Wings of Hope

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Wings of Hope

Juliane Köpcke sitting on a row of seats in the jungle
Directed by Werner Herzog
Produced by Lucki Stipetic
Narrated by Werner Herzog
Starring Juliane Köpcke
Werner Herzog
Cinematography Peter Zeitlinger
Editing by Joe Bini
Release date(s) 2000
Running time 70 minutes
Language German
English (official dub)
IMDb profile

Wings of Hope (German: Julianes Sturz in den Dschungel) is a 2000 made for TV documentary directed by Werner Herzog. The film explores the story of Juliane Köpcke, a German woman who was the sole survivor of plane crash of Peruvian flight LANSA Flight 508 in 1971. Herzog was inspired to make this film as he narrowly avoided taking the very same flight while he was location scouting for Aguirre, Wrath of God. His reservation was canceled due to a last minute change in itinerary.[1]

In the film, Herzog and Köpcke visit the scenes of her flight, crash, and escape from the jungle. They take a flight from Lima to Pucallpa (though with a different airline), and sit in the same row of seats where Köpke sat during the crash. They unearth many large fragments of the plane in the jungle, and then visit the river routes where she traveled for 10 days on foot, and the small village where she was eventually found by three men, one of whom appears in the film.

Wings of Hope is often seen as a companion piece[2][3] or sequel[1] to Herzog's 1997 film Little Dieter Needs to Fly, in which he retraces the steps of an American soldier's successful escape from a POW camp during the Viet Nam War.

[edit] Production

Herzog had planned to make the film ever since narrowly missing the flight, but was unable to contact Köpcke for many years, as she typically shied away from any media coverage. Herzog finally located her in Munich after contacting the priest who performed the funeral for Köpke's mother.[1] Köpke's dreams, as described in the film and shot in documentary style, were invented and scripted by Herzog.[1]

[edit] References

  1. ^ a b c d Herzog, Werner (2001). Herzog on Herzog. Faber and Faber. ISBN 0-571-20708-1. 
  2. ^ Wings of Hope
  3. ^ Werner Herzog

[edit] External links