Image talk:World homosexuality laws.png

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This is an image talk page on Wikipedia for an image located on Wikimedia Commons. The image is located at commons:Image:World homosexuality laws.png. Though this talk page may appear to be an orphaned talk page, it is not and is not eligible for speedy deletion (see CSD G8).


[edit] Marriage privatized

If marriage is privatized in some country, what color should that country then have? -- 13:30, 6 May 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Italy

Italy so far still does not allow civil unions, moreover since Italy is not federal I see no reason to arbitrarily change colours only to part of the nation.

Parts of the nation recognize civil unions. While the federal government does not recognize them, neither does the US federal government recognize Massachusetts' same-sex marriages, yet Massachusetts is dark blue because there is some kind of legal recognition. The same should go for areas where civil unions are recognized at the local level. ~goodleh

[edit] Penalty

What constitutes a "large penalty," and a "minimal penalty?" ronan.evans 11:51, 14 March 2007 (UTC)

From what I understand a minimal penalty is a fine, or light yellow. Orange would be a penalty with jail time. Red-orange would be life in prison. Red would be the death penalty. 15:07, 18 April 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Massachusetts

Should be coloured dark-blue on the map. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk) 22:00, 17 March 2007 (UTC).

[edit] United Kingdom

The United Kingdom should be painted dark blue on this map (legalized same-sex marriage in Dec. 2006

The United Kingdom legalized same-sex civil unions. While these unions are considered marriage by many, they do have a short list of legal differences and on paper do not have the word "marriage". While the debate over the word "marriage" and its importance may not have as much significance in the United Kingdom, it does have significance internationally and therefore any international debate or diagram must recognize the United Kingdom as having same-sex unions, but not same-sex marriage. The color should remain until the government recongnizes same-sex unions identically under the law and confers the title of marriage. ~goodleh

[edit] Nigeria

I read that in those nothern parts of Nigeria that pratice Sharia law, homosexuality is punishable by death. so mjaybe the nothern part chould be changed to red?

[edit] Washington State

Has legalised domestic partnerships and should be painted blue Kidoragon 03:06, 15 April 2007 (UTC)

Although not correct when (s)he said it, Kidoragon is right. Washington State needs a fresh coat of paint. 18:07, 23 April 2007 (UTC)

So should Oregon and New Hampshire from 1 January, 2008.

[edit] Israel, Aruba, and the Netherland Antillies

How should regions that recognize same-sex marriages permormed elsewhere but refuse to conduct them? Dark-Blue? A new semi-dark-blue? ~goodleh

Maybe someone could rename the Dark blue one "Same sex marriage recognized or performed. Creating another shade of blue probably makes more sense though.Hihellowhatsup 01:40, 16 April 2007 (UTC)

Rhode Island recognizes marriages performed in Massachusetts, but does not recognize international same-sex marriages. Can it still be included in the new color scheme? Raime 23:40, 15 July 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Relevant article


ScienceApologist 20:42, 26 April 2007 (UTC)

[edit] GIF animation?

I'm not up to it, but wouldn't it be cool if we had a GIF animation as to how laws were changing around the world from month to month? We have enough data to go back a number of years already! --ScienceApologist 20:45, 26 April 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Distinction of Colours

The colour signifying "no information" resembles too closely to my eye the colour for "no unions". Is it possible to edit this so it is more clear? --ZetaReveal 00:28, 11 May 2007 (UTC)

Like yellow for example or pink?

[edit] Australia

All states, territories and even the Councils of Sydney and Melbourne have some form of relationship recignition of either a - Significant partnership (registration scheme, like a licence) for all couples; (TAS and VIC; from 1 December 2007) or domestic partnerships for all couples; (QLD, NT, ACT, NSW, WA and SA). The Commonwealth Government still today has "58 discrimitory laws" in the provisions of laws/statutes, by using the term 'member of the opposite sex'. Also 71% of Australians (Galaxy Poll, 2007) "support" same-gender couples with all of the relationship rights that opposite sex couples "take for granted".

So please have it all in dark blue!!!

    • Sorry, but Australia does not have same-sex marriage. Its article clearly states: "Same-sex marriage is not recognised under Australian federal law. Under section 51(xxi) [1] of the Australian Constitution, the Parliament of Australia is vested with the powers to make laws with respect to marriage. Until 2004 the Marriage Act 1961 did not define marriage, but the common law definition of marriage as "a union between a man and a woman" was applied by Australian courts and was taken to be "settled law." So, dark blue would not be appropriate in the sense that Australia has same-sex marriage. If you mean dark blue to mean that the entire country should colored in the medium blue tone nto show civil unions/domestic partnerships, well then yes, you might be correct. However, simply becuase registration schemes are "like licenses" and the public supports it, that does not mean that same-sex marriage is legal and therefore Australia should not be colored dark blue. Raime 13:04, 17 July 2007 (UTC)

Please make it into the medium blue tone to show civil unions/domestic partnerships please!!! at the moment only WA, TAS, ACT and QLD have this colour, make the other 4 of VIC, SA, NT and NSW all the medium blue tone (except Norfolk Island) - oh and please include Norfolk Island as a simple light blue dot east of Brisbane. See civil unions for more info.

[edit] Unregistered Cohabition

What is Unregistered Cohabition?

* Same as domestic partnerships without proof of that relatioship. that is why it is called "unrestered cohabitation".

[edit] United States DP and/or CU law updates

Washington should be dark blue, domestic partnerships come into force from July 2007!

Oregon should be dark blue, domestic partnerships will come into force from 1 January 2008!

and New Hampshire civil union law comes into force from 1 January 2008 as well so this should be ark blue as well!

If the California SSM bill passes both houses and gets signed by 'anti-gay' aroand sportuneggar - change into purple!!

[edit] Norfolk Island

Why is Norfolk Island just east of Brisbane, Australia not included on the map, when the Carribeean islands are included? As a dot.

[edit] Colombia

The Civil Union Bill did not pass Parliament's examination in Colombia, as the wiki article "Civil unions in Colombia" reads. Then I suggest to change Colombia's colour from dark to light blue. I don't know how to do it myself, if someone can please teach me.. thanks

[edit] new hampshire

New Hampshire has passed a civil unions bill. --Joffeloff 15:20, 17 August 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Iowa

This map needs to update Iowa's status. RichardMarcJ 13:34, 2 September 2007 (UTC)