Image talk:Xev-Seeberg.jpg

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[edit] Rights to this image are uncertain

Okay, it is entirely possible that I (mistakenly) attached the wrong license to this image. It's certainly not a screenshot.

Background: I was the designer on this show for the first few seasons and I know the show's creator, Paul Donovan. The original copyright holder was Salter Street Films (co-owned by Paul and Michael Donovan). Salter Street Films was acquired by Alliance-Atlantis in 2000 and shut down in 2003. The Salter Street copyrights would have gone to Alliance-Atlantis, but AA is notorious for spinning off arms-length legal entities and much of their old catalogue appears to be held by AACTV.

I say appears because it is very hard to discover if AACTV actually owns the LEXX rights. I'm trying to get permission to view their catalogue. And to further complicate matters, most of AAC has been sold to CanWest Global Communications, pending regulatory approval.

Bottom line: I haven't the foggiest idea who now owns the LEXX copyrights. --OldCommentator 00:19, 14 September 2007 (UTC)