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Dungeons & Dragons creature
Type Outsider
Source books
First appearance
Image Wizards.com image
Stats OGL stats

In the Dungeons and Dragons fantasy role-playing game, the xill is a nasty, insect-humanoid-like outsider from the deserts and wastelands of the Ethereal Plane. It resembles a 4 to 5 foot tall humanoid, with gritty red skin, an insectoid head with spikes and horns and mandibles, clawed hands, and four arms (not unlike a thri-kreen). Spines protrude from its elbows. It is both ugly and fiendish.

The xill is an evil creature which exists only to kill. It lurks in the Ethereal Plane, waiting for what is suspects will be a victim in the Material Plane. It then teleports to the Material Plane (similar to ethereal filchers, ethereal marauders, and phase spiders), and ambushes the victim. It attacks with either its four limbs, or a variety of weapons (more civilized ones use weapons and hold a different one in each hand). They make full use of their Tumble skill in combat: Usually, one or two distract physically powerful enemies by attacking, then assuming a defensive stance while their fellows maneuver to advantage. Xill lay eggs in the bodies of defeated opponents, which devour the corpse from the inside out to hatch. Xill also have a paralyzing bite, and using their planewalk ability, can attack through thin air.

Xill speak Infernal[vague].

They are lawful evil in alignment.

[edit] Creative origins

The xill is inspired by the ixtl, a devil-like alien from the science fiction novel The Voyage of the Space Beagle by A. E. van Vogt.

[edit] References

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