
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

My to-do list:

Keep an eye on World Mission Society Church of God. Thanks to User:DMCer for his help there!

Work on sacred (comparative religion).

Create a page on Henry Adams' Mont St. Michel and Chartres.

Create a page for definition of religion and/or concept of religion which would incorporate work by Feil and Dubuisson--very unfortunately, shockingly, painfully absent from the religion page....

Radically improve Australian Aboriginal mythology and perhaps create a page for Australian Aboriginal religions.

Wow, userboxes!

My students are Cindy and Alice...

This user believes that Caffeine is necessary in large doses daily.
This user is interested in religion.
This user is a humanist.
This user enjoys playing chess.
This user is a Go player.
Y This user attends or attended Yale University.
This user likes to eat
Thai food
This user loves
Indian Food
According to the Political Compass this user is:
Economic Neutral (-0.75) and
Social Libertarian (-4.87)