
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

[edit] What About Me?

nothing much... just wanna contribute something useful to the wikipedia. so, the rest you can see it in the information in tabular form. additionally, im also associated to chinese version of wikipedia with the same account name.

My Identity
This user comes from Malaysia.
This user is a Malaysian.
This user comes from the state of Sabah.
中華 這個用戶是華人
This user is ethnically Chinese.
This user is a descendant of Shennong and Huang Di.
客家 This user is of Hakka ancestry.
My Connections
This user is a member of WikiProject Malaysia
My Languages
en-4 This user speaks English at a near-native level.
zh-4 該用戶能以道地中文進行交流。
zh-hakka-4 Lia-zak yung-fu hiao-det yung mang-di ziin-zung gei Hak-Ngi loi gao-liu.
yue-3 呢個用戶可以用熟練粵語進行交流。
ms-4 Pengguna ini boleh menyumbang dengan taraf semacam bahasa ibunda dalam Bahasa Melayu.
id-1 Pengguna ini mampu bersumbangsih dengan bahasa Indonesia tingkat dasar.
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