Williams Ice Stream
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Williams Ice Stream (miles (24 km) long flowing into Venable Ice Shelf just east of Fletcher Peninsula. Named by Advisory Committee on Antarctic Names (US-ACAN) after Richard S. Williams, Jr., senior research geologist, United States Geological Survey (USGS), Woods Hole, Massachusetts, authority in aerial and satellite investigations of geomorphic processes and the fluctuations of glaciers on a global basis, particularly in Iceland and Antarctica; project leader of the team that is compiling 25 Glaciological and Coastal-Change Maps of Antarctica, and that compiled the 1:5,000,000-scale Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer maps of Antarctica.
) is an ice Stream about 15This article incorporates text from Williams Ice Stream, in the Geographic Names Information System, operated by the United States Geological Survey, and therefore a public domain work of the United States Government.