Xiang Xiang (giant panda)

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Xiang Xiang (August 25, 2001[1]February 19, 2007) was the first giant panda to be released into the wild after being bred and raised in captivity.[2] Born at the Wolong Giant Panda Research Center in the Sichuan Province, Xiang Xiang endured a three year training regimen intended to equip him with the skills necessary to survive in the wild.[3] Fitted with a radio-collar upon his release in April 2006, the five-year-old male was tracked each month to check his movements and feeding habits.[4] Despite this extensive preparation, Xiang Xiang was found dead less than a year after his release. The Xinhua News Agency announced the panda's death May 31, 2007, over three months after the incident occurred, citing "the need for a full investigation"[5] as the reason for the delay. Officials from the Research Center determined that a fall from the trees was the probable cause of death. Scratches on Xiang Xiang's body suggest that he was probably being pursued by other pandas when he fell.[6]

Although his body was found on Fenruary 19, 2007, Xiang Xiang likely died as early as January 7 when the signal from his radio collar stopped. http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2007/may/31/china.endangeredspecies

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