William Nyuon Bany

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William Nyuon Bany (died 1996) was a Southern Sudanese politician who was also a high-ranking officer in The Sudan People's Liberation Army. While he worked as a commander of the SPLA he lived in Itang a small town near Gambella. He was older than Dr. John Garang, Salva Kiir, Arok Thon Arok.


[edit] Brief Biography

Commander Willima was a Nuer from Ayot. He was also related to the Dinka. He spoke Nuer, Arabic, Ethiopian and a little English.

[edit] Military career

It is not clear whether Commander William was part of the Anyanya 1, however before the war broke out in Southern Town of Bor, He was in Ayot as a major in the Sudanese army. He served as a commander in Sudan for a long time before he joined the rebellion in 1983. Commander William Nyuon Bany did not have a regular education other than his military training. He was a man of zeal, courage and bravery. After he joined the SPLA he was appointed the 3rd high-ranking Commander after Kerubino Kuanyin Bol. Commander Salva was the 4th after William Nyuon Bany. Commander William Nyuon was also the Chief of Staff then a position currently occupied by Commander Oyai Deng Ajak. William Nyuon was known for his commitment to the cause of South Sudan. Below is the list of the SPLA High Command Unit of which CDR. William Nyuon was a member. SPLM/A Leadership Biography

The line of succession was already determined by each individual's senior in the POLITICO- MILITARY HIGH COMMAND. Below is the list according to their seniority 1. Cdr Dr John Garang, 2. Cdr Kerubino Kuanyin Bol 3. Cdr William Nyuon Bany 4. Cdr Salva Kiir Mayardit 5. Cdr Arok Thon Arok 6 Cdr Nyacigak Nyaculuk 7. Cdr John Kualang 8. Cdr Dr Riek Machar Teny 9. Cdr Dr Lam Akol Ajawin 10 Cdr Yusif Kuwa Mekki 11. Cdr James Wani Igga 12.Cdr Daniel Awet Akot 13. Cdr Kuol Manyang Juk 14. Cdr Martin Manyiel Ayuel 15. Cdr Lual Diing Wol 16. Cdr Gelario M

[edit] Internecine Fighting in Southern Sudan

Commander William Nyuon Bany fought as an SPLA commander. In 1991 a split took place in the SPLA. Dr. Riek Machar and Dr. Lam Akol created their own group known then as Nasir SPLA Section. Commander William was with Dr. John Garang. He later went his way but when he tried to rejoin the Dr. Garang he was killed by one of the groups belonging to the Southern Sudanese armies. He is survived by a number of children most of whom live in the United States of America. Commander William Nyuon Bany was killed in 1996 in Southern Sudan. His contribution will indefinitely continue to be remembered in the history books of Southern Sudan.

[edit] Peace Efforts & Negotiations

Commander William Nyuon Bany exerted efforts to help reach a solution for Sudan while he was living in Ethiopia as a member of the SPLA. He also supported the merging of the SPLA and Anyany 2 in 1987. Commander William Nyuon visited Egypt in 1989 where he met hundreds of Sudanese students. He was fluent in Arabic and he encouraged many students to support the cause for freedom in Sudan. Dr. John Garang favored William Nyuon for his zeal, commitment and the fact that he was not a tribalist. He was a Southern Sudanese patriot who loved his people and the integrity of his land. The facts related to his death continue to be confusing as to who exactly was involved in his assassination.

[edit] References

William Nyuon