Wladimir Soto

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Picture of Wladimir Soto (right) with Noam Chomsky
Picture of Wladimir Soto (right) with Noam Chomsky

Wladimir Soto Cárcamo (b. Puerto Montt 18 January, 1974), is a writer and anthropologist from southern Chile. He graduated as anthropologist in the Universidad Austral de Chile and have Master degree in Social Sciences in Arcis University in Chile. It has published specialized articles and literary works in the magazine "Words of woman" of Valdivia, newspaper "El Llanquihue" and "The Gong" of Puerto Montt and "Gray Spider" of Calbuco. New World "of Montt(Port has led the program of radio" Antropós "of" Radio a 2004-2005) and program of cultural commentaries in the channel of its city (2003). In that same year it came to the light his titled investigation "sources for the study the indigenous cultures between the Bueno River and the Chacao Channel (1544-1767)" in the book the first congress history Puerto Montt published by Universidad de Los Lagos. Of its responsibility they are them poem book "Until we become pieces" and "The other side of the wall", in addition to the science fiction novel "The circles in the 2001 water", that treats on the possible futures of the city of Puerto Montt. It is part of the Training center of the Historical Patrimony of Llanquihue Province(CEPCH), of which it was founding part in 2005.

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