Workers Party, USA

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The Workers Party is a small left wing political party in the United States. Based in Chicago, Illinois, the Workers Party stands on a platform of anti-imperialism and anti-capitalism, and produces a fortnightly newspaper The Worker. The leading party member and editor of The Worker was Michael Thorburn until his death of liver failure on June, 12th of 2007.

The WP USA supports a student group called Youth and Students for a Democratic Foreign Policy (YSDFP). YSDFP hold public meetings on various college campuses in the Chicago area. Thorburn was often the main speaker in these meetings.

The YSDFP call for the formation of a peace party. They recognize the sovereignty of every country and the right of every nation to independence. They call for the withdrawal of all U.S. troops stationed abroad, including an immediate withdrawal from Iraq and the removal of U.S. troops from South Korea. They support North Korea's defense of its sovereignty against U.S. aggression. [1]

Like most communist parties, the Workers Party USA does have a draft program. [2] It is a Marxist-Leninist Party.

[edit] Historical Parties By The Same Name in the U.S.

[edit] References

  1. ^ The Worker (DPRK)
  2. ^ Workers Party, USA

[edit] External links