Xbox Rewards

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Xbox Rewards is a Microsoft program designed to give both casual and hardcore players incentives to play games on the Xbox 360. This works by having gamers register online for specific challenges, with completion then tracked by the system whenever the gamer is connected to Xbox Live. Gamers who successfully complete a challenge, such as earning a certain quantity of achievement points within a given time period, can earn physical or virtual rewards.

In order to register with the program the participant has to live in the United States, be at least 13 years old, have access to an Xbox 360, and have a valid Windows Live ID with an Xbox Live gamercard linked to it. However, since the challenges are sponsored by specific companies, certain challenges may require specific games or codes from non-Microsoft products.

This program was initiated on February 12, 2007 with the "Old Spice Experience Challenge".


[edit] Levels

After initially registering, the gamer is placed into one of three different brackets or levels, based on current Gamerscore. According to Microsoft, this value is meant to be an annual calculation, with gamers being required to continue to increase their Gamerscore on a regular basis in order to avoid dropping in level. However, to-date, levels are not calculated based on time, only on total Gamerscore. The levels are:

  1. Level 1 (0 – 4,999 annual Gamerscore)
  2. Level 2 (5,000 – 9,999 annual Gamerscore)
  3. Level 3 (10,000+ annual Gamerscore)

Microsoft has indicated that some challenges may only be open to members of certain levels. Furthermore, the completion requirements and/or rewards may vary depending on the gamer's level.

[edit] Challenges

[edit] Old Spice Experience Challenge (2/12/2007)

Challenge to increase Gamerscore by at least 1500 points between February 12, 2007 and March 12, 2007. Successful participants received rewards packages, with some of the items being available in limited quantities on a "first come, first served" basis. Additionally, all level 1 and 2 gamers who completed the challenge received a level upgrade for 2007 which was extended into the second challenge in 2008.

[edit] Rewards Packages

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3