User:Y2 sub

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Najib Elhusseini ( Nick Name : Sub ) is a Lebanese IT professional and Kyokushin Karate Nidan , he is currently residing in Sierra Leone.

He started studying kyokushin karate at an early age , when he was 14 he joined Al-Huda Karate Dojo in Saida under Shihan H.H. , by the time he was holding brown belt , he already won many national tournaments , at year 2001 he successfully completed his first black belt tests during a training camp in south Lebanon , he then participated in many national and international tournaments wining the first place in All Lebanon karate Cup four times and placing third in the “Third Mass. Oyama International Cup” that was sponsored by IKO3 in February 2005. He graduated from college in 2003 as an IT Professional and was drafted to military in the same year as a technical sergeant .

At 11 November ,2005 he moved to Sierra Leone where he is now residing to work for Computer Shop SL. as an IT Development Manager and later on as Head of IT , he contributed in the development of CS Management System , and IT Section in general , he quit training in kyokushin since his departure but plans resume his Martial Arts career from the point he left ( more or less ) .

Sub is hard tempered and nervous yet optimistic , he is known to never complete a thing , he really enjoys a good game of Chess and hates March 14 Alliance .