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Is developing an 'exploded' Theory of Everything. Is/will be at MAPOFEVERYTHING.COM [1]; was/is at [2].
He reports there are twenty-two years of "gifted development" in the intellectual properties the Map contains, the latest of which is the Map itself. He says he hopes to obtain notable status as a world expert in Causality soon after the next major revision of the Map with horizontal shoots into Language, Religion, Philosophy, Evolution, Physics, Law, Creative stuff, Experimental science and Business; based on secondary publishing and work. And that if things go normally he'll be citable on Wikipedia in about 99 years.
He is planning a big announcement upcoming to unleash things: "an entirely new theory of time travel with a proof of attainability, called "Flux Cloud Argument and Temporal Paradoxical Information Theory." But he laments he does not have a PhD so he can publish crackpot ideas at will, like other physicists, and will not be qualified to brief it on Wikipedia, "even if it meets every scientific criteria of a good theory and solves open questions from causation theories in religion, psychology, alternative beliefs, and philosophy, because it will only meet orthodox criteria when the physicists who published those crackpot ideas say so."
John also regrets to report that he has given up on the idea of truth in general being welcomed or even just accepted by the establishment society without an element of evolutional force; "such as a simultaneous world-war and civil war" he says, regardless of how greatly the world would benefit. He insists the reason has more to do with gaming theory (See: Nash Equilibrium) than common sence or conspiracy theories as purported by Wikipedia's editors concerning Attributions, for example. Although he agrees there are frauds and quality problems, he claims a similar but opposite problem lies with "the orthodoxical defense of faith and career," and points to the recent James Cameron / Discovery Channel aborted showing of "The Tomb of Jesus" last month (as of this writing), claiming that the very few viewers who did their own research well enough to find the material, "had to conclude that this was a real suppression job on a vital "fringe minority theory" for a sociopathic reason: "because it was a catalyst to meaningful change; namely, a transformation of Christianity from the paradigm of Salvation to the one that Jesus actually preferred to teach, which was the Kingdom of God." He further says: "The important part is that in this 'defence of the faith' NOBODY COULD EVEN GET TO DISCUSS THE ALTERNATIVE THEORIES because there was just a solid wall of experts used as propagandists, and an army of dismissive hosts, and outraged zealots with email and telephones."
John's studies takes him into the heart of matters like this -- he claims these are common issues of cognitive physics rooted as follows, in this example Q and A:
- Q. A body of physics research into causality? I think that would be the entire field of mechanics... Jaleho
- A. Actually, there is a better crossover between Physics and Philosophy in the area of Metaphysics, that defines things beyond Mechanics. Therein according to my enumeration, Mechanics consists of four major subcategories: Physics and Chemistry embody the scope of the "ordinary Mechanics" you are thinking of; but there is a broader Mechanics that includes Biological Evolution and the first human structure called "Orthodoxical Society." Why are these a valid single category of Mechanics? Hold on. First, they are Third of ten Progressive Dimensions or "Places" on the Map of Everything, that is called appropriately enough "Mechanics." But the reason they are valid is the inherent meanings of the ten Progressive Dimensions, where the Third is defined as "Managed Motion." Obviously follow me on this: the Second is just Motion, and the First is Singularity -- and then they go in the other way progressively -- you see what they are and how they work? They carry their force from immaterial thought right through the Creation into cognition and beyond. It's a radical theory -- and it's also the underlying structure of the Map of Everything which is really exciting. . . . (He explains further): Place One has no motion -- it's a-material -- but it's good for Thought apparently; and you can do extensive amounts of it side-stepping time-space-energy-matter. I don't want to sound like a crackpot -- this is the hardest part of the Theory of Everything but it's a good theory and meets the tests -- and the whole thing is 100% consistent, predictive, impossible to break anywhere. (And he continues): So anyway excuse the didacticism but since ancient days Causation is defined as the interaction of this Thought underlying Materiality through the precursors of Materiality. In more modern theology "God" acting through the precursors of Mechanics -- the Newtonian forces and nuclear forces -- all based on electromagnetic original matter -- that's Don Hotson's Theory. -- And if you'll open the Bible you'll see Jesus teaching "the Sons of God," the Holy Spirit and MIRACLES . . . . FUN! Eventually there will be quite good AV lectures on these available but I need a lot of money to fund this. I could also use some friends."
Whatever. He also claims this is the theory underlying The Matrix trilogy, including real "agents of orthodoxy" as a universal determination to spank broken programs like him and Don Hotson into submission, conformance and oblivion. Get a job John.
--Xgenei 16:56, 17 March 2007 (UTC) Self-portrait.