Wikipedia:WikiProject Missing encyclopedic articles/fr

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WikiProject Missing Encyclopedic articles
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This is a list of articles in the French Wikipedia with at least 3 interwiki links, but no link to the English Wikipedia. These are all subjects with at least some international importance (if not, there wouldn't be articles in at least 4 languages), so all of these subjects should have an English article as well.

  • If you can find an article about the same subject in the English Wikipedia, add the interwiki link to the French article. (The database dump where I got this list from, is a few weeks old, so it's possible the link has already been added.) You can often find the correct English article by visiting one of the other languages: these may have the correct interwiki link.
  • If you cannot find a corresponding article, perhaps you can translate the article from one of the other Wikipedias. Use {{frenchtrans}}, {{de}} or other template as the source.
  • If you're reasonably sure there is no English article, but you're not able to create a new article, add a red link to the location where you think the article should be.

This list is not updated automatically, and you cannot see which entries have already been dealt with, so it's important to remove the entry if you're done with them.

For those who don't speak French, there are also German and Spanish lists.

The new list, created from the French Wikipedia database dump of 2006-07-19, began with 40,704 entries. Due to size limits, only the items that are not French communes appear here. For the numerous French communes, see Wikipedia:WikiProject Missing encyclopedic articles/fr/2006-08.


[edit] List of 2006-07-19

[edit] 9

  1. fr:Adalbert - de:Adalbert - eo:Adalberto - hu:Adalbert - is:Aðalbert - it:Adalberto - pl:Adalbert - ru:Адальберт - uk:Адальберт - perhaps Adalbert (name) - fr-en translation note page discusses name history (especially de:), not just a dab page like ours
  2. fr:Konzern - da:Koncern - de:Konzern - eo:Konzerno - ja:コンツェルン - lb:Konzern - lt:Koncernas - pl:Koncern - sv:Koncern - perhaps Concern (business) - fr-en translation
  3. fr:Mathilde - de:Mathilde - hu:Matild - it:Matilde - nl:Mathilde - pl:Matylda - ru:Матильда - sk:Matilda - sv:Matilda - perhaps Mathilde- fr-en translation
  4. fr:Romain (prénom) - cs:Roman - hu:Román (keresztnév) - it:Romano (nome) - pl:Roman - ru:Роман (имя) - sk:Roman - sl:Roman (ime) - sv:Roman (förnamn) - perhaps Roman (name) - fr-en translation
  5. fr:Tanka - de:Tanka - es:Tanka - fi:Tanka - ja:短歌 - pl:Tanka - ro:Tanka - ru:Танка - sl:Tanka - perhaps Tanka (poetry), currently merged into Waka (poetry) - fr-en translation

[edit] 8

  1. fr:Deuxième livre des Rois - cs:2. kniha královská - de:2. Buch der Könige - fi:Toinen kuninkaiden kirja - id:2 Raja-raja - ru:Четвёртая книга Царств - sv:Andra Kungaboken - zh:列王紀下 - perhaps Second Kings, merged into Books of Kings - fr-en translation article is long (70K) and could be split
  2. fr:Division de Cassini - ca:Divisió de Cassini - de:Cassinische Teilung - es:División de Cassini - it:Divisione di Cassini - ja:カッシーニの間隙 - nl:Cassinischeiding - zh:卡西尼分界线 - perhaps Cassini Division, merged into Rings of Saturn - fr-en translation

[edit] 7

  1. fr:Adagio - ca:Adagi - da:Adagio - es:Adagio (música) - ia:Adagio - nl:Adagio (muziektempo) - pt:Adágio (música) - perhaps Adagio, dab linking to Tempo - fr-en translation
  2. fr:Agen Kolar - ca:Agen Kolar - es:Agen Kolar - hu:Agen Kolar - it:Agen Kolar - nl:Agen Kolar - sv:Agen Kolar - perhaps Agen Kolar, rd to List of minor Star Wars Jedi masters - fr-en translation
  3. fr:Comices centuriates - bg:Комиции - he:אספות העם ברומא העתיקה - no:Folkeforsamlingene - pt:Assembleia das Centúrias - ru:Комиции - zh:羅馬會議 - perhaps Comitia Centuriata, merged into Roman assemblies - fr-en translation
  4. fr:Cécile - hu:Cecília - it:Cecilia - nl:Cecile - pl:Cecylia - sk:Cecília - sv:Cecilia (namn) - perhaps Cecilia (name) (rd to disambiguation) - fr-en translation
  5. fr:Deuxième livre de Samuel - cs:2. kniha Samuelova - de:2. Buch Samuel - eo:Samuel (libro dua) - ru:Вторая книга Царств - scn:2 Samueli - sv:Andra Samuelsboken - perhaps Second Samuel (rd to Books of Samuel)- fr-en translation article is 42K, could be split
  6. fr:FAT32 - de:File Allocation Table#FAT32 - ko:FAT32 - nl:FAT32 - pl:FAT32 - pt:FAT32 - ru:FAT32 - perhaps FAT32 (rd to File allocation table) - fr-en translation
  7. fr:Milou - da:Terry - es:Milú - fa:میلو - nl:Bobbie - pt:Milu - sv:Milou - perhaps Snowy, rd to Tintin and Snowy, these other languages have separate articles - fr-en translation
  8. fr:Triangle rectangle - bg:Правоъгълен триъгълник - cs:Pravoúhlý trojúhelník - eo:Orta triangulo - es:Triángulo rectángulo - gl:Triángulo rectángulo - it:Triangolo rettangolo - perhaps Right triangle, rd to Triangle - fr-en translation
  9. fr:Volley-ball handisport - de:Sitzvolleyball - es:Voleibol sentado - it:Pallavolo (Paralimpiadi) - ja:シッティングバレーボール - nl:Zitvolleybal - zh:坐地排球 - perhaps Sitting volleyball, now at Volleyball variations#Sitting volleyball - fr-en translation

[edit] 6

  1. fr:Albocàsser - ca:Albocàsser - es:Albocácer - it:Albocàsser - nl:Albocàsser - pt:Albocàsser - perhaps Albocàsser (Spain) - fr-en translation
  2. fr:Consoude officinale - cs:Kostival lékařský - de:Echter Beinwell - hu:Fekete nadálytő - nl:Gewone smeerwortel - pl:Żywokost lekarski - perhaps Symphytum officinale - fr-en translation
  3. fr:Didier - br:Dider - de:Didier - it:Desiderio (nome) - pl:Dezydery - sk:Dezider - perhaps Desiderius (name); there is currently a Desiderius (disambiguation) but it doesn't have much information about the name itself (unlike most of these articles) - fr-en translation
  4. fr:Els Hostalets de Pierola - ca:Els Hostalets de Pierola - eu:Els Hostalets de Pierola - it:Els Hostalets de Pierola - nl:Els Hostalets de Pierola - pt:Els Hostalets de Pierola - perhaps Els Hostalets de Pierola (Spain) - fr-en translation
  5. fr:Goujon (poisson) - de:Gründling - fi:Törö - lt:Gružlys - nl:Riviergrondel - sv:Sandkrypare - perhaps Gobio gobio - fr-en translation Note: There is Gudgeon (fish) - unclear whether the French (and other language) article(s) refer(s) to a more specific fish (gobio gobio) than the English one. Stevage
  6. fr:Homoptera - de:Gleichflügler - eo:Samflugilaj - nl:Homoptera - pl:Pluskwiaki równoskrzydłe - pt:Homoptera - perhaps Homoptera, paraphyletic order replaced by Hemiptera (which where it redirects) - fr-en translation
  7. fr:Kopeck - be:Капейка - es:Kopieika - pl:Kopiejka - ru:копейка - uk:Копійка - perhaps Kopeck, rd to ruble - fr-en translation
  8. fr:L'Alcora - ca:L'Alcora - es:Alcora - it:L'Alcora - nl:L'Alcora - pt:L'Alcora - perhaps L'Alcora - fr-en translation
  9. fr:Masochisme - da:Masochisme - de:Masochismus - et:Masohhism - nl:Masochisme - ru:Сексуальный мазохизм - perhaps Masochism, rd to Sadism and masochism - fr-en translation
  10. fr:Muscari à toupet - cs:Modřenec chocholatý - de:Schopfige Traubenhyazinthe - es:Muscari comosum - nl:Kuifhyacint - pl:Szafirek miękkolistny - perhaps Muscari comosum, rd to genus Grape hyacinth - fr-en translation
  11. fr:Navalvillar de Pela - ca:Navalvillar de Pela - es:Navalvillar de Pela - it:Navalvillar de Pela - nl:Navalvillar de Pela - pt:Navalvillar de Pela - perhaps Navalvillar de Pela (Spain) - fr-en translation
  12. fr:Pétronille - de:Petronella - hu:Petronella - pl:Petronela - sk:Petronela - sv:Petronella - perhaps Petronella (there is Petronila, a dab page, but the non-French articles have more info on the name) - fr-en translation
  13. fr:Rocaille - de:Rocaille - nl:Rocaille - pl:Rocaille - ru:Рокайль - sv:Rocaille - perhaps Rocaille, rd to Rococo - fr-en translation
  14. fr:Ruth (Bible) - da:Ruth - es:Rut - he:רות - nl:Ruth (persoon) - sv:Rut (biblisk person) - perhaps Ruth (Bible) (rd to Book of Ruth, but this is about the person, not the book) - fr-en translation
  15. fr:Septième - da:Septim (interval) - de:Septime - nl:Septiem - ru:Септима - uk:Септима - perhaps Seventh, musical interval; a dab to major seventh and minor seventh; fr page talks about what they have in common - fr-en translation
  16. fr:Sphinx du pin - cs:Lišaj borový - de:Kiefernschwärmer - lt:Pušinis sfinksas - nl:Dennenpijlstaart - pl:Zawisak borowiec - perhaps Sphinx pinastri - fr-en translation

[edit] 5

  1. fr:Abraxas grossulariata - cs:Skvrnopásník angreštový - de:Stachelbeerspanner - nl:Bonte bessenvlinder - pl:Agreściak - perhaps Abraxas grossulariata - fr-en translation
  2. fr:Aconit tue-loup - cs:Oměj vlčí - de:Wolfs-Eisenhut - nl:Gele monnikskap - sv:Nordisk stormhatt - perhaps Aconitum lycoctonum - fr-en translation
  3. fr:Ad usum Delphini - da:Ad usum Delphini - de:Ad usum Delphini - it:Ad usum delphini - pl:Ad usum Delphini - perhaps Ad usum Delphini - fr-en translation
  4. fr:Amanite épaisse - de:Grauer Wulstling - it:Amanita spissa - pl:Muchomor twardawy - wa:Sipesse amanite - perhaps Amanita spissa - fr-en translation
  5. fr:Ammi visnage - ar:خلة بلدية - de:Bischofskraut - es:Ammi visnaga - it:Visnaga daucoides - perhaps Visnaga daucoides - fr-en translation
  6. fr:Art informel - de:Informelle Kunst - fi:Informalismi - ja:アンフォルメル - nl:Informele schilderkunst - perhaps Informal art - fr-en translation
  7. fr:Athlon 64 FX - de:AMD Athlon 64 FX - es:Athlon 64 FX - pl:Athlon 64 FX - zh:Athlon 64 FX - perhaps Athlon 64 FX; redirects to more general Athlon 64 - fr-en translation
  8. fr:Autavaux - de:Autavaux - it:Autavaux - nl:Autavaux - sv:Autavaux (kommun, CH-FR) - perhaps Autavaux - fr-en translation - Note: currently a rd to Vernay, Switzerland, a merged municipality
  9. fr:Azuré des cytises - da:Kløverblåfugl - de:Alexis-Bläuling - lt:Žalsvasis melsvys - nl:Bloemenblauwtje - perhaps Glaucopsyche alexis - fr-en translation
  10. fr:Bombus pascuorum - da:Agerhumle (Bombus agrorum) - de:Ackerhummel - nl:Hommels#Akkerhommel - no:Åkerhumle - perhaps Bombus pascuorum - fr-en translation
  11. fr:Cabaretier - de:Gastwirt - nds:Kräuger - nl:Waard (herberg) - sv:Traktör - perhaps Innkeeper (rd to Inn) - fr-en translation
  12. fr:Charlotte - de:Charlotte - nl:Charlotte (voornaam) - nn:Charlotte - sv:Charlotte - perhaps Charlotte (name); info at Carl (name) and Charlotte (disambiguation) - fr-en translation
  13. fr:Chevet - de:Eastend - nl:chevet - pt:Cabeceira - sv:Chevet - perhaps Chevet (rd to apse, which it is part of) - fr-en translation
  14. fr:Cossus gâte-bois - cs:Drvopleň obecný - de:Weidenbohrer - fi:Puuntuhooja - nl:Wilgenhoutvlinder - perhaps Cossus cossus - fr-en translation
  15. fr:Criticisme - de:Kritizismus - it:Criticismo - pl:Krytycyzm - pt:Criticismo - perhaps Criticism (philosophy) - fr-en translation
  16. fr:César des meilleurs costumes - de:César/Beste Kostüme - es:César al mejor vestuario - hu:César-díj a legjobb jelmeznek - it:Premio César per i migliori costumi - perhaps César Award for Best Costume Design - fr-en translation
  17. fr:Daphné camélée - cs:Lýkovec vonný - de:Rosmarin-Seidelbast - it:Daphne cneorum - pl:Wawrzynek główkowy - perhaps Daphne cneorum - fr-en translation
  18. fr:Demi-district de Rarogne occidental - de:Westlich Raron (Bezirk) - es:Distrito de Raroña occidental - it:Westlich Raron - nl:Westlich Raron - perhaps West Raron (district) - fr-en translation
  19. fr:Denominazione di Origine Controllata e Garantita - de:Denominazione di Origine Controllata e Garantita - et:Denominazione di Origine Controllata e Garantita - it:Denominazione di Origine Controllata e Garantita - sv:DOCG - perhaps Denominazione di Origine Controllata e Garantita or DOCG, rd to Denominazione di Origine Controllata - fr-en translation
  20. fr:Diode à vide - de:Röhrendiode - lt:Lempinis diodas - pl:Dioda próżniowa - pt:Díodo termiônico - perhaps Vacuum diode, rd to more general Vacuum tube - fr-en translation
  21. fr:Forel (Fribourg) - de:Forel FR - it:Forel (Friburgo) - nl:Forel (Fribourg) - sv:Forel (kommun, CH-FR) - perhaps Forel, Fribourg - fr-en translation - Note: rd to Vernay, Switzerland, a bigger merged municipality
  22. fr:Francisco Herrera el Mozo - de:Francisco de Herrera der Jüngere - es:Francisco Herrera el Mozo - nl:Francisco da Herrera (de jonge) - sv:Francisco Herrera d.y. - perhaps Francisco Herrera the Younger (architect) - fr-en translation
  23. fr:Guyenne - de:Guyenne - es:Guyena - lb:Guyenne - nl:Guyenne - perhaps Guyenne, rd to Aquitaine, not exactly the same - fr-en translation
  24. fr:Généalogie des Séleucides - de:Liste der Seleukidenherrscher - fi:Seleukidien hallitsijasuku - hr:Seleukidi - pl:Seleucydzi - perhaps Genealogy of Seleucids - fr-en translation
  25. fr:La Tour-de-Trême - de:La Tour-de-Trême - it:La Tour-de-Trême - pt:La Tour-de-Trême - sv:La Tour-de-Trême (kommun, CH-FR) - perhaps La Tour-de-Trême - fr-en translation Note: redirects to Bulle, merged municipality
  26. fr:Leuggelbach - de:Leuggelbach - it:Leuggelbach - pt:Leuggelbach - sv:Leuggelbach (kommun, CH-GL) - perhaps Leuggelbach - fr-en translationNote: Municipality now merged into Haslen
  27. fr:Liste des autoroutes suisses - de:Liste der Autobahnen in der Schweiz - it:Elenco autostrade svizzere - nl:Zwitserse autosnelwegen - sv:Lista över motorvägar i Schweiz - perhaps List of Swiss Autobahns, merged into Autobahns of Switzerland - fr-en translation
  28. fr:Lysimaque commune - da:Fredløs (Lysimachia vulgaris) - de:Gewöhnlicher Gilbweiderich - fi:Ranta-alpi - nl:Grote wederik - perhaps Yellow Loosestrife; Lysimachia vulgaris - fr-en translation
  29. fr:Mailing - de:Mailing - es:Mailing - it:Mailing - pt:Mailing - perhaps Mailing, current link to Direct mail, rd to more general Direct marketing - fr-en translation
  30. fr:Medels im Rheinwald - de:Medels im Rheinwald - it:Medels im Rheinwald - pt:Medels im Rheinwald - sv:Medels in Rheinwald (kommun, CH-GR) - perhaps Medels im Rheinwald - fr-en translationNote: Municipality is now merged with Splügen
  31. fr:Meunier (champignon) - fi:Jauhosieni - it:Clitopilus prunulus - sv:Mjölskivling - uk:Підвишень - perhaps Clitopilus prunulus - fr-en translation
  32. fr:Montbrelloz - de:Montbrelloz - it:Montbrelloz - nl:Montbrelloz - sv:Montbrelloz (kommun, CH-FR) - perhaps Montbrelloz - fr-en translation Note: Redirects to Vernay, Switzerland, merged municipality
  33. fr:Monts ibériques - an:Sistema Iberico - ca:Sistema Ibèric - de:Iberisches Gebirge - es:Sistema Ibérico - perhaps Sistema Ibérico or Iberian Mountains, redirected to Geography of Spain- fr-en translation
  34. fr:Nacré de la sanguisorbe - da:Engperlemorsommerfugl - de:Mädesüß-Perlmutterfalter - lt:Gelsvasis perlinukas - nl:Purperstreepparelmoervlinder - perhaps Brenthis ino (butterfly) - fr-en translation
  35. fr:Nidfurn - de:Nidfurn - it:Nidfurn - pt:Nidfurn - sv:Nidfurn (kommun, CH-GL) - perhaps Nidfurn - fr-en translation Note: Now in Haslen (merged municipalities)
  36. fr:Oberehrendingen - de:Oberehrendingen - it:Oberehrendingen - pt:Oberehrendingen - sv:Oberehrendingen (kommun, CH-AG) - perhaps Oberehrendingen (rd to Ehrendingen, merged municipalities) - fr-en translation
  37. fr:Omnibus - ja:オムニバス - nl:Omnibus - pl:Omnibus (pojazd) - sv:Hästomnibus - perhaps Omnibus (now disambiguation) - fr-en translation
    • The French article is about the vehicle as originally conceived, described here in the history section of Bus (this part of which could have its own article). Perhaps it should be titled Horsedrawn bus or something, to distinguish from the now typical autobus, and added to {{Buses}}. Rigadoun (talk) 20:51, 31 October 2006 (UTC)
  38. fr:Orchis sureau - cs:Prstnatec bezový - es:Dactylorhiza sambucina - fi:Seljakämmekkä - sv:Adam och Eva (växt) - perhaps Elder-flowered Orchid; Dactylorhiza sambucina - fr-en translation
  39. fr:Renouée grimpante - da:Arkitektens trøst - de:Schlingknöterich - nl:Chinese bruidssluier - pl:Rdest Auberta - perhaps Fallopia baldschuanica; common names Russian vine, mile-a-minute vine (rd to Ipomoea cairica), China fleece vine, fleece flower (rd to Persicaria affinis), silver lace vine; syn. Polygonum baldschuanicum, Polygonum aubertii - fr-en translation
  40. fr:Royaume de Grenade - ca:Regne de Granada - es:Reino de Granada - eu:Granadako Erresuma - pt:Reino de Granada - perhaps Kingdom of Granada (rd to Granada, which mentions it in the history) - fr-en translation
  41. fr:Sixte - de:Sexte - nl:Sext (muziek) - ru:Секста - uk:Секста - perhaps Sixth (disambiguation, should list general properties of both major and minor sixths like these pages) - fr-en translation
  42. fr:Strophaire vert-de-gris - cs:Límcovka měděnková - de:Grünspanträuschling - it:Stropharia aeruginosa - wa:Boloe des frizés - perhaps Stropharia aeruginosa - fr-en translation
  43. fr:Sureau à grappes - da:Drue-Hyld - de:Roter Holunder - lt:Raudonuogis šeivamedis - pl:Bez koralowy - perhaps Sambucus racemosa - fr-en translation
  44. fr:Unterehrendingen - de:Unterehrendingen - it:Unterehrendingen - pt:Unterehrendingen - sv:Unterehrendingen (kommun, CH-AG) - perhaps Unterehrendingen, redirects to Ehrendingen, the new canton from the merge of Unterehrendingen and Oberehrendingen - fr-en translation
  45. fr:Zannichelliaceae - da:Vandkrans-familien - es:Zannichelliaceae - no:Vannkransfamilien - ru:Дзанникеллиевые - perhaps Zannichelliaceae, rd to Potamogetonaceae - fr-en translation
  46. fr:Écaille chinée - cs:Přástevník kostivalový - de:Russischer Bär - lt:Baltajuostė meškutė - nl:Spaanse vlag (vlinder) - perhaps Euplagia quadripunctaria - fr-en translation

[edit] 4

[edit] #-D

  1. fr:6 qui prend - de:6 nimmt - fi:6 nimmt! - ja:6ニムト! - perhaps 6 Nimmt! - fr-en translation name given at
  2. fr:Agenda 2000 - cs:Agenda 2000 - de:Agenda 2000 - pl:Agenda 2000 - perhaps Agenda 2000 - fr-en translation
  3. fr:Albert Eckhout - de:Albert Eckhout - nl:Albert Eckhout - pt:Albert Eckhout - perhaps Albert Eckhout - fr-en translation
  4. fr:Alessio Galletti - de:Alessio Galletti - it:Alessio Galletti - nl:Alessio Galletti - perhaps Alessio Galletti - fr-en translation
  5. fr:Amplifiki - eo:Amplifiki - es:Amplifiki - nl:Amplifiki - perhaps Amplifiki (rock group) - fr-en translation
  6. fr:Antoine Chézy - de:Antoine de Chézy - es:Antoine de Chézy - nl:Chézy - perhaps Antoine de Chézy (French engineer) - fr-en translation
  7. fr:Antonin Perbosc - ca:Antonin Perbosc - es:Antonin Prebosc - oc:Antonin Perbòsc - perhaps Antonin Perbosc - fr-en translation
  8. fr:Archidiocèse - es:Archidiócesis - it:Arcidiocesi - pt:Arquidiocese - perhaps Archdiocese, redirects to Diocese - fr-en translation
  9. fr:Attribut (grammaire) - ca:Atribut - es:Atributo - eu:Atributu - perhaps Attribute (grammar) - fr-en translation
  10. fr:Azaghâl - nl:Azaghâl - no:Azaghâl - pl:Azaghâl - perhaps Azaghâl, redirects to List of Middle-earth Dwarves - fr-en translation
  11. fr:Balsamine à petites fleurs - de:Kleines Springkraut - nl:Klein springzaad - pl:Niecierpek drobnokwiatowy - perhaps Impatiens parviflora - fr-en translation
  12. fr:Bibliothèque universitaire - de:Universitätsbibliothek - nl:Universiteitsbibliotheek - ru:Библиотека вуза - perhaps University library, redirects to Library - fr-en translation
  13. fr:Bois du Cazier - it:Disastro di Marcinelle - nl:Mijnramp van Marcinelle - wa:Rascråwe do Bwès do Cazî - perhaps Bois du Cazier (coal mine disaster) - fr-en translation
  14. fr:Bombus hypnorum - de:Baumhummel - nl:Hommel (insect)#Boomhommel - no:Trehumle - perhaps Bombus hypnorum - fr-en translation
  15. fr:Brigue-Glis - de:Brig-Glis - it:Briga-Glis - pt:Briga-Glis - perhaps Brig-Glis (rd to Brig, Switzerland, the city; these WP separate city and municipality) - fr-en translation
  16. fr:Cabañaquinta - ast:Cabanaquinta - de:Cabañaquinta - es:Cabañaquinta - perhaps Cabañaquinta (Spain) - fr-en translation
  17. fr:Calosoma - cs:Krajník pižmový - de:Puppenräuber - lt:Puikiažygiai - perhaps Calosoma (genus) - fr-en translation
  18. fr:Campanule raiponce - de:Rapunzel-Glockenblume - it:Campanula rapunculus - nl:Rapunzelklokje - perhaps Campanule raiponce - fr-en translation
  19. fr:Caquelon - de:Caquelon - nl:Caquelon - sv:Caquelon - perhaps Caquelon (Swiss food) - fr-en translation
  20. fr:Carlos Giménez - es:Carlos Giménez (historietista) - it:Carlos Giménez - sv:Carlos Giménez - perhaps Carlos Giménez (comics) (Spanish comic artist) - fr-en translation
  21. fr:Caïman (animal) - de:Echte Kaimane - eo:Kajmano - ru:Кайманы - perhaps Caiman, redirects to family Alligatoridae - fr-en translation
  22. fr:Cetiosauridae - de:Cetiosauridae - it:Cetiosauridae - nl:Cetiosauridae - perhaps Cetiosauridae (rd to infraorder Sauropoda) - fr-en translation
  23. fr:Championnats du monde de ski alpin 1931 - de:Alpine Skiweltmeisterschaft 1931 - it:Mondiali di sci alpino 1931 - no:VM i alpint 1931 - perhaps Alpine World Ski Championships 1931 - fr-en translation
  24. fr:Championnats du monde de ski alpin 1932 - de:Alpine Skiweltmeisterschaft 1932 - it:Mondiali di sci alpino 1932 - no:VM i alpint 1932 - perhaps Alpine World Ski Championships 1932 - fr-en translation
  25. fr:Championnats du monde de ski alpin 1933 - de:Alpine Skiweltmeisterschaft 1933 - it:Mondiali di sci alpino 1933 - no:VM i alpint 1933 - perhaps Alpine World Ski Championships 1933 - fr-en translation
  26. fr:Championnats du monde de ski alpin 1934 - de:Alpine Skiweltmeisterschaft 1934 - it:Mondiali di sci alpino 1934 - no:VM i alpint 1934 - perhaps Alpine World Ski Championships 1934 - fr-en translation
  27. fr:Championnats du monde de ski alpin 1935 - de:Alpine Skiweltmeisterschaft 1935 - it:Mondiali di sci alpino 1935 - no:VM i alpint 1935 - perhaps Alpine World Ski Championships 1935 - fr-en translation
  28. fr:Championnats du monde de ski alpin 1936 - de:Alpine Skiweltmeisterschaft 1936 - it:Mondiali di sci alpino 1936 - no:VM i alpint 1936 - perhaps Alpine World Ski Championships 1936 - fr-en translation
  29. fr:Championnats du monde de ski alpin 1937 - de:Alpine Skiweltmeisterschaft 1937 - it:Mondiali di sci alpino 1937 - no:VM i alpint 1937 - perhaps Alpine World Ski Championships 1937 - fr-en translation
  30. fr:Championnats du monde de ski alpin 1938 - de:Alpine Skiweltmeisterschaft 1938 - it:Mondiali di sci alpino 1938 - no:VM i alpint 1938 - perhaps Alpine World Ski Championships 1938 - fr-en translation
  31. fr:Championnats du monde de ski alpin 1939 - de:Alpine Skiweltmeisterschaft 1939 - it:Mondiali di sci alpino 1939 - no:VM i alpint 1939 - perhaps Alpine World Ski Championships 1939 - fr-en translation
  32. fr:Championnats du monde de ski alpin 1950 - de:Alpine Skiweltmeisterschaft 1950 - it:Mondiali di sci alpino 1950 - no:VM i alpint 1950 - perhaps Alpine World Ski Championships 1950 - fr-en translation
  33. fr:Championnats du monde de ski alpin 1958 - de:Alpine Skiweltmeisterschaft 1958 - it:Mondiali di sci alpino 1958 - no:VM i alpint 1958 - perhaps Alpine World Ski Championships 1958 - fr-en translation
  34. fr:Charles-Guillaume de Bade-Durlach - de:Karl III. Wilhelm (Baden-Durlach) - nl:Karel III Willem van Baden-Durlach - sv:Karl III Wilhelm av Baden-Durlach - perhaps Karl III Wilhelm of Bade-Durlach - fr-en translation
  35. fr:Chelmon à bec médiocre - de:Kupferstreifen-Pinzettfisch - nl:Pincetvis - pl:Chelmon rostratus - perhaps Chelmon rostratus - fr-en translation
  36. fr:Christoph Sumann - de:Christoph Sumann - nn:Christoph Sumann - no:Christoph Sumann - perhaps Christoph Sumann (Austrian biathlete) - fr-en translation
  37. fr:Chrysomèle du peuplier - de:Pappelblattkäfer - nl:Populierehaantje - sk:Liskavka topoľová - perhaps Chrysomela populi - fr-en translation
  38. fr:Cicindèle champêtre - de:Feld-Sandlaufkäfer - lt:Žaliasis šoklys - nl:Groene zandloopkever - perhaps Cicindela campestris - fr-en translation
  39. fr:Communes du canton de Glaris - de:Gemeinden des Kantons Glarus - es:Localidades de Glaris - nl:Gemeentes van het kanton Glarus - perhaps Municipalities of the canton of Glarus; merged into Canton of Glarus - fr-en translation
  40. fr:Conrad II de Luxembourg - de:Konrad II. (Luxemburg) - lb:Konrad II. vu Lëtzebuerg - nl:Koenraad II van Luxemburg - perhaps Conrad II of Luxembourg - fr-en translation
  41. fr:Conrad Ier de Luxembourg - de:Konrad I. (Luxemburg) - lb:Konrad I. vu Lëtzebuerg - nl:Koenraad I van Luxemburg - perhaps Conrad I of Luxembourg - fr-en translation
  42. fr:Croix monumentale - cs: Boží muka - de: Flurkreuz - lb:Weekräiz - perhaps Monumental cross - fr-en translation
  43. fr:Cuivré de la bistorte - de:Blauschillernder Feuerfalter - lt:Šiaurinis auksinukas - nl:Blauwe vuurvlinder - perhaps Lycaena helle - fr-en translation
  44. fr:Céphalanthère de Damas - de:Weißes Waldvöglein - nl:Bleek bosvogeltje - pl:buławnik wielkokwiatowy - perhaps Cephalanthera damasonium - fr-en translation
  45. fr:Demi-district de Rarogne oriental - de:Östlich Raron (Bezirk) - es:Distrito de Raroña oriental - it:Östlich Raron - perhaps East Raron (district) - fr-en translation
  46. fr:Denis (prénom) - pl:Dionizy - ru:Денис - sk:Dionýz - perhaps Denis (name) - fr-en translation
  47. fr:Denominazione d'Origine Protetta - de:Denominazione d'Origine Protetta - it:Denominazione di Origine Protetta - ja:DOP - perhaps Denominazione d'Origine Protetta - fr-en translation
  48. fr:Deuxième livre des Chroniques - de:2. Buch der Chronik - es:II Crónicas - sv:Andra Krönikeboken - perhaps Second Chronicles, merged into Books of Chronicles - fr-en translation
  49. fr:District de Conches - de:Goms (Bezirk) - es:Distrito de Goms - it:Goms - perhaps Conches (district) - fr-en translation
  50. fr:District de Leventine - de:Leventina (Bezirk) - it:Leventina - nl:Leventina - perhaps Leventine (district) - fr-en translation
  51. fr:District de Rorschach - de:Rorschach (Wahlkreis) - it:Rorschach (distretto) - nl:Rorschach (district) - perhaps Rorschach (district) - fr-en translation
  52. fr:District de Saint-Gall - de:St. Gallen (Wahlkreis) - es:Distrito de Sankt-Gallen - it:San Gallo (distretto) - perhaps St. Gallen (district) - fr-en translation
  53. fr:District de Schwytz - de:Schwyz (Bezirk) - es:Distrito de Schwyz - it:Svitto (distretto) - perhaps Schwytz (district) - fr-en translation
  54. fr:District de Wil - de:Wil (Wahlkreis) - it:Wil (distretto) - nl:Wil (district) - perhaps Wil (district) - fr-en translation
  55. fr:District de Winterthour - de:Winterthur (Bezirk) - it:Winterthur (distretto) - nl:Winterthur (district) - perhaps Winterthour (district) - fr-en translation
  56. fr:District de Zurich - de:Zürich (Bezirk) - it:Zurigo (distretto) - nl:Zürich (district) - perhaps Zurich (district) - fr-en translation
  57. fr:Domitille - hu:Domitilla - it:Domitilla - pl:Domicela - perhaps Domitille (name) - fr-en translation
  58. fr:Dompte-venin officinal - da:Svalerod - de:Schwalbenwurz - nl:Witte engbloem - perhaps Vincetoxicum hirundinaria - fr-en translation
  59. fr:Dripping - it:Dripping - nl:Dripping - pl:Dripping - perhaps Dripping (art); current link is wrong as it refers to meat drippings - fr-en translation
  60. fr:Duché de Bouillon - de:Herzogtum Bouillon - nl:Hertogdom Bouillon - wa:Dutcheye di Bouyon - perhaps Duchy of Bouillon (rd to Bouillon) - fr-en translation
  61. fr:Déflation (géomorphologie) - de:Deflation (Geomorphologie) - et:Tuulekanne - pl:Deflacja (geomorfologia) - perhaps Deflation (geomorphology), currently at Eolian#Wind Erosion - fr-en translation

[edit] E-L

  1. fr:E03 - nl:Europese weg 3 - no:Europavei 3 - sv:E3 - perhaps European route E03 - fr-en translation
  2. fr:E04 - nl:Europese weg 4 - no:Europavei 4 - sv:E4 - perhaps European route E04 - fr-en translation
  3. fr:E35 - nl:Europese weg 35 - no:Europavei 35 - sv:E35 - perhaps European route E35 - fr-en translation
  4. fr:E36 - nl:Europese weg 36 - pl:E36 (trasa europejska) - sv:E36 - perhaps European route E36 - fr-en translation
  5. fr:Essonne (rivière) - eo:Essonne (rivero) - hu:Essonne (folyó) - nl:Essonne (rivier) - perhaps Essonne River - fr-en translation
  6. fr:Eubacteria - es:Eubacteria - nl:Eubacteriën - oc:Eubacteria - perhaps Eubacteria, redirects to Bacteria - fr-en translation
    • Eubacteria is an obsolete name for the domain now known officially as Bacteria; see Talk:Bacteria#Page_move_to_Eubacteria. If this page is created, it would be to clarify the situation for those who learned the former names. The nl page is a good model. Rigadoun (talk) 19:44, 7 November 2006 (UTC)
  7. fr:Euphraise de Rostkov - de:Gemeiner Augentrost - nl:Beklierde ogentroost - pl:Świetlik łąkowy - perhaps Euphrasia officinalis or Euphrasia rostkoviana - fr-en translation
  8. fr:Euregio Meuse-Rhin - de:Euregio Maas-Rhein - li:Euregio Maas-Rien - nl:Euregio Maas-Rijn - perhaps Meuse-Rhine Euroregion - fr-en translation
  9. fr:Famille Silbermann - de:Andreas Silbermann - ja:アンドレアス・ジルバーマン - no:Andreas Silbermann - perhaps Silbermann family, family of organ builders including Gottfried Silbermann; interwiki links are to Andreas Silbermann - fr-en translation
  10. fr:Francisco José Lara Ruiz - de:Francisco José Lara Ruiz - es:Francisco Lara - nl:Francisco José Lara Ruiz - perhaps Francisco José Lara Ruiz (Spanish cyclist) - fr-en translation
  11. fr:Frans Post - de:Frans Post - nl:Frans Post - pt:Frans Post - perhaps Frans Post (Dutch painter) - fr-en translation
  12. fr:Friedrich Weinbrenner - de:Friedrich Weinbrenner - pl:Friedrich Weinbrenner - zh:弗里德里希·魏布雷訥 - perhaps Friedrich Weinbrenner (German architect) - fr-en translation
  13. fr:Fréquence propre - de:Eigenfrequenz - nl:Eigenfrequentie - nn:Eigenfrekvens - perhaps Eigenfrequency (rd to Eigenvalue, eigenvector and eigenspace); synonyms Natural frequency and Resonance frequency redirect to more general pages Fundamental frequency and Resonance - fr-en translation
  14. fr:Gentiane ciliée - de:Gewöhnlicher Fransenenzian - nl:Franjegentiaan - pl:Goryczuszka orzęsiona - perhaps Fringed Gentian (rd to genus Gentian); Gentianella ciliata or Gentianopsis ciliata - fr-en translation
  15. fr:Gentiane croisette - de:Kreuz-Enzian - nl:Kruisbladgentiaan - pl:Goryczka krzyżowa - perhaps Gentiana cruciata; Cross Gentian - fr-en translation
  16. fr:Gentiane des champs - de:Feld-Kranzenzian - eo:Montar-kampa genciano - nl:Veldgentiaan - perhaps Field Gentian; Gentianella campestris - fr-en translation
  17. fr:Georg Kerschensteiner - da:Georg Michael Kerschensteiner - de:Georg Michael Kerschensteiner - pl:Georg Kerschensteiner - perhaps Georg Kerschensteiner or Georg Michael Kerschensteiner (German pedagogist) - fr-en translation
  18. fr:Georges Palante - eo:Georges Palante - es:Georges Palante - nl:Georges Palante - perhaps Georges Palante (French philosopher) - fr-en translation
  19. fr:Gesse printanière - cs:Hrachor jarní - de:Frühlings-Platterbse - lt:Pavasarinis pelėžirnis - perhaps Lathyrus vernus - fr-en translation
  20. fr:Gestionnaire d'infrastructure ferroviaire - de:Eisenbahninfrastrukturunternehmen - hu:Pályavasút - nl:Railinfrastructuurbeheerder - perhaps Rail infrastructure business (?) - fr-en translation
  21. fr:Giovanni Poleni - de:Giovanni Poleni - it:Giovanni Poleni - pl:Giovanni Poleni - perhaps Giovanni Poleni (Italian mathematician/physicist) - fr-en translation
  22. fr:Giselbert de Luxembourg - de:Giselbert (Luxemburg) - lb:Giselbert vu Lëtzebuerg - nl:Giselbert van Luxemburg - perhaps Giselbert of Luxembourg - fr-en translation
  23. fr:Gnomonique - de:Gnomonik - es:Gnomónica - sv:Gnomonik - perhaps Gnomonics (rd to Gnomon) - fr-en translation
  24. fr:Gorgone (papillon) - da:Bjerg-vejrandøje - lt:Mažasis rudasis satyras - nl:Kleine argusvlinder - perhaps Lasiommata petropolitana - fr-en translation
  25. fr:Grand Orient de Pologne - de:Großorient von Polen - es:Gran Oriente de Polonia - pl:Wielki Wschód Polski - perhaps Grand Orient of Poland or Wielki Wschód Polski (Freemason Grand Lodge) - fr-en translation
  26. fr:Gruner & Jahr - de:Gruner + Jahr - lt:Gruner und Jahr - nl:Gruner + Jahr - perhaps Gruner & Jahr (German magazine publisher) - fr-en translation
  27. fr:Guerres des diadoques - de:Diadochenkriege - ja:ディアドコイ戦争 - pl:Wojny diadochów - perhaps Wars of the Diadochi, rd to Diadochi (separate in these WP) - fr-en translation
  28. fr:Guillaume Ier de Luxembourg - de:Wilhelm (Luxemburg) - lb:Wilhelm vu Lëtzebuerg - nl:Willem I van Luxemburg - perhaps Wilhelm of Luxembourg - fr-en translation
  29. fr:Géranium sanguin - da:Blodrød Storkenæb - de:Blutroter Storchschnabel - sv:Blodnäva - perhaps Geranium sanguineum, rd to genus Geranium - fr-en translation
  30. fr:Hachette (papillon) - de:Nagelfleck - nl:Tauvlinder - pl:Lotnica zyska - perhaps Aglia tau - fr-en translation
  31. fr:Hanneton des jardins - de:Gartenlaubkäfer - nl:Johanneskever - pl:Ogrodnica niszczylistka - perhaps Phyllopertha horticola - fr-en translation
  32. fr:Hegoalde - ca:Hegoalde - eu:Hego Euskal Herria - gl:Hegoalde - perhaps Hegoalde (rd to Basque Country, dab)- fr-en translation
  33. fr:Henri III de Luxembourg - de:Heinrich II. (Luxemburg) - lb:Heinrich III. vu Lëtzebuerg - nl:Hendrik III van Luxemburg - perhaps Henry III of Luxembourg - fr-en translation
  34. fr:Histoire de la Corse - ca:Història de Còrsega - da:Korsikas historie - it:Storia della Corsica - perhaps History of Corsica (rd to Medieval Corsica, not whole history) - fr-en translation
  35. fr:Horaire cadencé - de:Taktfahrplan - it:Orario cadenzato - nl:Gecadanseerde dienstregeling - perhaps Cadenced timetable (?) - fr-en translation
  36. fr:Hortense - hu:Hortenzia (keresztnév) - pl:Hortensja (imię) - sk:Hortenzia - perhaps Hortense (name) - fr-en translation
  37. fr:Hydromys - de:Schwimmratten - lt:Australinės vandeninės žiurkės - nl:Hydromys - perhaps Hydromys (genus of mice, rd to Water Rat, species) - fr-en translation
  38. fr:ISO 9001 - es:ISO 9001 - nl:ISO 9001 - pl:ISO 9001 - perhaps ISO 9001 (rd to ISO 9000) - fr-en translation
  39. fr:Irmina d'Oeren - de:Irmina von Oeren - it:Santa Erminia - lb:Irmina vun Oeren - perhaps Irmina of Oeren (abbess) - fr-en translation
  40. fr:Jacques Doniol-Valcroze - de:Jacques Doniol-Valcroze - it:Jacques Doniol-Valcroze - lb:Jacques Doniol-Valcroze - perhaps Jacques Doniol-Valcroze (French filmmaker) - fr-en translation
  41. fr:Jacques Herzog - es:Jacques Herzog - pl:Jacques Herzog - sv:Jacques Herzog - perhaps Jacques Herzog (rd to his firm Herzog & de Meuron) - fr-en translation
  42. fr:Jacques Marie Cyprien Victor Coste - de:Jean Victor Coste - it:Victor Coste - ru:Кост, Жан-Виктор - perhaps Jacques Marie Cyprien Victor Coste (French naturalist) - fr-en translation
  43. fr:Jan Jiskra - cs:Jan Jiskra z Brandýsa - de:Johann Giskra - sk:Ján Jiskra z Brandýsa - perhaps Ján Jiskra or Jan Jiskra (Slovenian diplomat) - fr-en translation
  44. fr:Jazz Nouvelle-Orléans - de:New Orleans Jazz (Musik) - el:Τζαζ Νέας Ορλεάνης - it:New Orleans (musica) - perhaps New Orleans jazz (rd to more general Dixieland) - fr-en translation
  45. fr:Jenő Dalnoki - de:Jenő Dalnoki - hu:Dalnoki Jenő - pl:Jenő Dalnoki - perhaps Jenő Dalnoki (Hungarian footballer) - fr-en translation
  46. fr:Jona (Saint-Gall) - de:Jona SG - it:Jona - pt:Jona - perhaps Jona, rd to Rapperswil-Jona (merged municipalities) - fr-en translation
  47. fr:José Giovanni - de:José Giovanni - ja:ジョゼ・ジョヴァンニ - pl:Jose Giovanni - perhaps José Giovanni (French-Swiss filmmaker) - fr-en translation
  48. fr:José Manuel Pérez - de:José Manuel Pérez - nl:José Manuel Pérez - sv:José Manuel Pérez - perhaps José Manuel Pérez (Spanish motorcyclist) - fr-en translation
  49. fr:Junkers J 1 - de:Junkers J 1 - ja:ユンカースJ1 - pt:Junkers J1 - perhaps Junkers J 1 or Junkers J1 (airplane), current link is wrong - fr-en translation
  50. fr:Juventas - de:Iuventas - it:Iuventas - ro:Iuventas - perhaps Juventas (Roman god, rd to Hebe (mythology), Gk equivalent) - fr-en translation
  51. fr:Kōji Yamamura - de:Koji Yamamura - ja:山村浩二 - pt:Koji Yamamura - perhaps Koji Yamamura or Kōji Yamamura (Japanese filmmaker) - fr-en translation
  52. fr:La Granadella - ca:La Granadella - it:La Granadella - pt:La Granadella - perhaps La Granadella (Spain) - fr-en translation
  53. fr:Lac de Sainte-Croix - de:Lac de Sainte-Croix - it:Lago di Sainte-Croix - pl:Lac de Sainte-Croix - perhaps Lac de Sainte-Croix (reservoir in France) - fr-en translation
  54. fr:Ladislav Niznansky - de:Ladislav Nižňanský - nl:Ladislav Nižňanský - sv:Ladislav Nižňanský - perhaps Ladislav Niznansky or Ladislav Nižňanský (Slovakian-German soldier) - fr-en translation
  55. fr:Laîche à épis pendants - da:Kæmpe-Star - nl:Hangende zegge - sv:Hängstarr - perhaps Carex pendula - fr-en translation
  56. fr:Le Cap du nord - de:Das Nordkap - ja:北の岬 - pl:Płaszcz północy - perhaps Cape of North or Kita no misaki (Japanese film) - fr-en translation
  57. fr:Le Dessous des cartes - de:Mit offenen Karten - nds:Mit offenen Karten - nl:Mit offenen Karten - perhaps Mit offenen Karten (German broadcast) - fr-en translation
  58. fr:Lice (architecture) - cs:Parkán - de:Zwinger (Architektur) - nl:Dwingel - perhaps Lice (architecture) (?) - fr-en translation
  59. fr:Liste des entreprises ferroviaires allemandes - de:Liste deutscher Eisenbahngesellschaften - lt:Vokietijos geležinkelių bendrovių sąrašas - nl:Lijst van Duitse spoorwegondernemingen - perhaps List of railway companies in Germany - fr-en translation
  60. fr:Liste des souverains de Lotharingie - de:Liste der Herzöge von Lothringen - nl:Lijst van heersers van (Neder-)Lotharingen - pt:Ducado da Lorena - perhaps List of sovereigns of Lotharingia, merged into List of Frankish Kings - fr-en translation

[edit] M-

  1. fr:Magirus-Deutz - de:Magirus-Deutz - nl:Magirus-Deutz - sv:Magirus-Deutz - perhaps Magirus-Deutz (German automaker) - fr-en translation
  2. fr:Maranta - es:Maranta - it:Maranta - ru:Маранта - perhaps Maranta (genus) - fr-en translation
  3. fr:Marche-les-Dames - nl:Marche-les-Dames - ro:Marche-les-Dames - wa:Måtche-les-Dames - perhaps Marche-les-Dames (former commune in Belgium) - fr-en translation
  4. fr:Maxim Tchoudov - nn:Maksim Tsjudov - no:Maksim Tsjudov - ru:Чудов, Максим Александрович - perhaps Maxim Tsjudov (Russian biathlete) - fr-en translation
  5. fr:Michele Morosini - de:Michele Morosini - it:Michele Morosini - pl:Michele Morosini - perhaps Michele Morosini (Doge of Venice) - fr-en translation
  6. fr:Michele Steno - de:Michele Steno - it:Michele Steno - pl:Michele Steno - perhaps Michele Steno (Doge of Venice) - fr-en translation
  7. fr:Micoquien - cs:Micoquien - de:Micoquien - pl:Kultura mikocka - perhaps Micoquien (Paleolithic technology) - fr-en translation
  8. fr:Molène à fleurs denses - cs:Divizna velkokvětá - de:Großblütige Königskerze - nl:Stalkaars - perhaps Verbascum densiflorum or Verbascum thapsiforme - fr-en translation
  9. fr:Moreda de Aller - ast:Morea - de:Moreda - es:Moreda - perhaps Moreda de Aller (Spain) - fr-en translation
  10. fr:Morène - de:Froschbiss - lt:Vandenplūkis - sv:Dyblad - perhaps Hydrocharis morsus-ranae - fr-en translation
  11. fr:Mánekenk - de:Haush - es:Haush - hr:Haush - perhaps Mánekenk, Manek'enk, Haush (Amerind tribe) - fr-en translation
  12. fr:Mètre pliant - da:Tommestok - de:Meterstab - sv:Tumstock - perhaps Folding meterstick (?) - fr-en translation
  13. fr:Mélitée orangée - de:Roter Scheckenfalter - lt:Smiltyninė šaškytė - nl:Tweekleurige parelmoervlinder - perhaps Melitaea didyma - fr-en translation
  14. fr:Nacré de la canneberge - de:Hochmoor-Perlmutterfalter - lt:Palinis perlinukas - nl:Veenbesparelmoervlinder - perhaps Boloria aquilonaris - fr-en translation
  15. fr:Nard (plante) - es:Nardus - lt:Briedgaurė - pt:Nardus - perhaps Nardus (genus of one species: Nardus strictus) - fr-en translation
  16. fr:Norbert Jacques - de:Norbert Jacques - es:Norbert Jacques - lb:Norbert Jacques - perhaps Norbert Jacques (Luxembourger writer) - fr-en translation
  17. fr:Ophrys noir - co:Ufridi niriccia - de:Schwarze Ragwurz - es:Ophrys incubacea - perhaps Ophrys incubacea - fr-en translation
  18. fr:Orchestre de chambre - de:Kammerorchester - es:Orquesta de cámara - pt:Música de câmara - perhaps Chamber orchestra (rd to orchestra) - fr-en translation
  19. fr:Orchis nain - cs:Vstaváček - de:Zwergstendel - sv:Dvärgyxne - perhaps Chamorchis alpina - fr-en translation
  20. fr:Organisation européenne de coopération économique - oc:Organisacion europenca de cooperacion economica - pl:Organizacja Europejskiej Współpracy Gospodarczej - sv:Organization for European Economic Cooperation - perhaps Organization for European Economic Co-operation, rd to its successor Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development - fr-en translation
  21. fr:Oseille des Alpes - cs:Šťovík alpský - de:Alpen-Ampfer - pl:Szczaw alpejski - perhaps Rumex alpinus - fr-en translation
  22. fr:Outplacement - de:Outplacement - nl:Outplacement - pt:Outplacement - perhaps Outplacement (blank page) - fr-en translation
  23. fr:Parc national du Stelvio - de:Nationalpark Stilfser Joch - it:Parco Nazionale dello Stelvio - nl:Nationaal Park Stelvio - perhaps Stelvio National Park - fr-en translation
  24. fr:Paride Grillo - de:Paride Grillo - it:Paride Grillo - nl:Paride Grillo - perhaps Paride Grillo (Italian cyclist) - fr-en translation
  25. fr:Patrimoine (finance) - de:Vermögen - nl:Vermogen (economie) - pt:Patrimônio - perhaps Patrimony (finance) - fr-en translation
  26. fr:Pays-Bas autrichiens - de:Österreichische Niederlande - nl:Oostenrijkse Nederlanden - wa:Bas Payis otrichyins - perhaps Austrian Netherlands, rd to Southern Netherlands - fr-en translation
  27. fr:Petite centaurée - de:Echtes Tausendgüldenkraut - es:Centaurium erythraea - nl:Echt duizendguldenkruid - perhaps Centaurium erythraea - fr-en translation
  28. fr:Philosopher - de:Philosophieren - eo:Filozofiado - ja:哲学する - perhaps Philosophizing (rd to philosophy) - fr-en translation
  29. fr:Pimpinella - de:Bibernellen - lt:Ožiažolė - nl:Bevernel - perhaps Pimpinella (genus) - fr-en translation
  30. fr:Pizzeria - da:Pizzeria - sv:Pizzeria - perhaps Pizzeria (rd to pizza) - fr-en translation
  31. fr:Ponor - bg:Понор - de:Ponor - pl:Ponor - perhaps Ponor (karst landform) - fr-en translation
  32. fr:Prêtres du Sacré-Cœur de Saint-Quentin - de:Dehonianer - lb:Häerz-Jesu Pateren - nl:Priestercongregatie van het Heilig Hart van Jezus - perhaps Priests of the Sacred Heart - fr-en translation
  33. fr:Raiponce en épi - da:Aks-Rapunsel - de:Ährige Teufelskralle - nl:Witte rapunzel - perhaps Phyteuma spicatum - fr-en translation
  34. fr:Ranunculus lingua - de:Zungen-Hahnenfuß - pl:Jaskier wielki - sv:Sjöranunkel - perhaps Ranunculus lingua - fr-en translation
  35. fr:Raymond Schwartz - cs:Raymond Schwartz - de:Raymond Schwartz - eo:Raymond Schwartz - perhaps Raymond Schwartz (writer in Esperanto) - fr-en translation
  36. fr:Rhètes - de:Räter - it:Reti - pl:Retowie - perhaps Raetians, rd to Raetia - fr-en translation
  37. fr:Richenthal - de:Richenthal - it:Richenthal - pt:Richenthal - perhaps Richenthal (rd to Reiden, merged municipalities) - fr-en translation
  38. fr:Rosier des champs - de:Rosa arvensis - pl:Róża polna - sv:Fältros - perhaps Rosa arvensis - fr-en translation
  39. fr:Royaume du Pont - de:Pontos (Königreich) - es:Reino del Ponto - ru:Понтийское царство - perhaps Kingdom of Pontus (rd to Pontus), see also List of Kings of Pontus - fr-en translation
  40. fr:Régions françaises classées par superficie - de:Liste der französischen Regionen nach Fläche - hr:Francuske regije po površini - sr:Региони Француске по површини - perhaps French regions ranked by area, included in Ranked list of French regions - fr-en translation
  41. fr:Saxe-Hildburghausen - de:Sachsen-Hildburghausen - nl:Saksen-Hildburghausen - pl:Sachsen-Hildburghausen - perhaps Saxe-Hildburghausen (rd to Hildburghausen (district), modern area corresponding to historical duchy) - fr-en translation
  42. fr:Serguei Youtkhevitch - de:Sergei Josifowitsch Jutkewitsch - lb:Sergei Josifowitsch Jutkewitsch - ru:Юткевич, Сергей Иосифович - perhaps Sergei Yutkevich (Soviet director) - fr-en translation
  43. fr:Siam - de:Siam - et:Siiam - sv:Siam - perhaps Siam (rd to Thailand) - fr-en translation
  44. fr:Stefan Lövgren - da:Stefan Lövgren - de:Stefan Lövgren - sv:Stefan Lövgren - perhaps Stefan Lövgren (Swedish handballer) - fr-en translation
  45. fr:Sylvandre - cs:Okáč medyňkový - de:Großer Waldportier - nl:Grote boswachter - perhaps Hipparchia fagi - fr-en translation
  46. fr:Tarpeia - de:Tarpeia - ja:タルペイア - pt:Tarpéia - perhaps Tarpeia (rd to Tarpeian Rock, where she died) - fr-en translation
  47. fr:Tarte au riz - de:Reisfladen - ksh:Riißflaade - nl:Rijstevlaai - perhaps Reisflade, Rijstevlaai, Rißflaade (Belgian food) - fr-en translation
  48. fr:Tikehau - ca:Tikehau - es:Tikehau - fi:Tikehau - perhaps Tikehau (atoll in French Polynesia) - fr-en translation
  49. fr:Trados - ja:TRADOS - ru:Trados - sv:Trados - perhaps Trados (computer translation company) - fr-en translation
  50. fr:Trichodes apiarius - de:Gemeiner Bienenkäfer - lt:Keršvabaliai - nl:Bijenwolf (kever) - perhaps Trichodes apiarius (beetle) - fr-en translation
  51. fr:Trégor - af:Trégor - br:Treger - ca:Bro Dreger - perhaps Trégor or Bro Dreger (region in Brittany) - fr-en translation
  52. fr:Vallée d'Aspe - an:Bal d'Aspe - es:Valle de Aspe - nl:Vallée d'Aspe - perhaps Vallée d'Aspe (valley in France) - fr-en translation
  53. fr:Vaporetto - de:Vaporetto - pl:Vaporetto - sv:Vaporetto - perhaps Vaporetto (Venetian transport) - fr-en translation
  54. fr:Véronique à longues feuilles - da:Langbladet Ærenpris - de:Langblättriger Blauweiderich - nl:Lange ereprijs - perhaps Veronica longifolia; Long-leaved Speedwell - fr-en translation
  55. fr:Zeuzère du poirier - cs:Drvopleň hrušňový - de:Blausieb - nl:Gestippelde houtvlinder - perhaps Zeuzera pyrina - fr-en translation
  56. fr:Écaille du plantain - de:Wegerichbär - lt:Juodmargė meškutė - nl:Weegbreebeer - perhaps Parasemia plantaginis - fr-en translation
  57. fr:Écaille fermière - de:Schwarzer Bär - lt:Baltamargė meškutė - nl:Roomvlek - perhaps Epicallia villica - fr-en translation

[edit] Stubs needing expansion

These were articles on the list which have been added and interwiki'd, but are far shorter than the French page and should be added to before being removed from this list.

[edit] 10

  1. fr:Tremble - da:Bævre-Asp (Populus tremula) - de:Espe (Pappel) - fi:Haapa - lt:Drebulė - nl:Ratelpopulier - no:Osp - pl:Topola osika - sv:Asp (träd) - tr:Titrek kavak - perhaps Common Aspen; Populus tremula- fr-en translation

[edit] 7

  1. fr:Torrox - de:Torrox - es:Torrox - it:Torrox - lb:Torrox - nl:Torrox - pt:Torrox - perhaps Torrox (Spain) - fr-en translation
  2. fr:Épipactis des marais - cs:Kruštík bahenní - de:Sumpf-Stendelwurz - es:Epipactis palustris - it:Epipactis palustris - lt:Pelkinis skiautalūpis - nl:Moeraswespenorchis - perhaps Epipactis palustris; Marsh Helleborine, Marsh Orchid - fr-en translation
  3. fr:Santo Domingo de la Calzada - es:Santo Domingo de la Calzada - eu:Ozkabarte - it:Santo Domingo de la Calzada - nl:Santo Domingo de la Calzada - pt:Santo Domingo de la Calzada - perhaps Santo Domingo de la Calzada (Spain) - fr-en translation

[edit] 5

  1. fr:Chablais - de:Chablais - frp:Le Chablès - nl:Chablais - sv:Chablais - perhaps Chablais (French historical province) - fr-en translation
  2. fr:Corminboeuf - de:Corminboeuf - it:Corminboeuf - pt:Corminboeuf - sv:Corminboeuf (kommun, CH-FR) - perhaps Corminboeuf - fr-en translation
  3. fr:Genêt des teinturiers - cs:Kručinka barvířská - da:Farve-Visse - de:Färber-Ginster - nl:Verfbrem - uk:Дрік красильний - perhaps Genista tinctoria - fr-en translation
  4. fr:Gentiane Asclépiade - de:Schwalbenwurz-Enzian - eo:Genciano asklepiada - oc:Gentiana asclepiadea - pl:Goryczka trojeściowa - perhaps Gentiana asclepiadea - fr-en translation
  5. fr:Le Glèbe - de:Le Glèbe - it:Le Glèbe - pt:Le Glèbe - sv:Le Glèbe (kommun, CH-FR) - perhaps Le Glèbe - fr-en translation
  6. fr:Le Mouret - de:Le Mouret - it:Le Mouret - pt:Le Mouret - sv:Le Mouret (kommun, CH-FR) - perhaps Le Mouret - fr-en translation
  7. fr:Matran - de:Matran - it:Matran - pt:Matran - sv:Matran (kommun, CH-FR) - perhaps Matran - fr-en translation
  8. fr:Orchis tacheté - es:Dactylorhiza maculata - it:Dactylorhiza maculata - lt:Dėmėtoji gegūnė - pl:Kukułka plamista - perhaps Dactylorhiza maculata; Heath Spotted Orchid, Moorland Spotted Orchid - fr-en translation
  9. fr:Saint-Aubin (Fribourg) - de:Saint-Aubin FR - it:Saint-Aubin (Friburgo) - nl:Saint-Aubin (Fribourg) - sv:St-Aubin (kommun, CH-FR) - perhaps Saint-Aubin, Fribourg - fr-en translation
  10. fr:Saxifrage paniculée - cs:Lomikámen vždyživý - de:Rispen-Steinbrech - nl:Trossteenbreek - pl:Skalnica gronkowa - perhaps Saxifraga paniculata - fr-en translation
  11. fr:Silène enflé - de:Taubenkropf-Leimkraut - it:Silene vulgaris - nl:Blaassilene - pl:Lepnica rozdęta - perhaps Silene vulgaris - fr-en translation
  12. fr:Ujście - de:Ujście - nl:Ujście - pl:Ujście (miasto) - ro:Ujście - perhaps Ujście (Poland) - fr-en translation
  13. fr:Épiaire des bois - cs:Čistec lesní - de:Wald-Ziest - nl:Bosandoorn - pl:Czyściec leśny - perhaps Stachys sylvatica - fr-en translation
  14. fr:Zhengyi Dao - de:Himmelsmeister - ja:正一教 - ru:Школа Истинного Единого - zh:正一道 - perhaps Zhengyi Dao (Taoist movement) - fr-en translation

[edit] 4

  1. fr:Autoroute italienne A1 - es:Autostrada del Sole - it:Autostrada del Sole - sv:A1 (motorväg, Italien) - perhaps A1 (Italy) - fr-en translation
  2. fr:Bas-Vully - de:Bas-Vully - it:Bas-Vully - sv:Bas-Vully (kommun, CH-FR) - perhaps Bas-Vully - fr-en translation
  3. fr:Bernadette Lafont - de:Bernadette Lafont - it:Bernadette Lafont - lb:Bernadette Lafont - perhaps Bernadette Lafont - fr-en translation
  4. fr:Cochléaire officinale - de:Löffelkraut - nl:Echt lepelblad - sv:Vanlig skörbjuggsört - perhaps Cochlearia officinalis - fr-en translation
  5. fr:Cymbalaire des murs - da:Vedbend-Torskemund - de:Zimbelkraut - es:Cymbalaria muralis - perhaps Cymbalaria muralis - fr-en translation
  6. fr:E01 - nl:Europese weg 1 - no:Europavei 1 - sv:E1 - perhaps European route E01 - fr-en translation
  7. fr:Haut-Vully - de:Haut-Vully - it:Haut-Vully - sv:Haut-Vully (kommun, CH-FR) - perhaps Haut-Vully - fr-en translation
  8. fr:Jan Svorada - de:Jan Svorada - es:Jan Svorada - nl:Jan Svorada - perhaps Jan Svorada (Czech cyclist) - fr-en translation
  9. fr:Monte San Giorgio - de:Monte San Giorgio - it:Monte San Giorgio - nl:Monte San Giorgio - perhaps Monte San Giorgio (mountain in Switzerland) - fr-en translation
  10. fr:Nax - de:Nax - it:Nax - pt:Nax - perhaps Nax - fr-en translation
  11. fr:Nendaz - de:Nendaz - it:Nendaz - pt:Nendaz - perhaps Nendaz - fr-en translation
  12. fr:Ophrys bourdon - cs:Tořič čmelákovitý - de:Hummel-Ragwurz - es:Ophrys holoserica - perhaps Ophrys fuciflora - fr-en translation
  13. fr:Przedecz - nl:Przedecz - pl:Przedecz - ro:Przedecz - perhaps Przedecz (Poland) - fr-en translation
  14. fr:Raciąż - nl:Raciąż - pl:Raciąż - ro:Raciąż - perhaps Raciąż (Poland) - fr-en translation
  15. fr:Redecilla del Camino - es:Redecilla del Camino - it:Redecilla del Camino - pt:Redecilla del Camino - perhaps Redecilla del Camino (Spain) - fr-en translation
  16. fr:République du Yucatán - ca:República de Yucatán - es:República de Yucatán - nl:Republiek Yucatán - perhaps Republic of Yucatán or Republic of the Yucatán, merged into Yucatán (history section) - fr-en translation
  17. fr:Rogoźno - nl:Rogoźno - pl:Rogoźno - ro:Rogoźno - perhaps Rogoźno (Poland) - fr-en translation
  18. fr:Romont (Fribourg) - de:Romont FR - it:Romont (Friburgo) - sv:Romont (kommun, CH-FR) - perhaps Romont, Fribourg - fr-en translation
  19. fr:Rue (Fribourg) - de:Rue FR - it:Rue (Svizzera) - sv:Rue (kommun, CH-FR) - perhaps Rue, Switzerland - fr-en translation
  20. fr:Saint-Blaise (Neuchâtel) - de:Saint-Blaise NE - it:Saint-Blaise (Svizzera) - sv:Saint-Blaise (kommun, CH-NE) - perhaps Saint-Blaise, Neuchâtel - fr-en translation
  21. fr:Tierzo - es:Tierzo - it:Tierzo - pt:Tierzo - perhaps Tierzo (Spain) - fr-en translation
  22. fr:Timple - da:Timple - de:Timple - es:Timple - perhaps Timple (musical instrument) - fr-en translation
  23. fr:Traité de Copenhague - de:Frieden von Kopenhagen - hu:Koppenhágai béke - sv:Freden i Köpenhamn - perhaps Treaty of Copenhagen - fr-en translation
  24. fr:Véronique des ruisseaux - de:Bachbunge - nl:Beekpunge - sv:Bäckveronika - perhaps Brooklime - fr-en translation
  25. fr:Véronique à feuilles de lierre - de:Efeu-Ehrenpreis - nl:Klimopereprijs - sv:Murgrönsveronika - perhaps Veronica hederifolia; Ivy-leaved Speedwell - fr-en translation
  26. fr:Vesce des haies - cs:Vikev plotní - de:Zaun-Wicke - nl:Heggenwikke - perhaps Vicia sepium - fr-en translation
  27. fr:Villafranca Montes de Oca - es:Villafranca Montes de Oca - it:Villafranca Montes de Oca - pt:Villafranca Montes de Oca - perhaps Villafranca Montes de Oca (Spain) - fr-en translation

[edit] Suggestions for non-inclusion

This has been listed since October 2005 without any progress, so moved here.

  1. fr:Dogmes catholiques - de:Dogmatik - et:Dogmaatika - fi:Dogmatiikka - lb:Dogmatik - nl:Dogmatiek - sv:Dogmatik - perhaps Catholic dogma - fr-en translation
    1. It seems, based on my limited knowledge of the languages, that these articles are all about Catholic dogmata (or perhaps Christian in general for some?). Is this correct? I'm particularly fuzzy on the Estonian and Finnish ones. Ardric47 00:10, 7 June 2006 (UTC)
    2. fr:Dogme gives us some clarification: "Pour son sens religieux, voir l'article Dogmes catholiques"... so, it's catholic dogma (lowercase 'c'). I think the best translation would be religious dogma in English... we could do catholic dogma... but we tend to use Catholic in terms of Roman Catholic. gren グレン 18:12, 11 July 2006 (UTC)
      1. I wouldn't use religious dogma, as it is clearly Christian, though not exclusively Catholic. How about Christian dogma? Rigadoun (talk) 15:58, 21 August 2007 (UTC)
      2. In my opinion, the article is about (Roman) Catholic Dogma. The section catholic dogma talks about how the dogmata are shared by many Christian churches and the schisms that disagreement with some of these caused. This section concludes with the separation of Roman Catholics and the Orthodox Churches. The next section, specifically addresses Roman Catholic dogmata.Charles Ben Ami 12:28, 27 October 2007 (UTC)