XTO Energy
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XTO Energy (NYSE: XTO) is an American Fortune 500 and S&P 500 energy producing company. Its primary products are oil and natural gas. It is based in Ft. Worth, Texas and its current CEO is Bob R. Simpson.
The company was founded in 1986.
[edit] Environmental Record
XTO Energy has agreed to pay $139,000 to settle pollution violations on its two Cook Inlet oil production platforms and its onshore processing plant near Nikiski. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency said that XTO violated the federal Clean Water Act on twenty-four different occasions.[1] The violations did not involve oil spills, but the XTO platforms exceeded pollutant limits. Considering the amount of platforms and the amount of engines that are used at XTO Energy, the amount of emission released in the air will not exceed 26 tons.[2] The platform that consists of the most emissions is that of Platform C. Platform C consists of two gas-fired turbines, five gas-fired IC engines, six diesel-fired IC engines, and a gas-fired flare.[3] There has been a lot of pressure on XTO Energy about greenhouse emissions and the pollution of carbon dioxide. In response to this, the company has been participating in multiple programs proving that they are wanting to change there reputation. They currently are a partner in the Natural Gas STAR Program which is a voluntary greenhouse gas emission reduction program for the upstream oil and gas industry.[4]