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[edit] Time period

How long are free blogs kept online? What actions are needed, how often, to keep the blog name reserved and online? It seems that google policy is to keep blogspot blog names reserved "forever", and keep the content online "forever", without requiring any further action. There is controversy about this, and agitation to at least be able to recover blog names that are not being used, to let someone else use them.- 13:53, 6 September 2007 (UTC)

blogspot has the policy of not letting a blog URL be re-used, even if it is not being used, and has not been used for a long time -- it is not available until the previous owner chooses to release it, which they never have to do. WordPress has the even stranger policy that a blog URL may never ever be re-used, once it is deleted, by anyone, not even by the person who deleted it, even if they did it by mistake.[1] The only exception is that in a few cases internal staff may be allowed to re-use a name.[2][3] [4] (A blog URL can be transferred between owners, with care.) "The bit about Automattic staff being allowed to recycle names wasn’t in there 24 hours ago when I linked to it. It’s in there now though. No mention that it had been edited or changed."[5]

"Livejournal gets a lot of people demanding dormant usernames because, with 13 million accounts, their namespace is unbelievably crowded. They do recycle deleted names now for this very reason (and they make a bit of pocket money by charging people to rename their existing journals), but everyone knows that handing over somebody else’s account because they don’t post in it right now is something you don’t do."[6]

It would be good if WP had an article comparing such key attributes of hosted blogs.- 13:43, 7 September 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Autocratic

"My blog has been suspended

Blogs are suspended if they are found to be in breach of the TOS.

We do not contact you first to ask that content be modified or removed.

You cannot have that blog name back.

You cannot have the blog content back."[7]

In other words, you will not be warned. There will be no discussion before your blog is permanently deleted. There will be no explanation. There is no appeal.- 13:43, 7 September 2007 (UTC)