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Directed by David DeCoteau
Produced by Vlad Panescu
Charles Band
Written by Matthe Jason Walsh
Starring Matt Raftery
Monica Serene Garnich
Ariauna Albright
Brooke Allen
Ashley McKinney
Dave Oren Ward
Dane Northcutt
Music by Jared DePasquale
Cinematography Gabriel Kosuth
Editing by Harry James Picardi
Distributed by Full Moon Features
Release date(s) Template:1998
Running time 72 min.
Country Flag of the United States USA
Language English
Followed by Witchouse 2: Blood Coven
IMDb profile

Witchouse is a horror film released in 1998 by Full Moon Features. The film was rated R for violence, sexual situations, gore, language, and drug content. The independent film would eventually spawn 3 sequels.

[edit] Plot

The film starts with a young couple by the names of Bob and Margaret pulling up to a spooky, large mansion in the dead of winter. Apparently, the house is the sight of a party that a strange classmate is hosting. The two discover the house to be empty and decide to explore the hallways and basement of the house. The couple begins to make out and undress as a mysterious figure with red eyes approaches them and brutally murders them with a dagger.

Fast forward later that night, with all the party guests relaxing in the main living room. Jack, an applied sciences major, is conversing with Brad, the nerd of the group while jock Scott flirts with his girlfriend Maria. In the corner is Tony and Janet, a drug addict and a rocker chick. As the group recall memories of high school, their host Elizabeth makes her grand debut in an old fashioned gown. She tells them that tonight, nearly 300 years ago, her ancestor was burned at the stake by the town after being accused of witchcraft. To add to the excitement, Elizabeth reveals a pentagram to the group and suggests they perform a ritual to contact her ancestor. Maria and Scott sneak out of the party and find themselves a bedroom to make love in while the final party guest, Jennifer arrives. Jack and Jennifer hit it off immediately and Elizabeth begins the ritual.

As we learn the history of her ancestor, the accused witch Lilith, she abducted a child from Dunwich to sacrifice him, but never succeeded. Brad has visions of him being burned by the townsfolk in the fashion that Lilith was. Confused and scared, he pleads with Elizabeth and decides that it is time for him to leave and go home to rest. Elizabeth vanishes to call a cab while the rest of the group relaxes and converse. Waiting impatiently, Brad goes to check up on Elizabeth only to find her in the basement. Holding up the heads of Bob and Margaret, Elizabeth chants a spell and before her eyes, Lilith appears. Elizabeth and her undead witch ancestor turn to find Brad spying and they quickly kill him. Lilith then goes upstairs where she possesses a sleeping Scott while Maria bathes.

Meanwhile, Jack and Jennifer decide to explore the old mansion and its upper floors. Jack and Jennifer grow more friendly and discover a library with numerous books. Jack finds a book that has the last names of all of them that is dated 300 years old. It turns out, that everyone at the party excluding Jennifer are direct descendants of the people who killed Lilith.

As the two read, a possessed Scott attacks and kills Maria who then herself becomes possessed by Lilith. Janet and Tony explore the screams and a greeted by Lilith. After the two freak out and run, they decide that they need to get out of the house. Janet splits up to find Jack and Jennifer while Tony goes to get Maria and Scott. He enters the room and discovers a demonic Maria and Scott smiling at him who then grab at him.

Janet finds Jack and Jennifer and they all agree that Lilith is back and that they need to flee. As they converse, they hear a noise and discover the head of Tony rolling down the hallway. Behind the decapitated head is Scott and Maria, the two possessed ready to attack again. The three run only to be blocked by Lilith who is standing at the front door.

The three then run into the basement where they discover the bodies of Brad, Bob, and Margaret and a craft book. Janet walks past a cauldron, whose flames and smoke rise around her. Janet becomes another victim to Lilith and attacks Jack and Jennifer. After temporarily defeating the demonic Janet, Jack and Jennifer think up ways to kill Lilith.

Jack, using his major, takes a poker wrapped with electric wire and throws it through Lilith's body. Meanwhile, Jennifer hits the power jumper causing Lilith to get electrocuted and vanish in a cloud of smoke along with possessed Janet, Maria, and Scott.

Elizabeth, distraught, promises to bring back Lilith again from the grave. It is only then that Jennifer reveals why she wasn't listed in the book: she's the descendant of the child Lilith tried to sacrifice the night she was executed. Elizabeth lunges at Jennifer with a dagger, only to be stabbed herself, falling down dead.

As the only survivors, Jack and Jennifer speak their love for each other and leave the haunted house for good.

[edit] Cast

  • Ariauna Albright – Lilith LaFey
  • Matt Raftery – Jack
  • Monica Serene Garnich – Jennifer
  • Ashley McKinney – Elizabeth
  • Brooke Allen – Janet
  • Dave Oren Ward – Tony
  • Dane Northcutt – Scott
  • Marissa Tait – Maria
  • Ryan Scott Greene – Brad
  • Jason Faunt - Bob
  • Kimberly Pullis- Margaret

[edit] Movie Deaths

  • Bob : Stabbed numerous times
  • Margaret: Stabbed (off-screen)
  • Brad: Electrocuted by Lilith's powers
  • Scott: Lilith, as green mist, enters his body and kills him leaving him possessed
  • Maria: Scott attacks her leaving her possessed
  • Tony: Be-headed by demonic Scott and Maria
  • Janet: Possessed by Lilith in the basement
  • Lilith: Electrocuted by electricity
  • Elizabeth: Stabbed in the chest