William Martin Murphy

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William Martin Murphy was an Irish nationalist journalist, politician and MP. in the House of Commons of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and as member of the Irish Parliamentary Party represented Dublin from 1885 to 1892. As an Irish Corkman and politician, it led to him being dubbed 'William Murder Murphy' among Dublin workers and their press.

William Martin Murphy in 1911
William Martin Murphy in 1911

[edit] Life

He was born on November 21, 1844 in Bantry, County Cork, and educated at Belvedere College. When his father, a building contractor, died, he took over the family business. His enterprise and business acumen expanded the business, and he built churches, schools and bridges throughout Ireland, as well as railways and tram-ways in Britain and Africa.

He was elected Irish Parliamentary Party MP for St Patrick's, Dublin, in 1885. He was a member of the informal grouping, the Bantry band - a group of politicians who hailed from the Bantry Bay area. The Bantry Band was also disparagingly dubbed the Pope's brass band. Its most famous member was Tim Healy MP. and also included Timothy Harrington MP., sometime Lord Mayor of Dublin City - however, Harrington (unlike Healy and Murphy) was a Parnellite in the 1890s. (Tim Harrington MP was not the same individual as TR Harrington, who edited the IRISH INDEPENDENT 1905-31, thought they both came from the Bantry/Schull area in West Cork.)

When the Irish Parliamentary Party split in 1890 over Charles Stewart Parnell' leadership, Murphy sided with the majority Anti-Parnellites. But Dublin emerged as a Parnellite stronghold and in the bitter general election of 1892 Murphy lost his seat by over three to one to a Parnellite newcomer, William Field. Murphy was the principal financial backer of the Healyite newspapers the NATIONAL PRESS and the DAILY NATION. His support for Healy attracted the hostility of te majority anti-Parnellite faction led by John Dillon. He made two attempts to return to Parliament, at Kerry South in 1895 and Mayo North in 1900, but both were unsuccessful because of Dillonite opposition.

In 1900 he bought the insolvent IRISH DAILY INDEPENDENT from the Parnellites, merging it with the DAILY NATION. In 1900 he re-launched it as a cheap mass-circulation newspaper, which rapidly displaced the FREEMAN'S JOURNAL as Ireland's most popular nationalist paper. In 1906 he founded the Sunday Independent newspaper.

He refused a knighthood from King Edward VII in 1907 after organising a controversial International Exhibition in Herbert Park, Dublin (it was opposed by many nationalists on the grounds that it was cosmolpolitan and encouraged the purchase of imported goods). In fact the King Edward VII was in the process of knighting Murphy when he refused. Murphy appears to have been motivated by pride; he did not wish to have it said that he had angled for a title and compromised his nationalist principles.

Murphy was highly critical of the Irish Parliamentary Party; from 1914 he used the IRISH INDEPENDENT to oppose the partition of Ireland and advocate Dominion Home Rule involving full fiscal autonomy (which the 1914 Home Rule Act would not have granted).

Worried that the trade unions would destroy his tramway system, he led Dublin employers against the trade unions led by James Larkin, an opposition that culminated in the Dublin Lockout of 1913. This made him extremely unpopular with many, being depicted as a vulture or a vampire in the workers' press.

After the 1916 Easter Rising he bought ruined buildings in Abbey Street as sites for his newspaper offices, however it was his viewpoints (expressed through his Irish Independent) that made him even more unpopular, by calling for the executions of Sean MacDiarmada and James Connolly at a point when the Irish public began to feel sympathy for their cause. Murphy privately disavowed the editorial, claiming it had been written and published without his knowledge.

He was invited in 1917 to take part in talks during the Irish Convention which was called to agree terms for the implementation of the suspended 1914 Home Rule Act. However he discovered that John Redmond was negotiating the temporary exclusion of Northern Ireland. This infuriated Murphy who criticized the intention in his newspaper, which severely damaged the Irish Parliamentary Party. However, the Convention remained inconclusive, and the ensuing demise of the Irish party resulted in the rise of Sinn Fein, whose separatist policies Murphy also did not agree with.  He died in 1919; his family controlled Independent Newspapers until the early 1970s.  

There is a short biography, WILLIAM MARTIN MURPHY by Thomas Morrissey SJ.

Patrick Maume “The Irish Independent and Empire, 1891-1919” in Simon Potter (ed.) Newspapers and Empire in Ireland and Britain: Reporting the British Empire c.1857-1921 (Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2004) pp124-42.

Patrick Maume “The Irish Independent and the Ulster Crisis 1912-21” in Alan O’Day and D.G. Boyce (eds.) The Ulster Crisis 1885-1921 (London; Palgrave/Macmillan, 2006) pp202-28.

Frank Callanan T.M. HEALY (Cork, 1996)
Parliament of the United Kingdom
Preceded by
New seat
Member of Parliament for Dublin St Patrick's
Succeeded by
William Field