Wired For Sex

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Country of origin Flag of the United States United States
No. of episodes 15
Running time 21-22 minutes
(30 minutes w/commercials)
Original channel TechTV
Original run 4/1/2003 – Present

Wired For Sex is a television program on the former TechTV network showcasing how technology and the Internet have affected sex, including topics ranging from pornography to cyber sex. It was cancelled shortly before TechTV was bought by G4 Media in May 2004 and merged with G4 to form G4techTV. As of April 13, 2007 eight of the thirteen old episodes of Wired for Sex are being shown on G4 in semi-regular broadcasting. G4 contacted World of Wonder Productions, who originally produced Wired for Sex for TechTV, and ordered an entirely new season. Wired for Sex debuted new episodes beginning January 27, 2008.

[edit] Episodes

EP# Prod. code Title Original Airdate
1 101 "Sex Drive: Tech and the Sex Industry"  Tuesday April 1, 2003
From the advent of the first moving pictures, to the development of the polaroid, the VCR, and the personal computer, the sex industry has always been there to take advantage of technology. Many believe that new mainstream technology has even been helped by the pornography and the sex industry. Historically, the drive of sex has advanced technology more than the public would like to admit, and these issues raise further questions to the true "horrors" of technology. 
2 102 "REPRODUCTION REVOLUTION: Contraception"  Tuesday April 8, 2003
With the recent popularity of on-line communcation, it has become more commone for people to talk to people across the country instead of their neighbors across the lawn. Wired for Sex explores the effects of a society who has lost touch with each other in the physical world, but has gained more in cyberspace. 
3 103 "Come Chat with Me: Cybercruising"  Tuesday April 15 , 2003
With the creation of on-line dating and chatting, the internet has changed the way people interact with each other. Chat rooms allow for anonymous "safe" communication while also providing users a way to explore their identity. Internet dating services and online personals take away the awkwardness of walking up to someone to ask them out. It would seem like a perfect future for dating. But even with this ease of interaction, the online world comes with it's share of predators as well. 
4 104 "Sex Machina: Sex Aids"  Tuesday April 22, 2008
The sex industry is always one of the front runners in using technology, but how close is technology to artificially recreating the sexual experience in an artificial setting. Wired For Sex looks into the technology of Virtual Reality to see how technology is being created to advance not only the technical fields but also that of the not so technical. 
5 105 "SEX DRIVE: 21st Century Fetishes"  Tuesday April 29, 2003
One time they were those thoughts and actions that were best kept behind closed does. Now with the creation of the internet, fetishes have not only become accepted, but have become fashionable. With sites like the Suicide girls on the net devoted to the once hidden lifestyles, the internet has been an escape for those who wish to experiment with their sexuality. On the internet there is no such thing as socially unaccepted. 
6 106 "Tech, Sex and the Law"  Tuesday April 29, 2003
While there are people who use technology to the betterment of all, there are still those who use it for their own advantage. But is the freedom of our expressions or of photography slowly decending into dangerous territory? Wired for Sex explores the issues and controversy when the law is too slow in catching up with technology. 
7 107 "The Look of Love: The Science of Attraction"  Tuesday May 6, 2003
People of both sexes seek perfection in the alteration of their bodies. Technology has allowed for these to come easier and more accessible to those of any class. Each year, individuals surgically alter their image in hopes of attracting the perfect mate. But how far is too far, and is the media to blame for all of this? 
8 108 "Pleasure Pills: Disfunction"  Tuesday May 13, 2003

A multi-million dollar industry was created for helping those with sexual dysfunctions. But over the years, the marketing has lead many more to believe that they are inadequate in their love life leading to a misuse of drugs like Viagra by men who really don't need it.

Are the pharmaceutical companies selling "perfection" at the cost of one's self esteem? Or do Americans really do need pills to help in their love lives? 
9 109 "Reproduction Revolution: Contraception"  Wednesday January 1, 2003
Contraception is about sex, pharmaceuticals, and power. Today, even men have the power to use contraceptive pills. But in this episode, we focus on the downside of this technological marvel, the ways in which society is suffering the biological consequences of contraception. The Pill is creating a "lost generation" of childless women and men - those who used technological ability to control human reproduction, but ultimately waited so long to conceive that they lost the ability to reproduce naturally. 
10 110 "The Baby Business: Fertility"  Saturday January 1, 2005
Be fruitful and multiply. Since the Garden of Eden, man has been driven and challenged by his culture and society to procreate. Fertility has reflected the will of civilizations to insure their survival. Now fertility is a $2 billion a year industry and it is only going to get bigger in a society where people seek perfection and control over biology. Advances in technology have given hope to couples and created new industries, such as the trade in eggs and sperm, only imagined a generation ago. 
11 111 "The Clone Age: Cloning and Genetic Engineering"  Saturday January 1, 2005
'Nobody is perfect' is how the saying goes, but might we be approaching the day when this will no longer be true? As we learn more about how to manipulate human genes, it may soon be possible for a couple to ensure their child has only the best physical and mental attributes, protect him or her from future maladies such as cancer and depression, and perhaps even create another child just like their first one. Cloning and genetic engineering are profoundly changing the evolutionary process that has shaped our species for millions of years. They will forever change the way we think about having children and will help eliminate the need for sex to procreate. 
12 112 "Gender Benders: Gender Reassignment"  Saturaday January 1, 2005
For eons, people who felt they were born into a body of the wrong gender could do nothing about it. Today, modern medical science allows many of these people to change their gender using the latest in plastic and re-constructive surgery. This advanced technology has raised cultural and philosophical questions about what constitutes our identity and whether surgery can actually change it. 
13 113 "Japan: Wireless for Sex"  Saturday January 1, 2005
Americans spend hundreds of billions of dollars each year to improve their physical appearance and chase an ideal of sexual attractiveness. In this episode, we look at the biological and cultural reasons for physical attraction - and how our measure of who's attractive has been shaped by the media. 
14 203 "Plastic Fantastic"  Sunday January 27, 2008
"Medicine" attempts to "fix" that which is no-longer or never was beautiful in the eyes of many. But is it really necessary or ethical to nip and tuck those lines away solely for the attraction of the opposite sex. 
15 204 "Mysex"  Sunday January 27, 2008
With public sites such as MySpace and Facebook, there is a central place for people to meet online and it no loner has to be considered bad to "date" on line. But with all this information out there is it really safe? And will this outbreak of group sites lead to lesser interaction in the real world? 

[edit] Links

Official Site - http://www.g4tv.com/wiredforsex/index.html

Detailed Information - http://worldofwonder.net/productions/networks/g4/wired_for_sex.wow