Willie Getaway

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Willie Getaway was a fictional character in a comic published in the deceased British publication Sparky. He was heir to a fortune, but didn't know this as he couldn't read the small print on the WANTED posters bearing his image. Every strip featured him attempting to escape from people wanting the thousand pound capture reward. The character first appeared in issue number 316 (dated 6th February 1971) and 'ran' until issue number 451 (dated 8th September 1973),of those 135 issues the Willie Getaway strip appeared in 132 of them. The ending of the strip was inconclusive with Willie still on the run without claiming his fortune.This was probably due to the editors of the Sparky allowing for the possibility of bringing the character back at a later date, but sadly he never returned. A 4 page story was also featured in Sparky annual 1973. The artist who drew the strip was Philip Millar.