Talk:Wolfhart Pannenberg

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There's a lot more that could go in here, I just don't have the time right now. Kevin Rector (talk) 21:16, Jun 16, 2005 (UTC)


  • Where did he do his PhD and Habilitation?
  • Where has he taught?
  • What are his main books?
  • Most of all, the visionary cosmologist Frank Tipler, in his Physics of Immortality and elsewhere, has spoken very well of Pannenberg

as one willing to reflect long and hard on the implications of modern cosmology for Christian theology. The universe began about 14 billion years ago (Big Bang), and has since grown ever more complex. The universe will end one day, either because the nuclear fusion inside stars will run out of fuel, or because the entire universe experiences a Big Crunch. The laws of physics seem "fine tuned" to permit the emergence of intelligent life, which is nevertheless probably very rare. Pannenberg is the only Christian theologian who has written that in all this he sees the hand of God. I do not know if there exists an English language elaboration of his views. 02:36, 4 November 2006 (UTC)