Wildlife of Kenya

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The Wildlife of Kenya refers to the flora and fauna of Kenya.

It is not confined to the parks, pens, and reserves although there is normally more abundance in such areas. There are many safaris held in Kenya, mostly in the reserves, although a visitor should see much wildlife outside of the pens.


[edit] Plains Animals

[edit] Large plains animals

Eland - The largest of the antelope in the savannah, weighing about 600 kilograms. They can be found all over Kenya, in places such as Nairobi National Park, Mt Kenya, Kora National Park, and Meru National Park

Wildebeest - Share grazing with zebra and stay in groups. They can be found in places like Nairobi National Park and Kora National Park

Cape Buffalo - Also known as the African Buffalo are known to be the most dangerous animal in Africa. They can be found at Nairobi National Park, Mt Kenya, Meru National Park, and Kora National Park

Rhino - most are being relocated to safe places because of their endangerment, but there are still many wild rhino roaming Kenya. Although there are few places for visitors to see them, you are sure to find them at Nairobi National Park

Elephant - can be found in many different habitats in Kenya. They can be found from the hot coastlands to the cool moorlands of the Aberdares and Mt Kenya range. A few of these places are Mt Kenya, Meru National Park, Kora National Park, and Amboseli National Park

Giraffe-have little competition for the tender leaves of the acacia tree, their principal food. They are found in lakes, swamps, rivers, and an occasional revine forest

[edit] Small plains animals

Suni - a small antelope similar to the orbi and duiker. They travel in groups of two or alone. They can be found in different areas in Kenya, including Mt Kenya

Orbi - They travel alone or in groups of two or three. They are similar to the suni and the duiker.

Duiker - normally travel alone but sometimes go in pairs. They are similar to the suni and orbi.

[edit] Predators

Lion - a powerful predator who uses its power to its advantage. It can be found all over Kenya, and in places sush as Nairobi National Park, Mt Kenya, and Kora National Park

Leopard - is another predator who, like the lion, has much brute force and uses it. They hunt at night and use their excellent eyesight to spot and kill their prey. They can be found at Nairobi National Park, Mt Kenya, Meru National Park, Kora National Park, and over almost all of Kenya.

Cheetah - Is a predator who hunts in the day time and its most powerful weapon is its speed. They live in places like Nairobi National Park, Meru National Park, and Kora National Park

Wild Dog - Are strong predators who are similar to the hyena. They roam over most of Kenya

Hyena - A powerful predator that sometimes travel in groups. They have the strongest jaw pressure and most powerful bite out of any animal in the world. Both the spotted and striped variety of Hyena can be found at Nairobi National Park, Mt Kenya, and Kora National Park

Serval cat - Is one of the smaller predators in Kenya.

Genet - A small cat-like predator that lives in Kenya

Jackal-A small dog-like predator that travel in small groups across Kenya.

[edit] Aquatic animals

Hippo - irritable and normally cranky, are very dangerous. Share their home with the crocodile. They are found in many of Kenya's basins, swamps, and areas with water. Some other places to find them are Nairobi National Park, Meru National Park, and Kora National Park

Crocodile - A large reptile that is powerful and have been known to attack and kill people. They are found in many areas of Kenya.

[edit] National Parks

Nairobi National Park

Mount Kenya

Meru National Park

Kora National Park

Masai Mara

Sibiloi National Park

Amboseli National Park