent advice or advice from others, possibly because on the whole they don't communicate well with others. They tend to be very private people. Generally they are very deliberate about whatever they say. They like to think first and speak later and they also have a cautious business sense. Other features include: leading dangerous lives that are full of thrills and intrigue, yet they keep a firmness of purpose and a clear presence of mind.

So somewhat true in some cases, however the type of snake is of more appropriate comparison:

The Earth Snake - traditional, trusty, is motivated by rationality, unrelenting and dependable. - Though your humble correspondent is unsure whether the "Rational" attribute fits in very well here we will let our audience decide for themselves as for the validity of such a statement and of course it is not for me to sway my honourable audience (ITS SOOOO NOT TRUE SHE IS ANYTHINF BUT!!!!) as to whether she is or is not :)

One of the reasons why Akeesha has matured above what might be expected from someone so young (and nearly as mature as me I should remind my gracious audience...but not quite I'm sure you will all agree :D ) is the fact that she has been fortuitous to have lived in four different countries and distinclty different cutures. The first being of course the U.K. were she has spent most of her time, also of course, Sri Lanka, the country of her birth and heritage (never forget where you came from). However she has also spent considerable time in both Nigeria and Qatar - both which she has taken full advantage to savour and integrate able to take away with her all aspects of what she loves from those countries and cultures.

[edit] About the "Keesh"

It is now time my fellow companions to indicate to you all that is known about what makes Akeesha Perera...well...Akeesha Perera. What makes her tick? what drives her insane? (well besides me) What Floats her boat? (There is an age restriction places here of 18+ )

Well let's start, Below is a list of a few things that she likes:

- Firstly, perhaps her greatest love (Sadly not me) especially This

- Secondly, [Eng-SubAnime!!!] ...O.K....maybe not that but this...Bad Anime

- Thirdly, Hmmmm Still not me :S [2]

- Fourthly....Her Majesty (bows down)Now I'm getting concerned...I still don't get a mention...thisis like receiving a gift of Oreo's only to find that someone has eaten the white frosting in the middle :'(

- Fifthly (is that even a word?) Her sweat nectar, or what I call her life blood

- Sixthly (sp?)GOD OMG!! I finally made it on, this is yut humble hosts greatest moment (though he is still sad hat he featured t number 6....but but...he stil managed to get on the list....beat that you losers none of you got on..hahahaha....ahem...apologies my graious audience fo the momentary outburst and lack of composure)

- Oh and last but not least These Hehe, yeah ok I’m cruel :P

So a few things that well I should say that Aki 'Dislikes' to a certain degree:

- Firstly, to a very large degree The Unmistakable Chav

- Two Probably her second biggest dislike on this short run-down, though heaven knows why as this could be seen as one of mankinds greatest achievments in all creation ---> JOY!

- Thirdly, but very importantly, Selfish people whom only think of their own well being are not looked highly upon.

- Fourthly, Hmmm, I guess I better pre-empt this one ----> I'm sure this will get number one spot soon

[edit] The FUTURE!

Now that we have had the time to adequately understand the type and focus of this unique specimen under our proverbial microscopes that we have taken upon ourselves to investigate her with, however I hear yourselves asking to what end? Well here we shall gaze through our crystal ball to see what might occur in our protagonist future (fade out....)

Let's look 4 years on into the image is starting to clear.....its becoming less cloudy...I'm making out an image....OH MY!....My apologies I must have turned the crystal ball onto the satellite channel....I guess it's true what they say those continental Europeans really do cater for everyone :S Anyhoo, I think it is all sorted out we go...I can see an image forming again...Aki looks like she is at some sort of reception....there are allot of people there, all dressed in what looks like black suits? Could this be a funeral? no no thats not it...hmmm..oh of course it's obvious! GAMBATTENE!!

What next?......Yes it's comming to me....allot of colours.....I'm sensing strong emotions....a sense of achievment and completion of a dream...something gained only through personal sacrafice and dedication -----> I'm a Professional

Oh this is un-expected my good patrons! It would seem that the spirits that be who speak to you through me have afforded us another rare image, a third image....this is certainly not ordinary, the spirits on all occasions only allow 2 image to be seen due to the strain it puts upon them....we are indeed fortunate and it would seem that they want us to see THIS!. A beautiful family, one full of love and happiness, though they will undoubtedly have some rough patches along the way the love they hold for each other shows that they will be there for each other whatever happens, and I didn't need any crystal ball to work that one out.

Well it's time to wrap this show up, it has been my honour to showcase, to you, the viewers, the most extraordinary life of Akeesha Perera as it is so far. This bright spark has a future brighter than anything she could possibly imagine - Keep pushing forward and don't look back!

[edit] Merry Christmas

My dearest Aki, I love you so very much and always will, I hope this small gift to you, on this day, can start to repay the love and devotion that you have always shown me. Thank you for teaching me to believe in myself again and allowing me to keep pushing forward with my life with you.

Love and forever yours, Alex xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (+one hundred billion more!

Here's a Christmas gift and song from a certain friend of mine h**p:// (you'll need to cut and past this one in for it to work) Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!]