Wikipedia:WikiProject Medicine/Article rating

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Old article rating page
Quality log
Articles by importance
Top High Mid Low None Total
Featured article FA 2 21 16 5 44
Featured list FL 2 2 4
A 2 2 1 5
Good article GA 5 22 30 17 74
B 48 351 715 393 1 1508
Start 7 240 1755 2196 8 4206
Stub 7 1104 4337 1771 7219
List 6 84 72 1 163
Assessed 64 649 3707 7022 1781 13223
Unassessed 13 13
Total 64 649 3707 7022 1794 13236

Contact with WP Medicine
See also: assessed article categories. Last update: June 10, 2008

Contact with WP Medicine
Article Import Date Assess Ver Comments
Lung cancer [1] Top September 30, 2007 Featured article FA
Tuberculosis [2] Top March 14, 2007 Featured article FA
Acute myeloid leukemia [3] High March 14, 2007 Featured article FA
Antioxidant [4] High March 10, 2007 Featured article FA
Asthma [5] High March 14, 2007 Featured article FA
Autism [6] High August 16, 2007 Featured article FA
Bacteria [7] High March 14, 2007 Featured article FA
Bupropion [8] High February 18, 2008 Featured article FA
Coeliac disease [9] High March 26, 2007 Featured article FA
DNA [10] High March 14, 2007 Featured article FA
Genetics [11] High March 26, 2008 Featured article FA
Helicobacter pylori [12] High March 14, 2007 Featured article FA 0.5
Hippocrates [13] High January 11, 2007 Featured article FA
Immune system [14] High March 14, 2007 Featured article FA
Influenza [15] High January 2, 2007 Featured article FA
Menstrual cycle [16] High March 14, 2007 Featured article FA 0.5
Multiple sclerosis [17] High March 14, 2007 Featured article FA 0.5
Paracetamol [18] High March 14, 2007 Featured article FA 0.5
Pneumonia [19] High March 14, 2007 Featured article FA 0.5
Poliomyelitis [20] High November 20, 2007 Featured article FA
Prostate cancer [21] High March 14, 2007 Featured article FA 0.5
Rotavirus [22] High March 18, 2008 Featured article FA
Schizophrenia [23] High March 14, 2007 Featured article FA 0.5
Action potential [24] Mid August 29, 2006 Featured article FA 0.5
Alaska Mental Health Enabling Act [25] Mid August 25, 2007 Featured article FA
Anabolic steroid [26] Mid October 11, 2007 Featured article FA
Asperger syndrome [27] Mid August 29, 2006 Featured article FA 0.5
Chagas disease [28] Mid August 29, 2006 Featured article FA 0.5
Cholangiocarcinoma [29] Mid April 30, 2007 Featured article FA
Cystic fibrosis [30] Mid March 14, 2007 Featured article FA 0.5
DNA repair [31] Mid March 14, 2007 Featured article FA 0.5
Down syndrome [32] Mid March 14, 2007 Featured article FA 0.5
Keratoconus [33] Mid March 14, 2007 Featured article FA 0.5
Médecins Sans Frontières [34] Mid March 14, 2007 Featured article FA 0.5
Oxygen [35] Mid February 10, 2008 Featured article FA 0.5
Paleolithic diet [36] Mid March 8, 2008 Featured article FA
Sertraline [37] Mid May 10, 2008 Featured article FA
Tourette syndrome [38] Mid March 14, 2007 Featured article FA 0.5
Treatment of multiple sclerosis [39] Mid November 20, 2007 Featured article FA
Baby Gender Mentor [40] Low March 14, 2007 Featured article FA
Cerebellum [41] Low March 14, 2007 Featured article FA 0.5
Paul Nobuo Tatsuguchi [42] Low May 20, 2008 Featured article FA
Tooth development [43] Low March 14, 2007 Featured article FA 0.5
Tooth enamel [44] Low March 14, 2007 Featured article FA 0.5
List of medical schools in the United Kingdom [45] Mid March 3, 2008 Featured list FL
Timeline of peptic ulcer disease and Helicobacter pylori [46] Mid May 4, 2008 Featured list FL
List of brain tumor patients [47] Low May 4, 2008 Featured list FL 1.0
Timeline of tuberous sclerosis [48] Low May 4, 2008 Featured list FL
Malaria [49] Top October 28, 2007 A
Myocardial infarction [50] Top December 28, 2006 A 0.5
Sickle-cell disease [51] High May 12, 2007 A 0.5
Tay-Sachs disease [52] High May 16, 2007 A 0.5
Folic acid [53] Mid January 22, 2008 A
Blood pressure [54] Top July 10, 2007 Good article GA
Blood type [55] Top December 29, 2006 Good article GA
Cancer [56] Top March 14, 2007 Good article GA
Hypertension [57] Top July 10, 2007 Good article GA
International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement [58] Top April 28, 2007 Good article GA
Alzheimer's disease [59] High December 7, 2006 Good article GA
Ambulance [60] High June 16, 2007 Good article GA
Antibody [61] High December 13, 2007 Good article GA
Aspirin [62] High May 31, 2008 Good article GA
Borderline personality disorder [63] High November 23, 2007 Good article GA
Brain [64] High March 14, 2007 Good article GA
Clinical psychology [65] High February 14, 2008 Good article GA
Concussion [66] High March 8, 2008 Good article GA
HIV [67] High May 18, 2007 Good article GA
Hepatitis B virus [68] High November 26, 2007 Good article GA
Hepatocellular carcinoma [69] High May 16, 2007 Good article GA
Herpes simplex [70] High March 15, 2008 Good article GA
Human genome [71] High January 2, 2007 Good article GA
Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 [72] High June 16, 2007 Good article GA
Insulin [73] High June 16, 2007 Good article GA
Lyme disease [74] High February 28, 2007 Good article GA 0.5
Measles [75] High May 16, 2007 Good article GA
Pathology [76] High March 26, 2007 Good article GA
Prion [77] High October 24, 2007 Good article GA
Rabies [78] High March 10, 2007 Good article GA
Virus [79] High December 13, 2007 Good article GA
Vitamin C [80] High March 12, 2007 Good article GA
2007 Bernard Matthews H5N1 outbreak [81] Mid March 14, 2007 Good article GA
Amino acid [82] Mid March 14, 2007 Good article GA
Black Death [83] Mid March 10, 2007 Good article GA
Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis [84] Mid April 21, 2008 Good article GA
Chronic granulomatous disease [85] Mid May 10, 2007 Good article GA
Color blindness [86] Mid May 10, 2007 Good article GA 0.5
Crohn's disease [87] Mid March 14, 2007 Good article GA
Emergency psychiatry [88] Mid July 16, 2007 Good article GA
Familial hypercholesterolemia [89] Mid May 17, 2008 Good article GA
Fetal alcohol syndrome [90] Mid April 12, 2007 Good article GA
Frances Oldham Kelsey [91] Mid March 10, 2007 Good article GA
Henoch-Schönlein purpura [92] Mid April 15, 2008 Good article GA
Henrietta Lacks [93] Mid May 16, 2007 Good article GA
Homeopathy [94] Mid October 28, 2007 Good article GA
Introduction to virus [95] Mid March 21, 2008 Good article GA
Nutrition [96] Mid June 1, 2007 Good article GA
Osteonecrosis of the jaw [97] Mid December 13, 2007 Good article GA
Osteopathic medicine in the United States [98] Mid December 24, 2007 Good article GA
Percy Lavon Julian [99] Mid May 26, 2007 Good article GA
Post-concussion syndrome [100] Mid June 7, 2008 Good article GA
Prostatitis [101] Mid November 7, 2007 Good article GA
Protein [102] Mid February 5, 2008 Good article GA
Rhabdomyolysis [103] Mid February 27, 2008 Good article GA
Self-injury [104] Mid December 13, 2007 Good article GA
Subarachnoid hemorrhage [105] Mid May 27, 2008 Good article GA
Subcutaneous emphysema [106] Mid May 20, 2008 Good article GA
Tooth [107] Mid July 7, 2007 Good article GA
Vacutainer [108] Mid May 16, 2007 Good article GA
Wilson's disease [109] Mid June 7, 2008 Good article GA
Yellow fever [110] Mid May 16, 2007 Good article GA
Animal testing [111] Low March 26, 2008 Good article GA
Arp2/3 complex [112] Low March 14, 2007 Good article GA
Carl Tanzler [113] Low May 18, 2007 Good article GA
Earwax [114] Low May 18, 2007 Good article GA
Endoscopic foreign body retrieval [115] Low May 16, 2007 Good article GA
Forensic facial reconstruction [116] Low May 16, 2007 Good article GA
HIV/AIDS in Brazil [117] Low May 16, 2007 Good article GA
Hepatorenal syndrome [118] Low May 16, 2007 Good article GA
John Benjamin Murphy [119] Low June 7, 2008 Good article GA
Leonardo da Vinci [120] Low March 8, 2008 Good article GA
Leopard syndrome [121] Low April 15, 2008 Good article GA
Mitochondrion [122] Low January 22, 2008 Good article GA
Renal tubular acidosis [123] Low May 30, 2007 Good article GA
Robinow syndrome [124] Low May 10, 2007 Good article GA
Schatzki ring [125] Low May 18, 2007 Good article GA
Spanish flu [126] Low May 16, 2007 Good article GA
Terri Schiavo [127] Low May 18, 2007 Good article GA
AIDS [128] Top May 20, 2008 B
Allergy [129] Top December 30, 2007 B
Antibiotic [130] Top July 10, 2007 B
Birth control [131] Top April 28, 2007 B
Blindness [132] Top July 10, 2007 B
Blood [133] Top August 16, 2007 B
Bone fracture [134] Top July 10, 2007 B
Breast cancer [135] Top May 24, 2007 B
Burn [136] Top July 10, 2007 B
Cardiovascular disease [137] Top February 5, 2008 B
Cataract [138] Top July 31, 2007 B
Cervical cancer [139] Top July 10, 2007 B
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease [140] Top October 14, 2007 B
Cirrhosis [141] Top July 13, 2007 B
Colorectal cancer [142] Top May 24, 2007 B
Combined oral contraceptive pill [143] Top November 23, 2007 B
Coronary catheterization [144] Top July 10, 2007 B
Death [145] Top May 30, 2007 B
Dementia [146] Top February 10, 2008 B
Dentistry [147] Top December 30, 2007 B
Diabetes mellitus [148] Top May 10, 2007 B
Diabetes mellitus type 1 [149] Top July 10, 2007 B
Diarrhea [150] Top July 10, 2007 B
Disease [151] Top April 28, 2007 B
Electroencephalography [152] Top August 13, 2007 B
Epilepsy [153] Top October 24, 2007 B
Evidence-based medicine [154] Top February 10, 2008 B
Gastroenteritis [155] Top December 30, 2007 B
Hay fever [156] Top September 15, 2007 B
Health care [157] Top November 20, 2007 B
Heart disease [158] Top December 16, 2007 B
Hormone [159] Top February 14, 2008 B
Human anatomy [160] Top December 30, 2007 B
Infectious disease [161] Top August 31, 2007 B
Leprosy [162] Top October 24, 2007 B
Medicine [163] Top April 28, 2007 B
Meningitis [164] Top August 7, 2007 B 0.5
Neurology [165] Top December 30, 2007 B
Ophthalmology [166] Top December 30, 2007 B
Pharmacology [167] Top January 22, 2008 B
Physician [168] Top December 30, 2007 B
Pregnancy [169] Top November 23, 2007 B
Race and health [170] Top March 10, 2007 B
Skin cancer [171] Top February 18, 2008 B
Stroke [172] Top August 25, 2007 B 0.5
Suicide [173] Top November 23, 2007 B
Surgery [174] Top March 26, 2008 B
Traumatic brain injury [175] Top January 20, 2008 B
Aciclovir [176] High December 19, 2007 B
Acoustic neuroma [177] High November 15, 2007 B
Acute coronary syndrome [178] High January 7, 2008 B
Acute lymphoblastic leukemia [179] High October 24, 2007 B
Alcoholism [180] High February 14, 2008 B
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis [181] High July 16, 2007 B
Analgesic [182] High January 7, 2008 B
Anaphylaxis [183] High October 14, 2007 B
Anemia [184] High March 10, 2007 B
Anesthesia [185] High November 15, 2007 B
Aneuploidy [186] High December 2, 2007 B
Aneurysm [187] High January 22, 2008 B
Anorexia nervosa [188] High November 23, 2007 B
Anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction [189] High October 11, 2007 B
Anti-diabetic drug [190] High November 20, 2007 B
Anti-streptolysin O [191] High April 15, 2008 B
Antibiotic resistance [192] High January 7, 2008 B
Antidepressant [193] High January 22, 2008 B
Antipsychotic [194] High November 20, 2007 B
Antiviral drug [195] High February 18, 2008 B
Appendicitis [196] High November 20, 2007 B
Arthroscopy [197] High October 11, 2007 B
Artificial limb [198] High August 4, 2007 B
Asbestosis [199] High July 10, 2007 B
Asclepius [200] High January 20, 2008 B
Assisted reproductive technology [201] High December 2, 2007 B
Atherosclerosis [202] High November 20, 2007 B
Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder/Archive 6 High May 13, 2008 B
Atypical antipsychotic [203] High February 18, 2008 B
Autoimmunity [204] High October 24, 2007 B
Autopsy [205] High February 19, 2007 B
Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery [206] High July 10, 2007 B
Basal cell carcinoma [207] High July 10, 2007 B
Bedwetting [208] High December 30, 2007 B
Benign prostatic hyperplasia [209] High December 2, 2007 B
Biochemistry [210] High February 5, 2008 B
Bipolar disorder [211] High November 23, 2007 B
Bleeding [212] High November 20, 2007 B
Blood donation [213] High November 20, 2007 B
Blood sugar [214] High August 19, 2007 B
Blood test [215] High December 16, 2007 B
Blood transfusion [216] High December 10, 2006 B
Blunt trauma [217] High July 10, 2007 B
Bone marrow examination [218] High July 10, 2007 B
Botulism [219] High November 2, 2007 B
Breast [220] High July 7, 2007 B
Breast cancer screening [221] High October 24, 2007 B
Breast cancer treatment [222] High October 24, 2007 B
Bronchiectasis [223] High October 14, 2007 B
Bruise [224] High July 10, 2007 B
Bulimia nervosa [225] High December 5, 2007 B
Caesarean section [226] High December 21, 2007 B
Cannabis [227] High March 10, 2007 B
Car accident [228] High February 18, 2008 B
Car accident/Archive 1 High February 18, 2008 B
Carbon monoxide poisoning [229] High November 29, 2007 B
Carcinogenesis [230] High December 13, 2007 B
Cardiac arrest [231] High January 22, 2008 B
Cardiac muscle [232] High July 19, 2007 B
Cardiopulmonary bypass [233] High July 10, 2007 B
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation [234] High December 13, 2007 B
Carpal tunnel syndrome [235] High December 8, 2007 B
Cell biology [236] High February 5, 2008 B
Cervix [237] High November 23, 2007 B
Chemotherapy [238] High July 10, 2007 B
Chickenpox [239] High December 13, 2007 B
Childbirth [240] High December 13, 2007 B
Childhood obesity [241] High February 5, 2008 B
Chlamydia infection [242] High February 18, 2008 B
Cholera [243] High November 23, 2007 B
Cholesterol [244] High November 23, 2007 B
Chronic fatigue syndrome [245] High December 8, 2007 B
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia [246] High October 24, 2007 B
Chronic myelogenous leukemia [247] High October 24, 2007 B
Chronic pain [248] High January 7, 2008 B
Circumcision [249] High February 5, 2008 B
Clinical death [250] High July 10, 2007 B
Clopidogrel [251] High January 22, 2008 B
Clubbing [252] High July 10, 2007 B
Coagulation [253] High August 31, 2007 B
Cocaine [254] High November 23, 2007 B
Cochlear implant [255] High April 15, 2008 B
Colonoscopy [256] High July 13, 2007 B
Coma [257] High November 26, 2007 B
Common cold [258] High July 10, 2007 B
Congenital disorder [259] High February 18, 2008 B
Coronary artery bypass surgery [260] High January 22, 2008 B
Coronary artery disease [261] High April 15, 2008 B
Coroner [262] High July 10, 2007 B
Crack cocaine [263] High December 8, 2007 B
Cushing's syndrome [264] High July 10, 2007 B
Dandruff [265] High December 13, 2007 B
Declaration of Helsinki [266] High December 5, 2007 B
Deep vein thrombosis [267] High December 2, 2007 B
Defibrillation [268] High July 13, 2007 B
Delirium tremens [269] High December 13, 2007 B
Dermatology [270] High December 2, 2007 B
Diabetes management [271] High December 13, 2007 B
Diabetes mellitus type 2 [272] High January 22, 2008 B
Diabetic ketoacidosis [273] High December 2, 2007 B
Diagnosis [274] High February 5, 2008 B
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders [275] High July 10, 2007 B
Dialysis [276] High December 13, 2007 B
Disability [277] High February 2, 2008 B
Diverticulitis [278] High February 5, 2008 B
Drowning [279] High December 13, 2007 B
Drug [280] High February 18, 2008 B
Drug abuse [281] High December 2, 2007 B
Drug addiction [282] High November 22, 2006 B
Drug-eluting stent [283] High July 13, 2007 B
Dyslexia [284] High February 18, 2008 B
Dysphagia [285] High July 10, 2007 B
Ebola [286] High November 2, 2007 B
Ectopic pregnancy [287] High November 23, 2007 B
Electrocardiogram [288] High May 2, 2007 B
Emphysema [289] High August 7, 2007 B
Endocrinology [290] High December 13, 2007 B
Endometriosis [291] High December 16, 2007 B
Erectile dysfunction [292] High December 16, 2007 B
Esomeprazole [293] High February 18, 2008 B
Esophageal cancer [294] High October 11, 2007 B
Estrogen [295] High December 30, 2007 B
Etanercept [296] High February 18, 2008 B
Euthanasia [297] High February 12, 2007 B
Experimental cancer treatment [298] High December 16, 2007 B
Fatigue (medical) [299] High December 13, 2007 B
Fetus [300] High December 21, 2007 B
Fever [301] High September 7, 2007 B
Fibromyalgia [302] High December 8, 2007 B
First aid [303] High November 23, 2007 B
Food allergy [304] High December 16, 2007 B
Food intolerance [305] High December 16, 2007 B
Foodborne illness [306] High December 16, 2007 B
Gallstone [307] High December 16, 2007 B
Gastric bypass surgery [308] High December 19, 2007 B
Gene therapy [309] High January 12, 2007 B
General anaesthesia [310] High December 16, 2007 B
General practitioner [311] High December 16, 2007 B
Generic drug [312] High February 23, 2008 B
Genetic disorder [313] High December 8, 2007 B
Genetic testing [314] High December 8, 2007 B
Gestational diabetes [315] High November 23, 2007 B
Glaucoma [316] High October 3, 2006 B
Gout [317] High December 13, 2007 B
HPV vaccine [318] High December 19, 2007 B
Health [319] High October 24, 2007 B
Health disparities [320] High January 22, 2008 B
Healthy diet [321] High December 13, 2007 B
Hearing impairment [322] High April 28, 2007 B
Heart [323] High April 28, 2007 B
Heart failure [324] High April 4, 2007 B
Heart transplantation [325] High December 16, 2007 B
Hemodialysis [326] High January 10, 2008 B
Hemoglobin [327] High November 12, 2007 B
Hepatitis [328] High August 4, 2007 B
Hepatitis A [329] High December 16, 2007 B
Hepatitis C [330] High December 16, 2007 B
Hepatitis C/co-infection with HIV [331] High December 16, 2007 B
Hepatology [332] High October 24, 2007 B
Hernia [333] High December 16, 2007 B
Heroin [334] High November 23, 2007 B
Herpes zoster [335] High January 20, 2008 B
Hiatus hernia [336] High October 24, 2007 B
Hip dysplasia (canine) [337] High August 4, 2007 B
Hip fracture [338] High December 16, 2007 B
History of medicine [339] High July 22, 2007 B
Hodgkin's lymphoma [340] High June 20, 2007 B
Hormone replacement therapy (menopause) [341] High December 16, 2007 B
Hospital [342] High October 24, 2007 B
Human papillomavirus [343] High November 23, 2007 B
Human sexual behavior [344] High November 23, 2007 B
Hypercholesterolemia [345] High January 22, 2008 B
Hyperlipidemia [346] High December 16, 2007 B
Hypersensitivity [347] High January 20, 2008 B
Hypoglycemia [348] High January 7, 2008 B
Hyposensitization [349] High December 2, 2007 B
Hysterectomy [350] High February 14, 2008 B
Illness [351] High December 13, 2007 B
Immunity (medical) [352] High March 4, 2007 B
Infant formula [353] High March 21, 2008 B
Infertility [354] High December 30, 2007 B
Inflammation [355] High April 16, 2007 B
Infliximab [356] High February 18, 2008 B
Insulin resistance [357] High January 26, 2008 B
Intestine [358] High October 24, 2007 B
Irritable bowel syndrome [359] High July 16, 2007 B
Ischaemic heart disease [360] High March 3, 2008 B
Kidney [361] High June 18, 2007 B
Kidney stone [362] High December 13, 2007 B
Kidney transplantation [363] High November 23, 2007 B
Knee replacement [364] High October 11, 2007 B
LASIK [365] High December 19, 2007 B
Late-term abortion [366] High July 10, 2007 B
Lead poisoning [367] High January 26, 2008 B
Leukemia [368] High October 24, 2007 B
Low back pain [369] High November 23, 2007 B
Low vision [370] High December 16, 2007 B
Lower gastrointestinal series [371] High July 10, 2007 B
Lower respiratory tract infection [372] High January 20, 2008 B
Lumbar puncture [373] High May 31, 2008 B
Lymphoma [374] High November 29, 2007 B
MMR vaccine [375] High January 7, 2008 B
Magnetic resonance imaging [376] High May 2, 2007 B
Major depressive disorder [377] High November 2, 2007 B 0.5
Mammography [378] High January 10, 2008 B
Mechanical ventilation [379] High October 14, 2007 B
Medical error [380] High July 10, 2007 B
Medical ethics [381] High February 5, 2008 B
Medical prescription [382] High September 15, 2007 B
Medical school [383] High March 8, 2007 B
Medical ultrasonography [384] High December 30, 2007 B
Medicare (United States) [385] High April 15, 2008 B
Melanoma [386] High January 26, 2008 B
Menopause [387] High November 29, 2007 B
Menorrhagia [388] High November 29, 2007 B
Mental disorder [389] High November 23, 2007 B
Mental health professional [390] High November 29, 2007 B
Mesothelioma [391] High May 26, 2007 B
Metabolic syndrome [392] High January 22, 2008 B
Metastasis [393] High February 18, 2008 B
Methamphetamine [394] High November 23, 2007 B
Microorganism [395] High February 14, 2008 B
Midwifery [396] High December 13, 2007 B
Migraine [397] High July 22, 2007 B
Multi-infarct dementia [398] High January 20, 2008 B
See also: assessed article categories. Last update: