Wren Natsworthy

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Wren Natsworthy is a character from Philip Reeve's Mortal Engines Quartet, appearing in the last two books.


[edit] Family and friends

Her father is Tom Natsworthy and her mother is Hester Shaw and by the end of A Darkling Plain, she has become engaged to Theo Ngoni. Her best friend is Tildy Smew, a girl who she grew up with in Anchorage-in-Vineland. She also makes friends with Angie Peabody, a girl living in New London.

[edit] Personality and Appearance

She is described as having coppery hair, grey 'mariner' eyes and a long "beaky" nose. She does have her father's naivety at times but she is also intelligent and kind. She also has her mother's determination and can be quite willful at times. Her resemblance to Katherine Valentine in bravery and appearance is often noted in the series.

[edit] Infernal Devices

Wren first appears in Infernal Devices, the third book in the series. She is fifteen and eager for excitement away from sleepy Anchorage-in-Vineland. Then the Lost Boys turn up looking for the Tin Book of Anchorage and she agrees to help them find it if they take her with them back to the outside world. However, the Lost Boys trick and steal the Tin Book off her. Wren is take aboard captive; Hester tries to save her, and starts shooting the Lost Boys. However one survives, a boy named Fishcake, who takes her back to Grimsby, the Lost Boys base with the Tin Book.

However, before Wren and Fishcake get to Grimsby, they come across Brighton, a Traction City of which Nimrod Pennyroyal is mayor. Brighton captures their limpet (submarine) and Wren is sold as a slave to Pennyroyal by Nabisco Skhin, a slave dealer and head of the Skhin Corporation. Wren spends the next few weeks of her captivity plotting to escape. She approaches a fellow slave, Theo Ngoni, an aviator who used to fly Green Storm tumblers. However he refuses, so Wren tries to steal Pennyroyal's air-yacht and fly back to Anchorage. Her plan goes wrong and she is caught, but helped out by the Mayoress and escapes punishment. Meanwhile, her father, Tom, is captured by the Skhin Corporation and Wren is forced to steal back the Tin Book from Pennyroyal, who kept it after Wren was caught, for Skhin.

Wren asks Theo Ngoni for help and he agrees. Together they steal the the Tin Book from Pennyroyal's safe. However, the Green Storm and the Stalker Fang are also looking for the Tin Book and attack Brighton the same night Wren steals it. Wren and Theo are captured by the Green Storm who take the Tin Book from them. While the Stalker Fang is reading the Book, Oenone Zero, the Stalker Fang's surgeon-mechanic, lets them escape. They flee from the Storm and come across Pennyroyal who is injured. The three of them hide until Tom and Hester find them from the Jenny Haniver, their old airship which Pennyroyal took in Predator's Gold. However, Wren has learned from Pennyroyal about how Hester betrayed Anchorage to the Huntsmen of Arkangel, a secret Tom does not know about. Hester is about to kill Pennyroyal until Wren blurts out her secret. Tom confronts Hester, who flees into the desert, despairing and heartbroken. Tom suffers a heart attack but Wren and Theo help him and Pennyroyal onto the Jenny Haniver and fly off.

[edit] A Darkling Plain

Wren and her father have been traveling and trading in their airship the Jenny Haniver for around six months. They are on the Traction City of Peripatetiapolis when Tom spots a woman who he believes is his old Guildmate from London, Clytie Potts. The woman ,however, gives her name as Cruwys Morchard and denies knowing Tom. Tom is unsatisfied and Wren suggests that they try and find out more about her. They track Nimrod Pennyroyal, from whom Tom once heard the name, to Murnau, a city part of the Traktionstadtsgesellschaft. They don't get anything useful out of Pennyroyal, but they do meet Wolf Kobold, the son of the Kreigmarshal of Murnau. Wolf, like Tom, also thinks that there may be survivors of MEDUSA living in the wreck of London, having had a mysterious experience there when he went to the city a few years earlier.