Wolfenstein (series)

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Wolfenstein is a series of World War II first person shooter computer and video games that follows an American soldier named William "B.J." Blazkowicz. The first two titles were developed by Muse Software, and the rest were developed by id Software.

[edit] Games

Name Year of release Platforms
Castle Wolfenstein 1981 Apple II, DOS, Atari 400/800, Commodore 64
Beyond Castle Wolfenstein 1984 Apple II, Commodore 64, DOS
Wolfenstein 3D 1992 MS-DOS, Mac, Apple IIGS, Acorn Archimedes, SNES, Jaguar, GBA, 3DO, Xbox, Windows
Spear of Destiny 1992 Windows
Return to Castle Wolfenstein 2001 Linux, Mac OS X, Windows, PlayStation 2, Xbox
Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory 2003 Linux, Mac OS X, Windows
Return to Castle Wolfenstein 2 (Working Title) TBA Windows, PS3 [1], Xbox 360

[edit] Related games

  1. Commander Keen (1990) - William Joseph "Billy Blaze" Blazkowicz II (Commander Keen) is the grandson of William "B.J." Blazkowicz.
  2. Doom II: Hell on Earth (1994) - Level 31 (Wolfenstein) of Doom II is based of the first level of Wolfenstein 3D.
  3. Super 3D Noah's Ark (1994) - Is a level for level clone of Wolfenstein 3D.
  4. Rise of the Triad: Dark War (1995) - Was originally going to be a sequel to Wolfenstein 3D called Rise of the Triad: Wolfenstein 3D II.
  5. Enemy Territory: Quake Wars (2007) - Enemy Territory: Quake Wars is a spin-off of Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory.

[edit] External links