Wikipedia:WikiProject Secret Societies/Missing articles
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The following subjects all have seperate entries or other substantive content in one or more reference books related to the subject of secret societies. All names followed by an asterisk are from the Encyclopedia of Secret Societies and Fraternal Orders. Note: Not all of these articles initially will be directly relevant to this project. Most of the extant orders of knighthood are also listed, for instance, because they also were mentioned in the above-named book. Those articles which are not relevant will be removed from the list as soon as it is ensured that any relevant content has been added to the article.
Contents |
[edit] A
A. P. Marras*; Abdag*; Abecedairiens*; Abelites*; Aborigines*; Abstinence Sect*; Acacia Fraternity*; Academy of Sublime Masters of the Luminous Ring*; Academy of the Ancients*; Accoltellatori*; Action Francais*; Adoptionism*; Adorateurs de l'Oignon*; Aetherius Society*; Aetitis Association of Lithuanian Catholic Alumni*; African Legion*; African National People's Empire Re-established*; Ahvas Israel*; Aid Association for Lutherans*; Akrates; Albert G. Mackey*; Albertus Magnus*; Albigenses*; Alec Mallor*; Aleister Crowley*; Alessandro Cagliostro*; All-American Association*; All-American Organizations*; Alliance des Ordres de Chevalierie des Hospitaliers de Saint-Jean-de-Jerusalem*; Alliance of Poles in America*; Alliance of Socialist Democracy*; Alliance of Transylvanian Saxons*; Alligator societies*; Alpha Galates*; American Benefit Association of New York*; American Benefit Society*; American Benevolent Association*; American Benevolent Legion*; American Benevolent Union*; American Brotherhood*; American Christian Defenders*; American Club*; American Committee on Italian Migration*; American Coptic Association*; American Council on Germany*; American Fascist Societies*; American Federation of Polish Jews*; American Fraternal Benefit Societies*; American Fraternal Insurance Union*; American Fraternal Union*; American Freemen*; American Gentile Protective Association*; American Gentile Youth Movement*; American GI Forum of the United States*; American GI Forum Women*; American Hellenic Alliance*; American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association*; American Historical Society of Germans from Russia*; American Home Watchmen*; American Hungarian Federation*; American Hunters*; American Indian Heritage Foundation*; American Indian Liberation Crusade*; American Indian Movement*; American Insurance Union*; American Italian Congress*; American Knights of Protection*; American Krusaders*; American Latvian Association in the United States*; American Legion*; American Legion of Honor*; American Mutual Life Association*; American Nationalities Council*; American Order of Clansmen*; American Order of Druids*; American Order of San Juan*; American Order of the Square*; American Order of United Catholics*; American Protective Association*; American Protestant Association*; American Scottish Foundation*; American Stars of Equity*; American Turnerbund*; Americans by Choice*; Ancient and Honorable Order of Haymakers*; Ancient and Honorable Order of the Blue Goose*; Ancient and Noble Order of Gomorgons*; Ancient and Original Brotherood of Old Bastards*; Ancient Mystic Order of Bagmen of Bagdad*; Ye Ancient Order of Corks*; Ancient Order of Druids*; Ancient Order of Emeth-Achavah*; Ancient Order of Freesmiths*; Ancient Order of Gleaners*; Ancient Order of Hibernians in America*; Ancient Order of Knights of Jerusalem*; Ancient Order of Knights of the Orient*; Ancient Order of Loyal Americans*; Ancient Order of Muts*; Ancient Order of Pyramids*; Ankh*; Annie Besant*; Antenaeum*; Anthroposophical Society in America*; Anti-Masons*; Antlers*; Antoine Fabre D'Olivet*; Antoinism*; Arcana Workshops*; The Arctic Brotherhood*; Areoiti*; Armenenschaft*; Armenian General Benevolent Union*; Armenian Students Association of America*; Armenian Women's Welfare Association*; Army and Navy Club*; Arrow, Inc.*; Artisan's Order of Mutual Protection*; Arts Club*; Asanteman Association*; Asemblee National des Franco-Americans*; Asiatic Brethren*; Assassins*; Assembly of Turkish American Associations*; Assessment*; Associated Fraternities of America*; Associated Patriots*; Association Canado Americaine*; Association France-Etats-Unis*; Association of American Indian Affairs*; Association of American Youth of Ukrainian Descent*; Association of Asian Indians in America*; Association of Indian Muslims in America*; Association of Lithuanian Workers*; Association of Sri Lankans in America*; Association of the Sons of Poland*; Astrum Argentum*; Ateitis*; Atlantic Self-Endowment Association of America*; Atlantis*; August and Noble Order of Gomorgons*; Australia-New Zealand Society of New York*; Auxiliaries*; Auxiliary to Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War*; Auxiliary to the Grand Army of the Republic*; Awareness Beings*;
[edit] B
Babende*; Babiism*; Baltic Women's Council*; Bamileke secret societies*; Baphomet*; Baptist Life Association*; Barbati Fratres*; Bastards of the Temple of the Rosy Cross*; Bath Club*; Bavarian National Association of North America*; Bavarian Orders of Knighthood*; Beati Paoli*; Beavers National Mutual Benefit*; Beavers Reserve Fund Fraternity*; Beefsteak*; Beghards*; Beguines*; Belarusan-American Association in the USA*; Belgian-American Association*; Ben Hur Life Association*; Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks in America*; Benevolent and Protective Order of the Does*; Benevolent Order of Bereans*; Benevolent Order of Monkeys*; Bibliotheca Esoterica*; Big Four Fraternal Life Association*; Bilderburg Group*; Black Front*; Black Hand*; Black Hand (Serbia)*; Black Legion*; Black Reichswehr*; Black Shirts*; Blackball*; Blue Lodge*; Blue Shirt Society*; Blue Shirts of Loyalty*; Blueshirts*; B'nai B'rith International*; B'nai Zion*; Bogomils*; Boodle's*; Boxers*; The Brethren*; Brith Abraham*; Brith Shalom*; Brooks's*; Brotherhood of America*; Brotherhood of American Workmen*; Brotherhood of American Yeomen*; Brotherhood of the New Life*; Brotherhood of the Union*; Brotherhood of the West Gate*; Brown Shirts*; Buck's*; Builders of the Adytum*; Bundschuh*; Byelorussian-American Youth Organization*;
[edit] C
Cagoule*; Calderai del Contrapeso*; Caledonian Club*; Camorra*; Canadian Foresters Life Insurance Society*; Canadian Fraternal Association*; Canning Club*; Canters*; Carbonari*; Carlton Club*; Carpatho-Russian Benevolent Association Liberty*; Carrefour de l'Amitie*; Cathari*; Catholic Association of Foresters*; Catholic Brotherhood of Old Bastards*; Catholic Daughters of the Americas*; Catholic Knights Insurance Society*; Catholic Knights of America*; Catholic Knights of Ohio*; Catholic Knights of St. George*; Catholic Order of Foresters*; Catholic Workman*; Cavalry Club*; Celestial Order Sect*; Celtic Church*; Cercle de Paris*; Chapter of Clermont*; Charbonniers*; Charles W. Ferguson*; Charles William Heckethorn*; Chauffeurs*; Cheese Clubs*; Chevalier D'Eon*; Chevaliers Hospitaliers de l'Ordre Souveraine et Militaire de Saint-Jean-de-Jerusalem*; Chevaliers of Pythias*; Chian Federation of America*; Children of the Confederacy*; Chinese secret societies*; Christian American Crusade*; Christian Democrats*; Christian Knights and Heroines of Ethiopia and the East and West Hemispheres*; Christian Cynosure*; Christian Protective League*; City of London Club*; City of Lushingdon*; City University Club*; City Livery Club*; Civil Club*; Civil Order of Alfonso II*; Clan-na-Gael*; Clubs in Exile*; College Fraternities and Sororities*; Colonial Dames of America*; Colored Brotherhood and Sisterhood of Honor*; Colored Knights of Pythias*; Columbian Circle*; Columbian Fraternal Association*; Columbian League*; Columbian Mutual Life Assurance Society*; Coming Men of America*; Comitadjes*; Committee of French-Speaking Societies*; Community of Jesus*; Compagnonnage*; Companions of the Forest of America*; Comuneros*; Concordists*; Confraternite du Grand Chene Celte*; Confrerie du Krääm*; Congo Star*; Congress of Russian Americans*; Consistorials*; Constitutional Christian Party*; Constitutional Society of European Patriots*; Cornet of Horse*; Cosmic Movement*; Cougoude*; Council for Foreign Relations*; Council for Native American Indians*; Council of Emperors of the East and West*; Council of Scottish Clans and Associations*; Council of the Trinity*; Court of Honor*; Cowan*; Crescents*; Croatian Catholic Union of the USA*; Croatian Catholic Union of the United States of America and Canada*; Croation Fraternal Union of America*; Croatian National Congress*; Croatian Peasant Party*; Croatian Worker's Association of America*; Croix Blanche Universelle*; Croix de Feu*; Crouching Tiger Society*; Crowned Republic*; Crusaders*; CSA Fraternal Life*; Czech Catholic Union*; Czech Heritage Foundation*;
[edit] D
Dames of Malta*; Dames of Mount Tabor*; Danish Brotherhood in America*; Darbyism*; Daughters of America*; Daughters of Columbia*; Daughters of Evrytania*; Daughters of Hope*; Daughters of Isabella*; Daughters of Isis*; Daughters of Liberty*; Daughters of Penelope*; Daughters of Rebekah*; Daughters of Republic of Texas*; Daughters of Scotia*; Daughters of Scotland*; Daughters of the Cincinnati*; Daughters of the Eastern Star*; Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War*; David Conway*; Death and Resurrection*; Decisi*; Defenders*; Degree of Honor Protective Association*; Degrees*; Deism*; Delphic Priesthood*; Deprogramming*; Descendants of the New Jersey Settlers*; Descendants of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence*; Desoms*; Deutsche Union*; Devonshire Club*; Docetae*; Donatists*; Double Dragon Society*; Dragon Flower Society*; Dragon Society*; Dramatic Order, Knights of Khorassan*; Drinking Clubs*; Droit Humain*; Druid Order*; Druids*; Duk-Duk*; Dynastic Orders of Chivalry*;
[edit] E
E Clampus Vitus*; E-Soter-Ists of the West*; East India and Sports Club*; Ebionites*; Eclectic Assembly*; Edelweiss*; Edward Bulwer-Lytton*; Eelam Tamils Association of America*; Egbo*; Eight Trigrams Sect*; Ekkpe*; Elder Brothers*; Elect*; Elect Cohens*; Eleusis*; Elias Ashmole*; Eliphas Levi*; Elks*; Elks Mutual Benefit Association*; Emblem Club of the United States of America*; Empire Knights of Relief*; Encyclopedia of Associations*; Endowment Fraternal Organizations*; Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem*; Equitable Aid Union of America*; Equitable Fraternal Union*; Equitable League of America*; Erigen*; Ertogroul*; Esoteric Fraternity*; Essenes*; Estonian Educational Society*; Eternal and Universal Brotherhood of Mystics*; Ethiopian Community Mutual Association*; Ethnic Organizations*; Eulis Brotherhood*; Evrytanian Association of America*; Exalted Order of Big Dogs*; Ezra A. Cook Publications*;
[edit] F
F. T. Begue Clavel*; F. W. Butt-Thompson*; Fascist organizations*; Federation of Masons of the World*; Federal Life Insurance of America*; Federation of American Cultural and Language Communities*; Federation of French American Women*; Fendeurs*; Fifth Order of Melchizedek and Egyptian Sphinx*; Filadelfi*; Fils d'Adam*; Finlandia Foundation*; First Catholic Ladies Slovak Association*; First Catholic Slovak Ladies Association*; First Catholic Slovak Union of the U.S.A. and Canada*; Flagon and Trencher*; Foresters*; Foresters of America*; Foufou*; Francis Bacon*; Frankists*; Fraternal Aid Union*; Fraternal Association*; Fraternal Brotherhood*; Fraternal Guild*; Fraternal Home Insurance Society*; Fraternal Legion*; Fraternal Monitor*; Fraternal Mystic Legion*; Fraternal Order of Bears*; Fraternal Order of Beavers*; Fraternal Order of Clover Leaves*; Fraternal Order of Colonials*; Fraternal Patriotic Order of Americans*; Fraternal Reserve Association*; Fraternal Tributes*; Fraternal Union of America*; Fraternitas Saturni*; Fraternity of America*; Fraternity of Friendly Fellows*; Fraticelli*; Free Albania Association*; Free and Accepted Bastardy, York Right*; Free Sons of Israel*; Freemasons*; Freemen's Protective Silver Association*; French fascist societies*; French Rite*; Friendly societies*; Friends of Greece*; Friends of India Society International*; Friends of Truth*; Frochak*; Fund for the Relief of Russian Writers and Scientists in Exile*;
[edit] G
Gaizag*; Garduna*; Garrick Club*; General Grand Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star*; General Society of Colonial Wars*; General Society of Mayflower Descendants*; General Society of the War of 1812*; General Society, Sons of the Revolution*; Gentlemen's clubs*; George Ivanovich Gurdjieff*; German-American National Congress*; German Freedom Society*; German Order of Harugari*; German Society of Pennsylvania*; German Society of the City of New York*; Germans-from-Russian Heritage Society*; Gnosticism*; Golden Coin Society*; Golden Rule Alliance*; Golden Seal Assurance Society*; Golden Star Fraternity*; Grail Movement*; Grand Chapter of the Ancient and Venerable Order of Harodim*; Grand College of Rites of the United States of America*; Grand Council of Allied Masonic Degrees of the United States*; Grand Fraternity*; Grand Independent Lodge, Brotherhood of Old Bastards*; Grand Order of Galilean Fishermen*; Grand United Order of the Independent Sons and Daughters of Purity*; Grand United Order of True Reformers*; Grange*; Great White Lodge*; Greek Catholic Union of the USA*; Green Gang*; Green Island*; Gregorians*; Gresham Club*; Grips*; Grotto*; Groupe de Reserches archéologiques de Montségur et les environs*; Guardians of Liberty*; Guards' Club*; Guelphic Knights*; Guilds*;
[edit] H
H.T.D.*; Halidani-Ali-Osman*; Hearts of Oak Benefit Society*; Hearts of Steel*; Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa*; Helena Petrovna Blavatsky*; Hell Fire Club*; Henvreudeuriezh Tud an Derv*; Heralds of Liberty*; Hereditary Order of the Descendants of Colonial Governors*; Hereditary societies*; Heretics*; Hermandad*; Hermanos Penitentes*; Hermes Trismegistus*; Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor*; Hermetic Fraternity*; Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn*; Heroines of Jericho*; Hetairai*; Hibernians*; High Twelve International*; Hindoos*; Hiram Abif*; Hiram: or, The Grand-Master Key*; Hoffmansche Bund*; Holland Society of New York*; Holy Order of Knights Beneficent of the Holy City*; The Home Circle*; Home Forum Benefit Society*; The Home Palladium*; Homesteaders*; Hommes de l'Intelligence*; Honor societies*; Hooded Ladies of the Mystic Den*; Hood's Texas Brigade Association*; Hop Sing Tong Benevolent Association*; Horrible Conspiration Club*; Hospitallers*; Human Leopards*; Hungarian Catholic League of America*; Hungarian Congress*; Hungarian Reformed Federation of America*; Huntchak*; Hunters*; Hurlingham Club*; Hussites*; Hyginus Eugene Cardinale*; Hyperborea*;
[edit] I
IMRO*; Iatric Masonry*; Illuminated Bastards*; Illuminated Theosophists*; Illuminati*; Imperial Mystic Legion*; Imperial Order of Muscovites*; Improved Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks in North America*; Improved Order of Brith Abraham*; Improved Order of Deer*; Improved Order of Knights of Pythias*; Independent Brotherhood of Old Bastards of North and South America, Europe and Africa*; Independent Order of Foresters*; Independent Order of Foresters of Illinois*; Independent Order of Good Samaritans and Daughters of Samaria*; Independent Order of Immaculates of the United States of America*; Independent Order of Mechanics*; Independent Order of Mystic Brothers*; Independent Order of Puritans*; Independent Order of Shepherds*; Independent Order of Sons of Abraham*; Independent Order of Sons of Benjamin*; Independent Order of Svitihod*; Independents*; India-Net*; Industrial Benefit Order*; Industrial Order of America*; Initiated Knights and Brothers of Asia*; Institut d'Etudes Cathares*; Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization*; International Alliance of Catholic Knights*; International Brotherhood of Old Bastards*; International Geneva Association*; International Order of Hoo-Hoo*; International Order of Job's Daughters*; International Order of the Alhambra*; International Order of Twelve*; International Organization of Good Templars*; Invisibles*; Iowa Legion of Honor*; Irish National Order of Foresters*; Irish Republican Brotherhood Iron Guard*; Isawa*; Isis*; Israeli Students' Association in the U.S.A. and Canada*; Italian-American Cultural Society*; Italian Catholic Federation Central Council*; Italian Sons and Daughters of America*; Italian Sons and Daughters of America Fraternal Association*;
[edit] J
Jamestowne Society*; Japanese American Citizens League*; Javia Kartas*; Jean Chesnaux*; Jean DeWitt*; Jean-Pierre Bayard*; Jesuits*; Jewish Cultural Clubs and Societies*; Jews and Freemasons*; Johanniter Orden*; Johannites*; John Birch Society*; John Dee*; Jünglingsbund*; Junior Carlton Club*; Junior Foresters of America*; Junior Order of Prices of Syracuse*; Junior Order of United American Mechanics*;
[edit] K
Kaa*; Kaballah*; Kadosh*; Kalastassen Kagalanaglad Katipunan*; Kamelia*; Karpokratians*; Keystone Guard*; Khaki Shirts*; Khlysty*; Kiwanis Club International*; Knife and Fork Degree*; Knighthood*; Knights and Daughters of Tabor*; Knights and Ladies of Azar*; Knights and Ladies of Honor*; Knights and Ladies of Security*; Knights and Ladies of the Golden Precept*; Knights and Ladies of the Golden Star*; Knights of Columbus*; Knights of DeGama*; Knights of Equity*; Knights of Friendship*; Knights of Honor*; Knights of Jubilation*; Knights of Liberty*; Knights of Luther*; Knights of Peter Claver*; Knights of Pythias*; Knights of Pythias of North and South America, Europe, Asia, and Africa*; Knights of Reciprocity*; Knights of St. Columba*; Knights of St. Columbanus*; Knights of St. John*; Knights of the Ancient Essenic Order*; Knights of the Ancient Order of the Mystic Chain*; Knights of the Apocalypse*; Knights of the Blue Cross of the World*; Knights of the Cork*; Knights of the Flaming Circle*; Knights of the Globe*; Knights of the Golden Circle*; Knights of the Golden Eagle*; Knights of the Golden Horn*; Knights of the Golden Rule*; Knights of the Invisible Colored Kingdom*; Knights of the Loyal Guard*; Knights of the Mystic Circle*; Knights of the Red Cross*; Knights of the Red Cross of Constantine*; Knights of the Southern Cross*; Knights of the York Cross of Honour*; Knights Templar, Grand Encampment of the United States*; Knothole Clubs*; Knots*; Know-Nothing*; Koundji*; Kravez Kelt*; Ku Klux Klan*;
[edit] L
La Flamme Cathare*; La Roise-Croix de Harlem*; Labor Zionist Alliance*; Ladies of the Grand Army of the Republic*; Ladies of the Maccabees of the World*; Ladies Oriental Shrine of North America*; Ladies Pennsylvania Slovak Catholic Union*; Lady Elks*; Land and Liberty*; Lansdown Club*; Le Cercle Cathar et Gnostique*; Le Groupe Néo-Cathare*; League of Finnish-American Societies*; League of Friendship of the Supreme Mechanical Order of the Sun*; League of Patriotic Combat*; League of Ukrainian Catholics of America*; League of United Latin American Citizens*; Legion of Honor*; Legion of Honour*; Legion of the Red Cross*; Legionarios del Trabajo in America*; Lemko Association of U.S. and Canada*; Les Amis de Montségur*; Les Chevaliers de la Flamme Cathare*; Lichtseher*; Lions International*; Lithuanian Alliance of America*; Lithuanian American Roman Catholic Women's Alliance*; Lithuanian Catholic Alliance*; Lithuanian Catholic Students' Association*; Lithuanian Regeneration Association*; Lithuanian Roman Catholic Federation of America*; Lodge*; Loge des Amis Reunis*; Lollards*; Loyal American Life Association*; Lithuanian Catholic Alliance*; Locomotive Engineers Mutual Life*; Los Californianos*; Loyal Christian Benefit Association*; Loyal Knights and Ladies*; Loyal Knights of America*; Loyal Knights of the Round Table*; Loyal Mystic Legion of America*; Loyal Sons of America*; Luncheon clubs*; Luso-American Fraternal Federation*;Luso-American Life Insurance Society*;
[edit] M
M.C.C.*; Maccabees*; Macedonian Patriotic Organization of U. S. and Canada*; Mad Councillors*; Mafia*; Magi*; Magic and Secrets*; Maids of Athena*; Makam*; Mala Vita*; Mandjong*; Manichaeism*; Manilaq Association*; Mankui*; Mannekeh*; Mansou*; Mantra*; Marcionite churches*; Maria Anna Order*; Mark Carnes*; Martinism*; Masonic Life Association*; Masonic Relief Association*; Massachusetts Catholic Order of Foresters*; Meke*; Mennonite Mutual Aid Association*; Mercelots*; Mesmerism*; Military Order of Maximilian Joseph*; Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States*; Military Order of the Stars and Bars*; Minorites*; Mithraism*; Modern American Fraternal Order*; Modern Brotherhood of America*; Modern Knights Fidelity League*; Modern Knights of St. Paul*; Modern Knights Templar*; Modern Order of Chaldeans*; Modern Order of Praetorians*; Modern Romans*; Modern Samaritans*; Modern Templars*; Monarchianism*; Monophysites*; Monothelites*; Montanism*; Moose, International*; Moral Re-Armament*; Morgan Affair*; Mormons*; Mornarchists Steel Helmets*; Mosaic Templars of America*; Mosel Club*; Movement of the Grail*; Mumbo-Jumbo*; Mutual Aid Association of the New Polish Immigration*; Mutual Guild of Grand Secretaries*; Myriam*; Mystic Workers of the World*; Mystical Seven*;
[edit] N
N'Dakoum*; N'Sop*; National Alliance of Czech Catholics*; National Association of Americans of Asian Indian Descent*; National Association of Arab Americans*; National Association of Japan-America Societies*; National Benevolent Society*; National Blue Shirt Minute Men*; National Catholic Society of Foresters*; National Congress of American Indians*; National Council of Columbia Associations in Civil Service*; National Defenders*; National Deposit Friendly Society*; National Dotare*; National European American Society*; National Federated Craft*; National Fraternal League*; National Fraternal Society of the Deaf*; National Fraternal Union*; National Fraternity*; National Freemasons*; National Gentile League*; National Haymaker's Association*; National Home Guards*; National Huguenot Society*; Nataional Indian Youth Council*; National Liberal Club*; National Lithuanian Societey of America*; National Mutual Benefit*; National Order of America*; National Order of Cowboy Rangers*; National Organization of Italian-American Women*; National Protective Life Association*; National Slavic Convention*; National Slovak Society of the United States of America*; National Society Daughters of Founders and Patriots of America*; National Society, Daughters of the American Colonists*; National Society, Daughters of the American Revolution*; National Society, Daughters of Utah Pioneers*; National Society of New England Women*; National Society of Old Plymouth Colony Descendants*; National Society of the Children of the American Revolution*; National Society of the Sons of the Utah Pioneers*; National Society, Sons of the American Revolution*; National Society, United States Daughters of 1812*; National Society, Women Descendants of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company*; National Sojourners, Inc.*; National Union Assurance Society*; National Urban Indian Council*; National Woman's Relief Corps*; Native Sons of the Golden West; Naval and Military Club*; Neguiti*; Nestorianism*; Netherlands Club of New York*; New England Order of Protection*; New Era Association*; New French Liberals*; New Order of Builders*; Nicolas Flamel*; Nie*; Nigerian Students Union in the Americas*; Nihilism*; Nine Unknown Men*; Nippon Club*; Nkimba*; Noble Order of the Golden Fleece*; Noble Order of the Seraphim*; Noel P. Gist*; North American Manx Association*; North American Swiss Alliance*; North American Union Life Assurance Society*; North Star Benefit Association*; Northern Fraternal Life Insurance*; Northwest Legion of Honor*; Norway-America Association*; Number Ten Club*;
[edit] O
Oberland Union*; Observance Sect*; Occidental Mutual Benefit Association*; Oeuvres Hospitaliers françaises de l'ordre de Malte*; Omonoia*; Ordem de Felicidade*; Ordem dos Mopses*; Ordem dos Lenhadores e Lenhadoras*; Order for Merit*; Order of Adolphus of Nassau*; Order of Aegis*; Order of African Architects*; Order of Agriculture*; Order of AHEPA*; Order of Al Kamal*; Order of Albert the Bear*; Order of Alfonso XII*; Order of Alfredians*; Order of American Fraternal Circle*; Order of Americus*; Order of Amitie*; Order of Ancient Oaks*; Order of Anti-Poke-Nosers*; Order of Argonauts*; Order of Athene*; Order of Bananas*; Order of Beneficencia*; Order of Berthold I*; Order of Brith Abraham*; Order of Bugs*; Order of Camels*; Order of Charles XIII*; Order of Charles Frederick*; Order of Chosen Friends*; Order of Christ*; Order of Civil Merit*; Order of Columbus*; Order of Danilo*; Order of De Molay*; Order of Dom Pedro I*; Order of Duke Peter Frederick Louis*; Order of Elizabeth*; Order of Elizabeth Theresa*; Order of Equity*; Order of Ernest*; Order of Fidelity*; Order of Francis Joseph*; Order of Frederick*; Order of Generosity*; Order of George I*; Order of Glory*; Order of Golden Circle*; Order of Golden Links*; Order of Henry the Lion*; Order of Heptasophs*; Order of Home Builders*; Order of Houn' Dogs*; Order of Iriquois*; Order of Isabella the Catholic*; Order of Kadiriyya*; Order of Knight Masons*; Order of Knights and Ladies of the Anchor*; Order of Knights of Alcantara*; Order of Knights of Calatrava*; Order of Knights of St. James of Compostella*; Order of Leopold*; Order of Louis*; Order of Maria Christina*; Order of Maria Louisa*; Order of Maria Theresa*; Order of Mejidi*; Order of Merit*; Order of Military Merit*; Order of Milosch the Great*; Order of Mutual Protection*; Order of Naval Merit*; Order of Olga*; Order of Orange-Nassau*; Order of Osmanic*; Order of Our Lady of Guadeloupe*; Order of Our Lady of Villa Vicosa*; Order of Pente*; Order of Philip the Magnanimous*; Order of Pius*; Order of Privilege*; Order of Regenerated Franks*; Order of Rescue*; Order of St. Alakandr Nevsky*; Order of St. Alexander*; Order of St. Andrew*; Order of St. Anne*; Order of St. Benedict of Evora*; Order of St. Charles*; Order of St. Ferdinand*; Order of St. George*; Order of St. George, Defender of the Faith in the Immaculate Conception*; Order of St. Gregory the Great*; Order of St. Hermenegildo*; Order of St. Hubert*; Order of St. Isabella*; Order of St. Joseph*; Order of St. Louis*; Order of St. Maurice*; Order of St. Michael*; Order of St. Michael and St. George*; Order of St. Michael and St. Lazarus*; Order of St. Michael of France*; Order of St. Olaf*; Order of St. Patrick*; Order of St. Peter*; Order of St. Sava*; Order of St. Stanislaus*; Order of St. Stephen*; Order of St. Stephen of Hungary*; Order of SS Cyril and Methodius*; Order of Savoy*; Order of Schefekat*; Order of Seraphim*; Order of Service, Royal Guelphic Order*; Order of Shield of Honor*; Order of Sincerity*; Order of Solon*; Order of Sparta*; Order of Takovo*; Order of the African Star*; Order of the Amazons*; Order of the Annunziata*; Order of the Bath*; Order of the Bavarian Crown*; Order of the Benevolent Union*; Order of the Black Brothers*; Order of the Black Eagle*; Order of the Blazing Star*; Order of the Brandenburg Red Eagle*; Order of the British Empire*; Order of the Builders*; Order of the Bust of Bolivar*; Order of the Chrysanthemum*; Order of the Cincinnati*; Order of the Collar*; Order of the Continental Fraternal Union*; Order of the Crown*; Order of the Crown of Italy*; Order of the Crown of Romania*; Order of the Crown of Rue*; Order of the Crown of Württemberg*; Order of the Dames of the Starry Cross*; Order of the Dannebrog*; Order of the Eastern Star*; Order of the Founders and Patriots of America*; Order of the Garter*; Order of the Golden Chain*; Order of the Golden Fleece*; Order of the Golden Key*; Order of the Golden Kite*; Order of the Golden Lion*; Order of the Golden Rod*; Order of the Golden Spur*; Order of the Griffin*; Order of the Happy Sacred Treasure*; Order of the Holy Ghost*; Order of the Holy Ghost, Teutonic Order*; Order of the Holy Sepulchre*; Order of the House of Hohenzollern*; Order of the Imperial Double Dragon*; Order of the Indian Empire*; Order of the Iron Cross*; Order of the Iron Crown*; Order of the Iron Hall*; Order of the Little Red Schoolhouse*; Order of the Mexican Eagle*; Order of the Military Star of King Fuad*; Order of the Mirror*; Order of the Mystic Star*; Order of the Netherlands Lion*; Order of the Nile*; Order of the Nine Precious Stones*; Order of the Norwegian Lion*; Order of the Oak Crown*; Order of the Pole Star*; Order of the Redeemer*; Order of the Rising Sun*; Order of the Rose*; Order of the Royal Ark*; Order of the Royal Purple*; Order of the Siamese Crown*; Order of the Solid Rock*; Order of the Southern Cross*; Order of the Star of Karageorgevich*; Order of the Star of Romania*; Order of the Starry Cross*; Order of the Sun and the Lion*; Order of the Sword*; Order of the Thistle*; Order of the Tower and the Sword*; Order of the White Eagle*; Order of the White Elephant*; Order of the White Falcon*; Order of the World (of Boston)*; Order of the Zaehringen Lion*; Order of Theresa*; Order of Unity*; Order of Vasa*; Order of Vesta*; Order of Vladimir*; Order of Wendish Crown*; Order of William*; Order Sons of Italy in America*; Ordre Eudique*; Ordre Hermetique de l'Hermine d'árgent*; Organization of Nigerian Citizens*; Oriental Club*; Orthodox Society of America*; Osterreichisch-Amerikanische Geselleschaft*; Oxford and Cambridge Club*;
[edit] P
Pan-American Indian Association*; Pan-Macedonian Association*; Panarcadian Federation of America*; Panepirotic Federation of America, Canada, and Australia*; Panyop*; Paulicianism*; Pennsylvania Order of Foresters*; People's Favorite Order*; People's Five-Year Benefit Order*; Perfect Initiates of Asia*; Pierre Mariel*; Pioneer Fraternal Organization*; Piscataqua Pioneers*; Plast, Ukrainian Youth Organization*; Polish American Congress*; Polish Beneficial Association*; Polish Falcons of America*; Polish National Alliance of the United States of America*; Polish National Union of America*; Polish Roman Catholic Union of America*; Polish Union of America*; Polish Union of the United States of North America*; Polish Women's Alliance of America*; Portuguese Continental Union of the United States of America*; Portuguese Society Queen St. Isabel*; Pratt's Club*; Press Club*; Protected Home Circle*; Protestant Knights of America*; Providence Association of Ukrainian Catholics in America*; Public Schools Club*; Pythian Sisterhood*;
[edit] Q
Quitong*; Quo Si*;
[edit] R
Rathbone Sisters of the World*; Red Gang*; Red Spears*; Reform Club*; Reichsbanner*; Reichsflagge*; Robert Fludd*; Roehampton Club*; Roger Bacon*; Royal Air Force Club*; Royal and Ancient Brotherhood of Old Bastards*; Royal and Exalted Order of Fleas*; Royal and Illustrious Order of Charles III*; Royal and Military Order of St. Louis*; Royal Antediluvian Order of Buffalo*; Royal Automotive Club*; Royal Benefit Society*; Royal Highlanders*; Royal Order of Lions*; Royal Order of Maria Louise*; Royal Society of Grand Fellows*; Royal Order of the Knights of Spain*; Royal Order of the Lion*; Royal Thames Yacht Club*; Royal Victorian Chain*; Royal Victorian Order*; Russian Brotherhood Organization of the U.S.A.*; Russian Independent Mutual Aid Society*; Russian Orthodox Catholic Mutual Aid Society of U.S.A.*; Russian Orthodox Catholic Women's Mutual Aid Society*; Russian Orthodox Fraternity Luboj*;
[edit] S
St. Andrew's Society of the State of New York*; St. James's Club*; St. Nicholas Society of the City of New York*; St. Stephen's Club*; Savage Club*; Savile Club*; Schlaraffia Nordamerika*; Schwarz-Rot-Gold*; Scottish Heritage, U.S.A.*; Selfreliance Association of American Ukrainians*; Serb National Federation*; Sexennial League*; Silver Cross of Merit*; Slavonic Benevolent Order of the State of Texas*; Sloga Fraternal Life Insurance Association*; Slovak-American National Council*; Slovak Catholic Sokol*; Slovene National Benefit Society*; Slovenian Women's Union*; Societe d'Aloyau*; Societe du Souvenir et des Etudes cathares*; Society for the New Reform of France*; Society of Amicists*; Society of California Pioneers*; Society of Families*; Society of Goats*; Society of Indiana Pioneers*; Society of Jehu*; Society of Kastorians*; Society of the Blue Friars*; Society of the Cincinnati*; Society of the Descendants of the Colonial Clergy*; Society of the Descendants of Washington's Army at Valley Forge*; Society of the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick in the City of New York*; Society of the Illuminati*; Sokol U.S.A.*; Sons and Daughters of America*; Sons and Daughters of Oregon Pioneers*; Sons and Daughters of Pioneer Rivermen*; Sons and Daughters of Protection*; Sons of Confederate Veterans*; Sons of Norway*; Sons of Pericles*; Sons of Scotland Benevolent Association*; Sons of Sherman's March to the Sea*; Sovereign Hospitaller Order of St. John*; Sovereign Order of St. John of Jerusalem*; Stahlhelm*; Star of India*; Steuben Society of America*; Supreme Council Order of the Amaranth*; Supreme Lodge of the Danish Sisterhood of America*; Supreme Order of the Most High Annunciation*; Survival of American Indians Association*; Swedish Women's Educational Association*; Swiss Benevolent Society of New York*;
[edit] T
Three Dots Society*; Three Harmonies Society*; Tingop*; Tong*; Totenbund*; Traveller's Club*; Triads*; Turf Club*; Turkish-American Associations*;
[edit] U
Ukrainian Catholic Soyuz of Brotherhoods and Sisterhoods*; Ukrainian Fraternal Association*; Ukrainian Gold Cross*; Ukrainian National Aid Association of America*; Ukrainian National Association*; Ukrainian National Women's League of America*; Umberto Eco*; Unico National*; Union and League of Romanian Studies in America*; Union Endowment*; Union of Poles in America*; Union Saint-John-Baptiste*; United Ancient Order of Druids*; United Baltic Appeal*; United Daughters of the Confederacy*; United Endowment League*; United Friends of Michigan*; United Hellenic Voters of America*; United Lithuanian Relief Fund of America*; United Native Americans*; United Order Brotherhood of Old Bastards*; United Order of Equity*; United Order of Foresters*; United Order of Pilgrim Fathers*; United Order of the Golden Cross*; United Order True Sisters*; United Service Club*; United Swedish Societies*; United Ukrainian American Relief Committee*; United University Club*; Universal Druidic Order*; Unterland*;
[edit] V
Vasa Order of America*; Verdient-Kreuz*; Volontaires Nationaux*; Votchintchak*;
[edit] W
Waldenses*; Welsh National Gymanfa Ganu*; Werewolves*; Western Samaritans*; White Lotus Group*; White's Club*; The Will of the People*; Women of the Moose*; Workmen's Circle*; World Association of Upper Silesians*; World Federation of Estonian Women*; World Federation of Free Latvians*; World Federation of Taiwanese Associations*; World Federation of the Cossack National Liberation Movement of Cossakia*; WSA Fraternal Life*;